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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by candibaby0417

  1. im being banded 1-5-09...maybe one day ill find someone!!! im tired of being single!!!! :tongue2:
  2. hey! yeah i havent checked this in a LONG time...yeah i was banded back in january...70 lbs so far

  3. I've been having gall bladder issues for the past month off and on and i just had it taken out this past wednesday. For the past month, ive had no energy and no will power to do any exercise besides when im at work and walking around because ive just felt so blah. I go for my montly appt tomorrow and im scared i havent lost much and i feel bad because i havent done much and i dont know..i know everyone gets discouraged sometimes. I just dont want to fail this thing! :frown:
  4. candibaby0417

    For the singles here... Just do this..

    If anyone is ever in North Florida...you can find me!! lol..i think it would be really awesome to meet people who have had lapband and deal with the same issues. oh, im 22 (23 next month w00t)...just let me know if you ever wanna get to know me! =)
  5. candibaby0417

    Gall bladder issues and DISCOURAGED

    Thanks guys, i really appreciate the support from people who actually understand how i feel. I guess i really need to stop comparing my success to others. I know ill get there eventually!! Thanks again.
  6. Ok...before i had surgery i had this same pain maybe once...but since having it done, ive had it almost 3 times..the last 2 times were only a couple days apart The other night, me and my cousin had went out to eat, i didnt over eat or anything like that. Well we finished, went looking around at different stores and then my stomach started feeling really weird and knotting up. We went back to my car, and i had to put my seat back because the pain kept getting worse. I was laying down and it felt just like my upper stomach was in a knot and someone was pulling it on both ends as hard as they could. I felt like i was dying. I made her drive home but after about 20-30 min. it went away and i was fine. Last night, around 9:45 i started feeling weird again. i went to the bathroom and by the time i was out, i was doubled over in pain again. I went and laid down and it was that same pain again. It was horrible. No position would work, i jus had to lay there praying it would stop. And again, after about 20-30 min. it stopped. I was talking to the ladies at work today and they mentioned it might gas. That is some crazy gas if thats the case. I go the doctor tomorrow and im going to ask him. Id rather go through surgery 10 times than have that pain again. Anyone had the same problem????
  7. candibaby0417

    symptoms of gall bladder issues

    I just found out last thursday i have gall stones as well. I would have attacks where i really felt like i was dying. The pain was so bad, all i could do was lay on my back and grip the side of my bed. my pain was right below my breat bone and to my back. be very careful of greasy foods/fried foods. Im supposed to have my GB out next month
  8. candibaby0417

    I honestly felt like i was dying!!!

    UPDATE!!! so, i had my ultrasound and it is GALL STONES...they wanna take out my gall bladder sometime next month! thanks for all the advice guys!!
  9. candibaby0417

    I honestly felt like i was dying!!!

    So i had my appt this past friday...I was supposed to Wed. but he got stuck in surgery. I had lost 8 lbs. woot!..I asked him about the pain i had been having and he ordered me an ultrasound and im having that wednesday so wish me luck!! I got a fill friday too..already lost 4 lbs! lol...its filled pretty good this time!...thanks for all the support
  10. candibaby0417

    I honestly felt like i was dying!!!

    Thank!! Im nervous and i syke myself out about stuff like this but im sure everything will be ok. my stomach isnt completely back to normal so i know what u mean about the pain lasting a few days...even though its not bad....
  11. candibaby0417

    I honestly felt like i was dying!!!

    Well i dont have any kids so maybe it wont be as bad? i havent had any pain since monday night so we'll see when i go to the dr. today. thanks for all the tips/advice
  12. candibaby0417

    I honestly felt like i was dying!!!

    Thanks guys!! I havent had any problems today but i will be talking to my dr/surgeon tomorrow when i go for my fill. My dads was an emergency, and he was hurting so bad, he was ready to tell all of us bye cause he thought he was dying lol..its not funny but in a way it is humorous. Hopefully everything will be ok. Ill update tomorrow!!!
  13. candibaby0417

    I honestly felt like i was dying!!!

    Well i might reconsider having children if its worse than that!! lol...Hopefully they'll figure it out tomorrow!!
  14. candibaby0417

    I honestly felt like i was dying!!!

    I go tomorrow for a checkup/fill...my doctor does the same thing (takes gb out). he actually took my dads out. friday night i had ate chicken with beans/rice and last night i had ate some cabbage...its terrible pain. i hope its just gas. thanks for the info. though, at least i know im not crazy
  15. candibaby0417

    I honestly felt like i was dying!!!

    Yeah i hope its just that. How in the world would i know if its my gall bladder? My dad had to have his taken out cause he felt like he was dying. It hurts like the dickens!! =)
  16. candibaby0417

    Struggling this week...

    Jill, i know exactly how you feel. I was banded jan. 5th of this year and im only down close to 40lbs. i know it sounds like a lot but the majority of that was in the first 2 months. the past 2 months have been super slow and i feel like im doing something wrong, even though im bein faithful to walking everyday and watching what i eat and how much (even though my restriction isnt all that great and my next fill isnt until next month). i havent lost a single lb this past week, im just maintaining. i know i should be happy with not gaining but i was self pay and it jus really frustrates me that i paid all this money of it and its not working. im really gonna talk to my dr. at my next appt and mybe we can figure something out. dont give up or get discouraged, it will get better, jus try to stay focused. =)
  17. I was banded 01-05-09 and i am down only 30 lbs. I know that is a BIG accomplishment but i feel like i should have lost more. My doctor is very encouraging and is always telling me not to dwell too much on numbers right now because i am loosing inches. And i am, im down almost 2 pant sizes and 2 shirt sizes. I guess im just impatient to reach my goal, i dont know. Does anyone have any tips or have you guhys ever felt like that????....any good, filling foods that yall love? any kinda of help would be great!! :scared2:
  18. Im really trying my best to stay positive because 30lbs is a great accomplishment and its so easy to say "so and so lost this much, why havent i?" ive lost another 3 lbs and i go back to the dr. next month so ithink i need a fill. I know im not at my "sweet spot" and i think that'll make a big difference =). you guys are awesome
  19. Thanks so much guys. I just get down on myself whenever i go and hop on those scales and yet i dont see the progress i think i should see. 30 lbs is a lot in 3 months and i never woulda been able to do it on my own...thanks for the support!! =)
  20. candibaby0417

    Miracle Noodles

    I ordered a lot of these and can not eat them...i kept washing and washing them but i cant get over the way they feel in my mouth =(
  21. oh, you're welcome! im 1 week out and down 13 lbs!! =)

  22. no i dont hate you lol...i went to the dr. today for my 1 week follow up...down 13 lbs!!! =0 i was so happy

  23. i guess i have a bad memory...when did u have it done?? thats a great start!! =) yeah every morning my pain seems to keep moving up and up lol...maybe thats a good thing?


    Ehh...liquids...its ok i guess, i havent really been hungry but sometimes i just wanna eat something normal even though i know i cant. My brother turned 20 thursday and he wanted pizza..i never want pizza lol..but it was sure lookin good then! haha.


    omg it jus clicked..ur the kareen in the chat room last night..hahha i swear i should be a blond sometimes lol....

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