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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Lowbmier

  1. Lowbmier


    From the album: Profile Photos

  2. Lowbmier

    Profile Photos

  3. After losing weight does the fat under your eyes go away or is it that once you have them the only way to get rid of them is to have plastic surgery?:shades_smile:
  4. I just saw your latest youtube video and you can tell you have lost weight in your face. From the first video up to today you can see it. Alright!!!!!

  5. Oh and as far as McCain's experience, isn't that the same experience that has gotten us in the total mess we are in now? The man voted with Bush 90% of the time. Even when you say the government is not at fault for the mortgage crisis, sure it is. Banks were giving unscrupulous loans to people who were originally able to afford them then rates changed and all of a suggen it was out of reach. Jobs were being outsourced, people were laid off. There are so many reasons people were unable to sustain their mortgages. Oh, but the government is quick to bail out the big corporations and fund tax breaks for the oil companies and companies that ship jobs overseas which hurts our ecomony. All of this issues have a ripple affect and you can't let the government off the hook. The government is here to govern all people not just the select few. That means everyone, not juse religious pro lifers, war mongers or just rich people. Everyone. We all pay taxes. We all should be represented by our government.
  6. DivaMom, are you saying we have enough money to spend billions/trillions on a war, but we can't find money to take care of our own issues here? I'm just trying to make sure I understand your comment.
  7. The republicans and their supporters, in my opinion, have lost their minds. What are you thinking? Get it together. We are not living in fairy tale times. First of all, she has no experience of the world except for the little world she has been living in. McCain is too old and as soon as his mind starts going do you really think she has what it takes to deal with leaders of the world? She has only governed a very, very, very small percentage of this country. Obama has more people working on his campaign than the total amount of the population of people she has governed. Just because she a woman and with her views, oh my, she will diminish the human/women’s (not to mention animal) rights that we worked so hard to attain. I agree a woman can be president, but this woman is not the one and I will be doing everything in my power to make sure she and McCain are not the ones in power. I will be making sure everyone I know votes and I will be as outspoken as I can be against the republican machine that has us in this huge mess that we are in now. Another four years of this craziness is not going to work anymore. I know the American public is sick and tired of their jobs being outsourced, their homes being foreclosed on, not being able to get adequate health care, immigration reform, not to mention getting out of a war that is costing us billions. If McCain has his way, we will be there for many years to come and the cost will be in the trillions (oh which does not include the cost of the lives of our young soldiers). If your head is one of the ones that is buried in the sand, well I'm here to tell you—YES, we are in a recession. People are getting laid off left and right. I don't understand what kind of people would support a continuation of what we have seen for the last eight years. Wake the hell up! Sorry, but it has to be said. Just my views.
  8. Hi GG,


    I just saw your youtube. It was really good to see you are ok. I hope things get better with the pain. I am sure it will. Sounds as though you will do pretty good with this. You looked good so that's a good sign. Hang in there.

  9. Lowbmier

    Colorado Anyone

    Hi all, I will be banded at the end of this month in Denver. I would love to meet/get together with newly or recently banded people who live in Denver/Aurora to share experiences, motivate and inspire and just help each other through the ups and downs.:party:
  10. Lowbmier

