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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by malteselover

  1. malteselover

    North Louisianians???

    i am doing fine too. i still haven't lost all the weight but i do try to break those bad habits of mine. the band won't keep you from putting a cookie in your mouth lol
  2. malteselover

    Texarkana Bandsters

    i justed wanted to tell everyone *hi there*.. i have been going back and trying to catch up with everyones posts. had to format and find all again. i do get discouraged , i try so so hard. i finally got restriction after about my 7th fill. (Dr K gave me) and i lost 10 pds after that, went back 6 wks later and Dr H gave me a small one. i only lost like 4 pds that six weeks. well i went in and he says, no you don't need a fill, i think you are using it as a crutch. b/c i told him i use Protein shakes and stuff. says all they want you to lose it 3 or 4 pds a month. but dang if i eat each meal the weight loss stops. so i gave him the *eye and he knew i was pissed. told me get that scroll off my face :thumbup:.... i was mad but i did what he told me to do. and made myself eat normal food every 4 hours. i go 3 pds down then back up..i go in Monday, its such a long drive for me and i guess i recall back when we did this w/o the band we lost much faster ( only to gain it back when we got off the diets) i have been noticing and reading some other area's on this site and saw where many traded in there band for the sleeve. they don't have to have all this *getting the fill right. wished i had read more on that first i guess.. i don't mean to sound like a drag. just sharing :confused: God bless us all i am not ungrateful what i have lost..
  3. malteselover

    did anybody tried herbal life???????

    i have used it since i went on the post op diet in August 08. my Dr wouldn't give me another fill last time. (i was telling him my eating routine) he said he thought i was using my band as a crutch... umm yeah thats why i got the thing. i was so angry. but now a month later i did do what he said. he got on to me for using the shakes. wanted me to eat every 4 hours. real food. so this month i did do what he said and it has started me losing again. ( have only lost 45 pds since surgery) as he explained to me, the shakes run right through that band. (but i felt full after having it) also it made my hair grow like crazy. ( i think from all the protein i added to it) anyway.. yes i love them but do try and eat some food also. :bored: Susan
  4. malteselover

    Texarkana Bandsters

    i am really seeing how important it was to go each month and get my fill until it started working.
  5. malteselover

    North Louisianians???

    i have a 10CC band and have had 7 fills. i know most fills were very very small ones at a time. but i went in fussing the last time and she got this thing working! NOW i know it works. i really had given up.
  6. malteselover

    Texarkana Bandsters

    Hello Everyone!!! it has been a while since i posted but wanted to tell a funny story. i went like 3 months and had only lost 2 pds ( through holidays and all) but i was still able to eat way to much. so i go in a couple of weeks ago and told Dr. K ... i can eat a whole whopper and want more. she told me the down falls to getting to big of a fill at a time. (she goes slowly for your benefit) anyways. i don't know how much she filled this time but she gave it to me and NOW my band is WORKING!!! heheheh. so hang in there esp those who haven't had many fills. ( i think that was around 6 or 7 for me)
  7. malteselover

    North Louisianians???

    Hello there!! i am from N. Louisiana around Ruston. i was banded August 08 at P and S in Texarkana. i was beginning to wonder if it was going to work for me but since my last fill a week and half ago. its WORKING!!!!! they are great over there and follow you closely :thumbup::thumbup:
  8. malteselover

    Texarkana Bandsters

    Thanks Dr H, i did look at the blog about getting it in the office (and i understand the complications of getting it) but was wondering if it is looked at after placement while a patient is still under while in surgery to see if it is flowing correctly?? Thank you Susan
  9. malteselover

    Texarkana Bandsters

    Dr H (or anyone in the office) does your office plan to get a flouro machine in the office? Thanks
  10. malteselover

    Texarkana Bandsters

    thank you so much for the information! i hate you had to go through that though.
  11. malteselover

    Texarkana Bandsters

    i am so happy for you! already back in the ballgame!:angry_smile:
  12. malteselover

    Texarkana Bandsters

    this is great!. my first question is this: at surgery after the band is placed, is it looked at under fluro to see if all is flowing correctly?
  13. malteselover

    Texarkana Bandsters

    Alig, i hope you are feeling better today. and pray you will recover quickly.:wink_smile:
  14. malteselover

    Texarkana Bandsters

    Hippmom, i was wondering how you knew your tubing needed repair? i am asking because i noticed my port is always sore and i wondered since i don't have much restriction if maybe it wasn't making it to the band. anyways, i fell plum OUT OF THE BOX :wink_smile: this is very hard at times. i hope i find my spot soon.
  15. malteselover

