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Status Updates posted by Lowbmier

  1. Hey abraberger,


    I hope everything went well for you.

  2. Hi GG,


    I just saw your youtube. It was really good to see you are ok. I hope things get better with the pain. I am sure it will. Sounds as though you will do pretty good with this. You looked good so that's a good sign. Hang in there.

  3. Wow April 11 pounds since surgery. I haven't lost anything. I have been so bloated and I have only been doing liquids as well. I want to start working out but I want to wait till after the three weeks is up. I want to give my body a change to heal. Yesterday at work I was in pain at the port site so I had to take some pain meds. Today is 9 days out.

    Congrats on the weight loss to date. You must be doing this thing right.

  4. Good to hear from you. Since getting my fill I got back on track. I've lost another 13 pounds so only 17 more before I reach my goal. I began my workout plan this week, so that should get things moving. I want to right for the summer. People tell me to stop losing, but I'm not where I want to be so 17 more is it. I hope everything is working out well for you. Till next time.

  5. Hey Girl, How are you doing? I've been doing good. My weight loss has been slow going. I hadn't had a fill in over year so I've only lost 43 lbs to date. I just got another one so I think things will start moving again. I think it took me that long to figure out how to eat. Food just doesn't taste the same anymore. Its all good though.

  6. How are you feeling now? Are things going ok?

  7. I just saw your latest youtube video and you can tell you have lost weight in your face. From the first video up to today you can see it. Alright!!!!!

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