Hello, My name is Robyn I live in East Texas ( Cedar Creek Lake) I got my lap band surgery last Tuesday Aug. 5th, I felt like I had been run over by a Mac Truck for the first 2 days then I got better, The Third day I woke up to my bed being Totaly soaked in blood from my stomach you talk about freaking out! We had to go to the ER, they said it was just a pocket that had formed inside and it had to find a way out and my incustion was the closest spot, so I guess I paniced for nothing, it is still leaking though. How soon did you all start drinking your protien shake? I have not had any problems swallowing anything but my band is wide open still, will that change? So far I am happy I did it, I have a brand new Grandson Trevor who I want to be able to get in the floor and play with, he is my sunshine.