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LAP-BAND Patients
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Blog Comments posted by BubblyBandit

  1. I think that the fist comment is a little insensitive. First they are not banded. It is easy to say you'll follow the rules to a tee when you are not in the game yet. Second you cannot live your whole life with out a few splurges. We are only human and cannot be perfect all the time. A few splurges are not going to hurt your chances of succes but help your sanity.

    Because lets face it once you banded you are not normal anymore. If you want to enjoy some ice cream with the family once a week that is ok, or some birthday cake on a special occasion. Or maybe there's just one thing that is hard for you to give up because it's your favorite. As long as your making healthy choice in every other area then youll be just fine.

  2. I'm sorry you have had this experience with the lap band. I do have a suggestion though. It sounds to me that you are very stressed out at the moment and have been since the passing of your husband. I am sorry to hear about your husbands death that must have been a monumental loss for you and also a huge stressor along with unemployment, the stress of having to go out in the unappealing dating scene, and undergoing major WLS with no signs of a loss. I do know that our bodies do react to this stress and alot of the times the stress shows up in our stomaches. The point I am trying to make is that maybe you are having trouble with your band due to stress. I mean you said it yourself when your husband died you lost weight because stress caused you not to feel hungry. My thoughts are that with all this stress on you and then adding in the lap band you are very restricted even with out a fill and your stomach is taking out lifes stresses on your band and also causing your body to hold on to the weight.

    I do believe you want to try and loss weight with the lap band and it isn't your fault that you are having trouble. I also do belive that the lap band does work! And it will work for you!

    My opionion is that you do not have the band taken out, but you do put weight loss on hold for the moment and work on your life to eradicate these stressors. Seek spirtual guidance, exersise, talk to friends and family about your husbands death. I do not know how far you are in the bearvement process but doing these things will help with it. As for the unemployment I do not believe that they will not hire you for the reasons you have stated. There maybe some companies out there but The economy is tough right now and many people are having trouble finding jobs whether they are fat or thin. You will find a job but maybe since you are unemployed you should take up a hobby or an activity that you have always wanted to learn and enjoy it and let it relief stress for you.

    As for getting back in the dating scene you have plenty of time for that. There are men out there that are only in it for looks but alot of men could care less if you are fat. I mean you are a pretty woman. What a man won't want is a woman in an unstable place who is bitter and stressed....I don't mean your are bitter but it's hard not to be when life takes us through hell.

    When you have worked on all of these things and gotten life to a more normal stable place than I suggest going back to losing weight and I can almost guarentee that your lap band will work for you instead of agianst you.

    I hope I helped. If you would like to talk more just shot me a message.

  3. 40lbs in five months is amazing! That is 8lbs a month and 2lbs a week! That is how much you are supposed to lose with the band! I just think of it this way when I feel like its not falling off fast enough. If you continue to lose the way you are in 7 months, which will be your 1 year anniversary you will be down 56lbs more!!! That is 96lbs for the year!!! That is amazing!!

  4. If your not happy forget about it....He should be taking care of you...to an extent!! You are a new person and about to go into college!!! I am so jealous! I just graduated college this month and I wish to God I would of had the lap band done before I went to college...I had alot of fun and you met sooooooooo many new and exciting people...and boys...but I wish I was in your shoes and had the weight off before I went instead of gaining 55lbs....oh watch out for the college weight gain...it happens to the best of us even though I promised myself it wouldn't happen...it did...there are alot of late night pizza and breakfast eating...and drinkin :tongue2: Just make sure you walk walk walk walk around campus and to class if possible and you will keep the weight off!!! Also, Have lots of fun...it goes by really quickly.

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