I feel so disgusted with myself. For the past two weeks I have been struggling with my food consumption. I find myself nibbling when I am not even hungry. I have also consumed fried foods on more than one occasion. In addition, I have been eating hot fudge sundaes from McDonalds. I am off work for the summer. Therefore, I contribute some of my behaviors to boredom. I know what I am doing is wrong but I can not seem to stop.I am actually rarely hungry. However, I just keep eating. I have gained 3lbs and was able to drop 1lb since Monday. I have only had one fill so far. It seems like I did better before my fill. I knew this was going to happen. Whenever I get this far in any diet program I sabatog myself. Does anyone have any ideas for getting back on track? Should I try liquids for a week to get things going again?