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Everything posted by skyeblu79

  1. "If I try to drink when this happens, then I usually don't make it to the toilet in time as the pressure is overwhelming." Part of the reason you aren't staying full maybe b/c you are drinking and eating. You should be waiting a period of time after eating before drinking. I have heard different people say different things, but I wait an hour. Also, the same thing before eating. Are you waiting between eating and drinking? Good luck w/this. I understand it can be frustrating sometimes. I am still trying to figure this out myself.
  2. skyeblu79

    Biggest Loser

    I agree with that. I thought Kim was wrong for that too. She said you should kick Amy off like she was saying me need bread. I would have been hurt too. How are you supposed to act after that? Had Kim apologized maybe they could have worked it out. But then Amy was kind of doing the same thing to Kae. I guess they difference is Amy wasn't Kae's trainer either.
  3. Vex, I see you were there the same day I was. That was my third fill. All my experiences have been great. I just wish they are closer. It's worth the drive though to put me at ease. I didn't even realize they were all related until my last visit. I don't know how I missed that they all look alike. Her son is a cutie and they are all so sweet. I feel so comfortable as long as they keep doing fills in Roswell, I will keep coming.
  4. skyeblu79

    What to look for in a treadmill?

    Treadmill - Elliptical Reviews, Service, & Parts : Treadmill Doctor Treadmill Review : Treadmill Reviews These are 2 of the websites that I looked @. I found them pretty helpful. I wish I would have listened more to the reviews. I bought a NordiacTrack treadmill from Sears and it broke week 1. I was lucky they had a 30 money back guarantee. I wouldn't recommend them b/c Sears and NordiacTrack customer service was horrible.
  5. skyeblu79

    Actitrainer vs. Body Bugg

    What is the monthly cost of the Bugg? Maybe I am just messing it, but I didn't see it listed on the website. Are there options to pay ahead for the year or months @ a time? If anyone has the link for this, that would be great. I was really thinking about getting the Bugg this weekend and I noticed the price had gone down, but I went all the way up until you actually sign up and I still didn't see the monthly rate.
  6. skyeblu79

    What's your list?

    1. Be able to shop in non-plus size stores 2. Amusement Park and State Fair (ride rides and not worry if I can fit on the ride) 3. Riding planes more comfortably 4. Feeling more comfortable @ the pool or beach. 5. Not being embarrassed to weigh in @ the docs office. 6. Not being so out of breathe from walking up stairs 7. Being able to run/jog 8. Not being the biggest one in the group 9. Go swimming with dolphins
  7. I have a Weight Watchers scale. It's called WW60X. It was kind of pricey, but it's accurate and I like it. This is either my 2nd of 3rd WW Scale. I bought this one before surgery specifically b/c of the weight limits. I got it off Amazon, but I got the other WW scales from Walmart or Target.
  8. skyeblu79

    BMI 62.2, pre-op and worried about anesthesia

    I had surgery with an over 50 bmi. My surgery went very well. I had no problems with the anesthesia. That was some of the best sleep I have ever had. I had my surgery done by Dr. Kirshenbaum. My experience with him was wonderful. I wouldn't change a thing. About the sleep study. Do you have any insurance at all? My insurance wouldn't cover the band, but it covered the sleep apnea test. I had concerns before possibly having sleep apnea while I was thinking about weight loss surgery and my general pract suggested I get one. You don't have to get it, but if you have any concerns it may be good to take the test. Both my parents have sleep apnea and they have improved a lot since getting their CPap machines. Good luck w/your decisions.
  9. skyeblu79

    Not drinking with meals

    Same here. At a restaurant a lot of the time I will drink up until I get my food. Any other time I wait the normal time. After a while you get used to drinking without eating. I never thought I could. Even though I should have, I didn't start until after my first fill. It really don't feel comfortable eating and drinking anymore. I don't have a problem getting in my Fluid though. Asside from times around meals, I can drink almost normally.
  10. I bought some from Lane Bryant. I love them and plan on buying more. They are really comfortable.
  11. skyeblu79

    Biggest Loser

    I love the Biggest Loser. This is the first season I have watched it all the way through. Now I would like to get the other seasons. I was glad Amy got sent home too. She didn't deserve to stay, but I am still glad she did well when she got home.
  12. skyeblu79

    Actitrainer (Like a Bodybugg :) )

    Thanks for the info Stephanie. I will try out the Virtual Trainer so I can get an idea of how it would be.
  13. skyeblu79

    Bodybugg users report here!

