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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Zoe4238

  1. Umm...i could use some help...I had my surgery over 2 years ago...for the first two years, i lost about 80 pounds...i "thought" i was doing good. But i was sick, my band wasnt placed right, adn i was throwing up every day...it took that long and a switch to a new doc to get it fixed, back in november. since then i have gained 30 pounds...i am trying so hard...i am so tired of thinking about exercising, eating, every tiny tiny thing i eat. I am terrified that i am going to wake up and weigh 300 pounds tomorrow. I cant go back there....i am exhausted and drained. I know others have been though this...and gotten back on teh wagon..i could use some help.....thank you so much in advance.
  2. Oh my. I have a long story...but to make it short...when my band was first place, it was placed wrong. I spent over a year and a half with horrible heartburn, constant pain, vomiting every day, it go to the point where i was constantly tired all of the time and generally felt like crap. Finally I switched doctors, my new doctor suspected a slip right away and i went in for a revision. Turns out that i also had a hernia-which i was told is quite common with band patients. After that...i have felt fantastic. Stay with it..i am glad i did, after many tiring and painful nights, and many nights of almost ripping the band out on myself. Keep talking to your doctors, if your doctor wont listen, switch. My only regret wasnt switching docs earlier. Good luck.
  3. Zoe4238

    Never Ending Process

    Thanks again everybody...you all have great advice and i sooo appreciate the support. Some days, i guess i just get down...its exhausting. And, it is especially hard when i feel those old habits creeping back in. I got to just stick to the basics...and let the band help me. Thanks sooo much.
  4. Hi all...i am usually a lurker...but i just really need to vent. I have had my surgery two years ago. It was placed wrong and I vomited every day for about a year and a half, until i switched to a new wonderful doctor, who knew how to fix everything. I have felt fantastic since...and thats kinda the problem. I had intially lost 90 pounds (its amazing how easy it was to loose the weight when you are vomiting every day). As soon as i had my surger to reposition, i gained 30 almost right away (which was to be expected-maybe not that much, but some) I am so frusterated. I have not been able to lose any weight since. I am on a strict calorie diet, workout EVERDAY, sometimes twice a day. and I am at a standstill. I have been going in for fills, but it seems like its never enough, and if he does fill it too much...arrgh...pain. I guess i am just tired. I am tired of working out twice a day, i am tired of thinking about food 24/7, how i am going to eat, when, how much. I am exhausted and frusterated. And honestly, i am afraid i am going to wake up tomorrow and be 300 pounds again. I dont have a lot of support close by. I have been to support groups...but honestly, i havent found the right one for me. The last one i went to were a bunch of ladies that would sit around a table and bitch abotu what they could and couldnt eat for 2 hours. I guess i am just writig this because i am tired, frusterated, and everything else. Just when i think i am doing good....something stands in the way. Now, since i have to pay for my own fills ($150 each time)...i have had to not go in as much...i just cant afford it. Anyway...just writing this makes me feel a little better, i guess i just needed to get it out. THanks ya all.
  5. Zoe4238

    Never Ending Process

    Thank you so much...I will give that a try. (kind of)..lol.. I am single and live alone...but if i just go ahead and try eating "naturally"...it may work. Thanks for all of your support....i am not going to give up, come to far...and paid to much..lol..to give up now. I have just been feeling down and blah today. Thanks again
  6. I have been having terrible complications and wanted to share my story with you..if it can anyone else, and so you dont have to go through what i went though.... A long story short...I have had my band for a year and a half. I have lost about 80 pounds. In that time, I have NEVER been feeling good. I have always dealt with vomiting and severe heartburn. I went to my doc diligiantly, had the tests, he said everything looked fine and it was me. It got to the point where i was very fatigued, had sleeping issues, horrible headaches, my stomach was killing me from vomiting all the time, yet he said there was nothing wrong. In July I switched to a new doctor. Explained to him what was going on, and basically, i was tired of it and wanted my life back. He did more tests and said everything looked fine...even though i was totally open, i was still very restricted though. He decided to go ahead and do a revision surgery last friday. Sure enough, it HAD slipped, plus i had developed a hernia in my stomach as well. since then though, i have been feeling so much better. The worst part of this is back on teh liquid diet...but if this fixes me...i am all about it. I didnt want to have the band out...mainly for psychological reasons. And i am glad i am stickin with it. I am ready to move forward with my life. I just wanted to let everyone know that the band is a great tool, but listen to your docs and listen to YOURSELF. there is no way I should havve gone that long, vomiting every day, a few times a day (and this is not an exaggeration). Since my sugery last week, i can already tell the difference. And I also understand that i may regain some weight back before i start losing again (i havent vomited in 5 days) I just wanted ya all to know...that sometimes these issues do happen, but follow though, you shouldnt have to suffer. And if worse comes to worse...do what i did and switch docs...even if its to get a new perspective. Good luck everyone...now my journey can FINALLY continue.
  7. Just thought I would update you a little on my situation... I went to the doc and he opened me up all the way...I only had .5 CC in my band, so it wasnt much. For the first few days I felt fine..but slowly, day by day, its once again coming back, the heartburn and the vomiting. They did the test, my band hasnt slipped and is perfectly in place. So, I was told that its all me, not eating right, now chewing enough...blah, blah, blah. I will admit, "sometimes" that has happened, but not ALL the time. So..next apt. is at the end of septemer. I am trying to be extra careful..trying to stop the vomiting and horrible heartburn, but i haven noticed, its slowly starting back up. Arrgh. I am scared that it will get to be as bad as before, I cant open my band up anymore. So... To be continued.....
  8. Zoe4238

    Please Help

    Hi..i could use some advice, understanding, anything. I had my surgery over a year ago..adn so far lost about 90 pounds. for the last few months...i cant keep anything down. everytime i eat, the pain is sooo bad, then my body starts to ached, headache, my mood gets very testy, until i vomit. Then i feel perfect fine. Happens everday almost...a few times a day. Sometimes, after doing this all day..all of the sudden it feels like i can eat, and feel fine. I am going in a couple days. I want to be fully opened...i only have .7cc in my band. I need this to stop...i need a break..i dont care if i gain a ton of weight. Has anyone ever gone though this. while i still belive this is the best thing i have ever done...this is sooo horrible. Thanks for any help. Zoe
  9. I know exactly what you are going through. I am going through the exact same thing. I go in in a couple of days. I will let you know what i find out. Good luck. I will be praying for you.
  10. Oh my gosh...i just posted earlier under "Please Help Me" and just read your thread. I am going thru almost the exact same thing. Be careful and take care of yourself, and keep in touch and let us know how you are doing. I thought i was the only one going through this hell right now. And for awhile...i thought it was normal. Even though i wouldnt wish this on anyone, its good to know I am not the only one. Good luck. I will let ya all know what i find out.

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