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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Emmanuel92

  1. HEEEYY!!!!!!!!!!!!!! imy! how have you been hun?

  2. sorry im soooooo late! but i havent been on here in the longessssst! im doing good.... im not banded i decided im getting gastric bypass maybe in july or aug im not sure yet but yea, how are you!?

  3. how are you doing?!

  4. HEY AMBER ! thanks for thinking of me hunny ! sorry i'm a lil' late i haven't been on here much, really down & stuff =[

    but i did another appeal yesterday ! & my mom wrote them a letter this time ! so lets see if that changes their freakin' minds lol

    & yes she has ! i called her the other day she has been pretty busy w/ schoool & stuff last time i talked to her she told me she was studying for finals & she'd call me back but she never did lol ! she is pretty busy though i understand college can be a pain in the ass ! lol

    how have you been ?! how much have you lost so far ?

  5. WOW CONGRATS ! when were you banded ?

    & thankss :)

  6. How much have you lost ? & will keep you posted ! ;)



    & thanks soo much :D !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  7. HEY AMBER ! i been very down lately, my surgery was canceled, the surgeon told me it was free but its not the surgery is but not the hospital stay so im waiting for insurance company to tell me if they are going to pay for the hospital stay i just been very down my friend died so that too. & its just sooo much going on.

    but anyway, how are you ? =]

  8. yea i've been really depressed lately & i haven't been on LBT as much as i use to cause of this whole mess i have right now, but i will fight & i won't give up til' i have my band i will keep you updated though, thanks for checking on me !


  9. hey hunny im on EVERYDAY ! lol i dont know what time is that case right now its 6:11pm down here idk about you down there but im on EVERYDAY hunny ! i actually on right now i always on at that time also what time are you in Central, Eastern ?

  10. Emmanuel92


    i love this picture, you look fabulous !
  11. Well im currently 317 (probably more because im eating more now that i know im getting the band, hehehe) & im 5'10 ! im getting band Jan 19th ! are you banded ?

  12. Thanks soooo much !

    oh really how did it go ?, how much have you lost since surgery ? & how tall & much did you weigh before surgery ?

  13. Emmanuel92

    Before Surgery

  14. Emmanuel92

    Me at my heaviest 317 ! Dec 08

    From the album: Before Surgery

  15. Hey girl happy new year !

  16. HEY! I'm Emmanuel 16 years old, From New Jersey & i would like to know if anyone else is getting banded Jan 19th ? & what are you doing to make time go by faster !? WHAT DO I DO !? The days feel like there going by as months ! How can i handle this ? & im also more anxious because i had blood work done 2 days ago & i dont know how it came out ? What do i do to prepare myself ? how do i manage to make time go by faster, & be more calm ? HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  17. Emmanuel92

    Goal baby.. give me plastics PLEASE!

    WOW you look GREAT ! did you have a tummy tuck done ?
  18. Thanks so much, I really appreciate your support & i will keep you posted ! I just went today to get my clearance from my heart doctor & my regular doctor & on monday i'm going to the hospital to get all my test & i'll be banded Jan 19th! =]

    how did you lose soooo much wieght littletime ?! whats the secret !? lol =]

  19. Thanks for the picture comment ! ;]

  20. Emmanuel92

    Me, May 08

    From the album: Before Surgery

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