    Thanks for the info Livingthedream and Suzzie. :eek: Livingthedream, I sent you a pm about Dr. K
  14. I recently had my 3rd fill and I am more confused that ever. My first fill was really large and after that I've had understandably smaller fills. I have had all my fills under fluro. The last one I drunk barium like normal and she said that she could only add 1 cc b/c anymore would be too tight. I am back to off liquids and soft foods, eating normal again. I can still eat way too much. I really have to stop myself and I am really trying to measure my food. What I don't understand is if that's all I could get or else I would be too Stight, is this where I am going to be? I drive 12 hours round trip for my fills. I guess I should have asked more questions after my fill, but @ the time I didn't know how I was going to feel after my fill. I can't eat anywhere near what I used to be able to eat, but according to what I think I am supposed to be eating it's still too much. Since I was finally able to start getting fills, I have started losing again. Any advice is deeply appreciated. I want to know how other people feel after their fills. I know I could still get another fill, but if they are looking at fluro and any more would be too tight what happens now.
  15. skyeblu79

    I'm so confused after my last fill

    That's true. I will give it more time. Hopefully this fill will be different than my other fills. My restriction got less overtime w/the 1st two.
  16. skyeblu79

    Actitrainer (Like a Bodybugg :) )

    I also posted this in the BB thread, but I have pretty much the same questions for the Acitrainer. I am thinking about getting an Acitrainer. I haven't been able to find much info online. I noticed most of the people getting these devices have already lost a large %age of their weight. Has anyone gotten it w/around the amount of weight I still have to lose? Do you think it's more beneficial when you are closer to your goal? I have tried FitDay in the past and I do it for a day or so and then stop. I have a hard time getting myself to do it consistantly. Anyone else have this problem? Is it easier, quicker w/BB? A lot of times I feel like I have to do a lot of guessing based off the choices they give or my calculations. Also, I am really looking to purchase it if the price goes down again, so I will keep looking. From reading this tread, there is no monthly fee. Is that correct? Thanks!!
  17. skyeblu79

    Bodybugg users report here!

    I am thinking about getting a Bodybugg. I have gotten most of my info from the thread, but I haven't read it all. I have done a little research online. I noticed most of the people getting the BB have already lost a large %age of their weight. Has anyone gotten it w/around the amount of weight I still have to lose? Do you think it's more beneficial when you are closer to your goal? I have tried FitDay in the past and I do it for a day or so and then stop. I have a hard time getting myself to do it consistantly. Anyone else have this problem? Is it easier, quicker w/BB? A lot of times I feel like I have to do a lot of guessing based off the choices they give or my calculations. Also, I am really looking to purchase it if the price goes down again, so I will keep looking. What is the monthly fee to use the BB? Thanks!! :eek:
  18. skyeblu79

    Expectations vs. reality

    I don't have a soft stop signal either. I also get the pressure in my chest, but never the golf ball feeling. If I wait for the food to go down, I can normally eat fine after that first feeling of being stuck. An incorrect assumption for me would be that I couldn't drink normally. I don't sip like I hear other people saying. I don't gulp either. I can tell the difference if I take a longer swallow of Water, but I don't have to take small sips all day. Another incorrect assumption for me was that I would have to wait minutes between bites, like I hear some people say. I was never a fast eater, but I eat a lot slower now and take smaller bites. I have heard people say they take bites the size of a pencil eraser. I can type larger bites than that. Not huge or quite normal, but not tiny either. Another assumption for me was that PBs would hurt. I don't really have any pain. The worse for me is that I am trying to run to the bathroom or somewhere to get rid of it, but no pain @ all.
  19. skyeblu79

    Pasta Replacement!

    Thanks for posting this. I have heard of this before, but I didn't know Kroger carried it. I will be checking for it this week.
  20. Sorry I didn't proof read my post. I meant to say Dr. Moran used to work with Dr. Enoch @ the same practice. Good luck with whatever you decide
  21. I had my surgery done in Denver, CO but I went to Dr. Enochs for my aftercare. I only went 3 times. The first time was just to meet him and he told me to get an upper GI. The 2nd time was supposed to be my 1st fill. I didn't get the fill b/c he said I had a seroma. I came back around 2 weeks later to try my fill again and he couldn't locate my port. I wasn't comfortable with him, so I didn't go back again. My thoughts were maybe he was inexperienced with fills. I also felt that he really wasn't listening to how I was feeling. Looking back, I wonder if he would have tried to use fluro. I know he didn't offer it, but maybe if can be done @ an additional cost. I was able to get a lot of my $$ back since I didn't/wouldn't go back to him. I had to pay an upfront yearly program fee. I don't think I would ever do that again, unless there was some way I could try them out first. I had asked about Dr. Moran and I have heard good things. I know he used to work w/Dr. Moran. I might have used him, but he also had a program fee that was about $1,000 more a year (if I am remembering correctly).
  22. I use papaya enzyme tablets and they help a lot of the time. For some reason, I noticed that the ones I got from Vitamin World work better than the ones I recently got from GNC. The GNC tablets taste really sugary too. I bought some @ Walgreens and I didn't really like those either. The pineapple juice works too, but I haven't tried it in a little while. I also do the arms up and stretching and that helps some too. I do this while walking around.
  23. skyeblu79

    First Fill horror story!

    Laura, I am so glad that your fill went good this time. That's the only bad thing I have learned about lidocaine (if that's what they use @ my fillcenter) is that it wears off quick. My last fill, the needle popped out twice when they set me up. The 2nd time I laughed and it was my fault. By the time they got it in the 3rd time the lidocaine had worn out. Ouch!! But it still wasn't as bad as my initial fill experience.
  24. skyeblu79

    Whole wheat pasta?

    I don't have any problems with whole wheat pasta. Today I bought some Dreamfields Low Carb pasta. I am hoping it will taste good and not cause any problems.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