    Checking out Banding

    I too am self pay and will be getting banded with a lower than 40 BMI.
  11. I agree with you GREEN. He is so old going into office and has already had health issues. He's also demonstrated signs of mental aging and you never know what kind of mental let alone physical damage was done to him when he was a prisoner of war. I don't trust his judgement and now that he has picked this running mate really makes me question his judgement. I don't know a thing about this woman and I don't think she is ready to be president. She just had a baby 4 months ago. What is she doing? I think McCain thinks the people of the country are stupid, but on the other hand he might be right. I hope not. We'll see.
  12. Have any of you regretted getting banded up to this point with the new eating habits and not being able to eat like you used to? Has the band lived up to your expectations that you had when you first got it? Is it a unbearable struggle to make it work? :smile2:
  13. Exactly, no definitive responses from Dr. S clients. My point exactly.
  14. Me being from Colorado, I did a lot of research on Dr. Synder before making my final decision. I was unable to gain any feedback from actual clients that had surgery with him. He was very expensive and I wasn't able to work with a doctor where the feedback from actual clients is so hard to find, especially this type of surgery. I view your comment as fishing for possible Dr. K. patients/clients. I find that sad and alarming because times are tough, insurance co. are reluctant to pay for this type of surgery and eventually Dr. S will have to lower his prices because they are feeling the crunch of this ecomony. Everyone is effected. Dr. S has made a lot of money from insurance companies, but they are a lot more reluctant to approve this type of surgery anymore, so I think a lot of other surgeons are trying to join the band wagon of Dr. K in order to assure that they can stay a float. Dr. K has done over 400 lap band surgeries and cares about the success of his clients, because it reflects on him. I can't find any feedback about Dr. S. as far as his clients success/failure rates. I think ColoradoCrazy is just that...Crazy. Don't try to spoil our joy because other lap band doctors slept on where were at at this time. Dr. K has been ahead of the game and now you Colorado lap band doctors are trying to play catch up. You are trying to minimize his abilities to accomodate your bottom dollar. I would truly love to hear from anyone who has more to say on this subject that supports what CrazyColorado is advocating is her post. I find it interesting she is not Dr. K's patient, but feels a such a need to post to his site unless she is a Dr. S advocate. In my opinion, move on ColoradoCrazy and stay out of here! Why don't you build a site for Dr. S and maybe we can see what kind of responses that will bring. It will be informational to us all. So do it. I can't wait. Just my thoughts.:w00t: Good luck to all!
  15. How is the followup care with Dr. K? How long does he continue monitoring or treating his patients after surgery. Is it hard to get fill appointments, etc.? I have heard nothing but great things about him and his staff, just wanted to get more feedback from the experts. Thanks.
  16. Lowbmier

    Lapband or Bypass?

    So what did you actually end up doing Lap Band or Bypass? It looks like your ticker says you were banded. Is that what you ended up doing or is that a mistake?
  17. September 22nd for me too!
  18. Lowbmier

    Any September Banders?

    I too will be banded September 22nd.
  19. Why are we discussing this issue on a weight loss web site. Isn't this a political conversion that should be had on a political website?:confused2: I don't think we need to focus on this issue, which is very deep in its own right let alone dealing with our weight issues. I think we all have thoughts good or bad about this and it is a touchy subject. Why are we addressing this here? Just asking.
  20. Lowbmier

    Shhh...Keep it in the Closet!?

    My mom knows and that's it. I hope she doesn't feel pressured to keep this a secret even though I explained to her this is my life and my decision and I should make the decision to tell. Sometimes people are placed in situations where they slip and you wish you didn't have to tell anyone at all, but you do have to have someone with you for the surgery so someone has to know.
  21. I just don't like to get dressed. I don't like to be around people. People take it personally and add to my stress. They don't understand that I just don't feel comfortable doing the things they want to do and I don't want people to see me at this size. It's hard. I think they take it personal, but they have to understand. It is what it is. I can only be me and feel what I feel.
  22. Lowbmier

    Favorite Oldie Song

    Anything Patrice Russin, Midnight Star, Starpoint, Renee and Angela, Roger, too many to mention. Those songs were so great and still are to this day. Okaaaay!:cursing:
  23. I have a lower bmi and I am looking forward to getting this procedure done. Sure I could really put the effort in and loose some of the weight but I have never really gotten to my so called healthy weight and once the weight is off its very hard to keep it off. I always end up going up/down/up/down. Its crazy. I know it hasn't been good on my body. I haven't been this heavy in many years and I know that I am unhealthy. Like the person who said they don't understand how a lower bmi person could have the surgery, well me being a lower bmi person cannot imagine waiting to get to a higher weight before considering getting it. Its a struggle for us all and I personally am glad we all have this tool as an option. Good luck to all! :smile2:
  24. Good luck whatever happends.
  25. I wish there were more long time banders who still posted. Us newbies have so many questions we would like to ask. _______________________________________________________

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