    Texarkana Bandsters

    Originally Posted by Sugarbear I will be going to PS next week. Does anyone know if the NP has gotten any better with fills? both the fills i had was done by Sandra. she did real good both times. (not sure if there are others that do it)
  16. malteselover

    Texarkana Bandsters

    Arki, i don't know how you feel about giving yourself a shot in the hip:tt1: but that is what i do. i got my Dr to give me the stuff to give myself a shot. it works much better than the under the tongue deal. and it saves me from having to run to the Dr's office for a shot and much cheaper. or maybe you know someone that could give it to you. Thank you all for the understanding and support! *hugs susan
  17. malteselover

    Texarkana Bandsters

    Thank you Sugarbear for the swwet and encouraging post!
  18. malteselover

    Texarkana Bandsters

    i just wanted to share that, i finally got below the 200 mark :teeth_smile: i know it sounds silly but it sure felt good to get on the scale this morning and see the 100's instead of the 200's. i had to share with someone i could tell Have a great day everyone!
  19. malteselover

    Texarkana Bandsters

    well bless your heart peri. i sure hope you get staightened out soon. oh and the pg thingy. i kind of giggled when i read that because everytime i lost weight i came up pg! before i had that taken care of. :eek: (i had three) just teasing you, they never came at a good time for me.:eek: have you been taken your vitamins since your band? (just curious) i really hope your health improves for you soon. susan
  20. malteselover

    Texarkana Bandsters

    That is GREAT! (about the loss) i think people should be honest and if i am not mistaken, that is what a support group is here for. and it is great to be able to vent to someone who understands. i got my second fill on tuesday and i feel i finally got some restriction. :eek: this is hard work for sure. i am realizing that i am still responsable for what i put in my mouth. my band won't do that for me :thumbup: but it sure feels good not to be so HUNGRY!! i didn't realize before the band that it would take so long to get my hunger under control. its been hard. i keep telling myself, i didn't gain this weight in a few months and it is not going to fall off in a few months. i never was good with patience :w00t: have a great day everyone! oh and i had lost 7 pds for the month. :eek:
  21. malteselover

    Texarkana Bandsters

    is it to early for another fill? i think i would call and see if i could get another.:party: alig.. i hope all goes well for you. maybe he said you were not eating enough because you have lost so much so fast? just curious :Dancing_biggrin:
  22. malteselover

    Texarkana Bandsters

    Sugarbear, you are so welcome. ( i am a computer geek ) and this isn't the place to post this but thought i would tell you all a little bit about me and the Malteselover :thumbdown: i repaired computers for over 25 years. i enjoyed my work very much. went to peoples offices and took care of whatever. well my back took me down, lifting a large computer monitor. after much pain management and then major back fusion surgery, then living through staph infection, then a few months later they had to redo it again. then the Dr told me i could never work again and would have to have pain management for the rest of my life. i went into a bad depression. i was laid up on the couch for 2 years. i got a little doggie. He was such great comfort and it made me get up or throw a ball :rolleyes2: i decided i had to take control of my life again. since i couldn't work outside of my home. (have to lay down to much) i decided i wanted to breed a small breed. (after i saw the prices people get) i did alot of reading of different breeds and decided on Maltese. they are such great companions and make me laugh :thumbup: i have 2 females and one male maltese. my first love was a shih-poo. so i have 4 little ones that run my house and allow me to live here :smile: oh and i had been trying to get the Lapband for over a year. finally i am here. and hopefully this will get me on the road to a healthier life and get off some of this medicine. so yes i have very high hopes:) Hope this didn't bore you all. guess i was kinda venting :cool2:
  23. malteselover

    Texarkana Bandsters

    Sugarbear, i know you can click on someone's name and send them a PM or email, if that helps.:wink2:
  24. malteselover

    Texarkana Bandsters

    i tell you what i did was made me some SF jello and kept it in the frig at all times. it will give you a cool full feeling. i recall using a few crackers. but the jello helped me the most, i would eat a whole bowl if i had to. hang in there!
  25. malteselover

    Texarkana Bandsters

    wellll. i complained to my reg. Dr for 2 years about my cough and he never said crap! i just happen to go to a new pharmacy and the pharmacist noticed it and told me , it may be causing that cough. so i tell my Dr he drops the med and in a few days i was ok what day are you seeing Dr K? i am going to see Dr H on tuesday morning. wished i could run into some of you. hope this helps!

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