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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by candibaby0417

  1. yeah mine feels really swollen, makes me feel even more bloated lol. ill be glad when that is gone! can u tell if youve lost much? r u on liquids still?

  2. candibaby0417

    For the singles here... Just do this..

    im Candace...and i really dont know how to say this other than that...yea, im pretty much a big deal. lol, yeah so im sarcastic if u can tell. im 22 yrs old. i live in northern florida..(southern girls do have the best accent!!! =))i was banded on 1-5-09. im SINGLE (and looking lol)...straight (as a board)...and loves to laugh and make others laugh too. im NOT high maintenance and could care less if me and my significant other went out somewhere or jus stayed home and watched movies. im a big family girl and i loooove my family. i love chinese food, olive garden, o'charley's, waffle house, and popeyes...oohhh and sonny's bbq lol...im a southern girl! holler if u wanna know more!! //
  3. candibaby0417

    22 yr.old Single Female...anyone good guys out there?

    everything went good. im finally feeling almost like myself again =)
  4. yeah i went for about a 20 min walk tonight and it seemed to help even more. i go wednesday for a checkup. how much have u lost? my tummy is still swollen :( sucks lol

  5. Im taking a combination of gas-x dissolvable strips and infant mylacon drops. which both have helped somewhat. im not having the gas in my shoulders, thank god, just in my stomach area. today has been ALOT better and the only pain im having is right around the top of my stomach is (thats where the larger incision is). i havent been hungry but its like i just wanna eat, thats hard lol

  6. thanks for ur kind words..im trying to feel better jus having problems with gas in my stomach...

  7. thanks for the picture comment...lol yes i was shiny there..haha

  8. candibaby0417

    22 yr.old Single Female...anyone good guys out there?

    thanks...im banded now...tryingto feel better...wheresmy man? lol
  9. candibaby0417

    Look! I glow!

    From the album: Candace

  10. candibaby0417

    A thread for Single Bandsters

    Im candace, im 22 yrs old from florida. im actually being banded this coming monday!!! (jan 5 2009). Im ready for this change in my life and excited about the outcome of it all. Ive been single for awhile and honestly im tired of it. I want someone i can share my life with and will except me for me...band and all =)...any good guys left??? I mean its kinda crazy to me that thinner girls can go out with heavier guys and society thinks thats ok..but heaven forbid a normal guy be walking hand in hand in the mall with a thick girl!! anyways..i love makin people laugh, most of the time im good at it! lol..im very sarcastic and i love being around friends and family. im probably one of the most easy going and low-maintanence girls you will ever meet. Im a southern girl, what more can u askfor? lol...add me, message me, id love to talk to ya!
  11. im new to this but congrats,ur pics have encouraged me so much...im bein banded jan 5th!!! =)

  12. So i only have 2 1/2 more days before my banding and starting to get really nervous. I have waited so long for an opportunity like this and i am so blessed it has finally happened. Im 22 yrs old and i think its the right time in my life for this. Im single and hopefully this surgery will help in that area. im so excited!! if anyone has any advice, id love to hear it!!!
  13. candibaby0417

    1-5-09 Is the big day!!

    THank yo so much for the kind words and encouragement, it really means a lot. I know if someone doesnt except me for me, they arent right for but im just tired of waiting but im still trying to be patient....i know things will work out for the best. Good luck to you, too =)
  14. candibaby0417

    Add me

    Hey guys im being banded 1-5-09... my myspace is www.myspace.com/candita20 Add me!
  15. candibaby0417


    From the album: Candace

  16. candibaby0417


  17. candibaby0417

    All curled up!

    From the album: Candace

  18. candibaby0417

    1-5-09 Is the big day!!

    thanks Jenny. im gonna have my momma there so thats a plus!!!=) im so excited..im ready for this change!!

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