donna, my heart goes out to you. You truly do understand. Big hugs hon, hopefully we can get it through it together and maybe they will be proud of us for finding our strengths when we really needed it. love , Kat
I had a very similar situation so you are not alone. My father became ill on Nov of last year but never did I think he was going to get sick to the point of hospice. I was scheduled for surgery on March 3 with my Upper gi scheduled for Feb 13th. On Feb 1 or so we started a bedside vigil with my dad and hospice. I had to cancel my upper gi on Feb 13 because my dad passed away on Feb 12th. I had to reschedule my surgery which I had on 3/24 and i am doing well. I know that empty feeling that you have since I was also so preoccupied with my dad. We will get through this and in the end we both will be better people. I will keep you in my prayers.
My friend keeps telling me there is no feel that tastes better than skinny feels. Lets see if she is right......
I was banded on Tuesday and came home on Wed on Liquids. I am going to the doctor on Thursday April 2 and I am trying to stick with 4oz an hour but find myself having a hard time. I am not spacing it out enough and then I get thursty and drink 3-4 oz and then have chest pains.