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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by TheGh0st

  1. Hey all. I just found out my company will be attending a trade show in Vegas the following week. This might be an opportunity for me to convince work to let me go and then convince my husband to let me go early. But that aside. I think you all should be able to take advantage of the discounts available for people stating they are attending the Trade conference.

    Check out worldofconcrete.com

    WOC 2008

    I tried the link and it didn't ask for any proof that you were attending the show it just assumes if you can find the website you must be going. It also gives some instructions on how to get reduced airfare to Vegas.

    One word of caution - these trade show hotel rates usually get booked FAST.

  2. Pre-band Confessions - Several of our local grocery stores have these spots as well. At my highest weight pre-band I use to park in those spots. I figured who was going to argue that I didn't look pregnant. After all I'd been mistaken for 9 months pregnant more than once. It seemed like fair payback for the insult at the time. Now it just seems like an excuse for having been too lazy to walk a few extra steps

  3. You want to hear priceless - I think I'm interested in getting that pant suit.

    certified coder - do you still have it?

    My mom told me about some hair brained idea for helping the skin elasticity improve. She claims she read/saw some medical study (she's in the medical field) that shows some real improvement with the use of seaweed wraps. It claims you can do it at home but that you need to wrap yourself in foil and keep yourself as warm (hot) as possible.

    You should have seen me trying to wrap my arms in foil after applying the home made seaweed body spread. I'm still finding bits of seaweed in the grout of the floor tile.

  4. I was at a local support group last Saturday and some of us that are 2-7 years out and near or at goal were talking about this issue. One of the gals that was nearly 7 years out said a friend of hers was also going through the same thing. So she and some other bandmates wrapped the woman all over in tin foil and carefully cut the tinfoil down one side to get her out. Then put the seam back together so she could "stand" next to herself and see what she really looked like. She just broke down and cried in disbelief at how small she was. I can't say it "Fixed" her body image problems but it was a good first step.

    Maybe if some of us can make it to the January get together in Vegas we can have a "Foiling" Party.

  5. I've been trying to add photos to the gallery with no success as well. So I can't be much help there. However in the "Go Advanced" option of responding to this thread you can click on the "Manage Attachments" button down a ways below the smileys in the Additional Options Section.

    Note: When you add photos to a thread it isn't a bad idea to hit the "Preview Post" before you actually submit the message just to make sure the pics aren't too large for the screen. If they are too large to see on the screen easily then go to your pictures folder where the photo is saved right click on the file, select "Open With" then "Microsoft Photo Editor". In the Microsoft Photo Editor Select "Image" then "Resize" and change the size to something smaller. After you have done that resave the file (with or without a new name) then go back to the Lapband window and re-attach the photo.

    It's not as hard as it sounds. Most of the time the pics are small enough you don't have to resize them. Feel free to send me a PM if you still have troubles.

  6. Yes please post your pics as well as your thoughts on the recovery process. I'm scheduled for October 9th and praying that I'll be well enough to go back to work the 22nd. It is a desk job but the doc is trying to tell me to take a month off. How does he think I'm paying for this?

  7. UPDATE - I have my FINANCING!!!! :whoo:

    I worked it a bit backwards set up the surgery and all just assuming I'd find the money. But its ALL GOOD!

    Discover Card sent me a 3.9% until Jan 2011 offer and I was able to get approved for $10K, well over what the surgery will cost. I'd been hoping to find a 2.9% for the life of the card but 3.9 is still better than any bank will offer and I should be able to set up a schedule to get it paid off by 2011.

    And to boot I'll get another 8,000 frequent flyer miles for doing it. All I have to do is pay for it with my frequent flyer card then transfer the balance over to the Discover Card for their promo rate. I did the same thing with the initial Band surgery giving me over 23K in miles. Plenty enough for a free ticket to Vegas for the Bandster Bash coming in January. Now to convince my husband to go. Hmmm, maybe I don't need to mention their will be other bandsters around and just bill it as a 2nd honeymoon to Celebrate my newly recovered body. Then just do the "Oh by the way dear..." after its all booked and paid for:heh:. Somehow I don't think that would fly to well.

  8. :bump2:Thought this thread might be worth a bump.

    A more appropriate question for me might be what do I not like or possibly what am I currently listening to.

    Some of my Fav's range from - Louis Armstrong, to Rammstein, Marilyn Manson & even Snoop Dogg.

    I couldn't even tell you the names of most of the newer bands I listen to. I was on a kick of listening to Club/Gangster Rap but now I'm on a "Goth" kick.

    I recently found an online radio station called "The Putre Factor" which is part of HotGoth.net. It has over 13,500 songs and runs exclusivly on viewer requests. No DJ's picking the music. A song you request usually plays in less than 5 minutes. Honestly I don't work for them, nor am I affiliated with the site in any way just love the format. Only downside would be I'm not thrilled with the level of banner ads that come with it. But then I'm listening not watching.

    My co-workers love to tease me about my music fads. They just can't get me. Near 40 year old christian mother and wife who likes to turn the radio up so loud on the way to work they can hear me pulling in the parking lot from inside the building.

  9. Have you had the doc check you maybe with the flouro. I have absolutely NO medical training. But am afraid that may sound like a problem with the band like slippage or pouch dialation. I truly hope not though as I've had some bouts of some symptoms much like these though not as severe yet. Please see your doctor and give us an update.

  10. Nume - I am so sorry it had to come to this but having followed your posts since before this thread was started I believe that despite all the trauma that goes with a seperation this will truly be the best for everyone. I know how hard it has been to come to this decision and will continue to pray for you and your family.

  11. Cindy - Are you saying you have had some level of bleeding all but 4 days since July? If I'm reading that right, may I ask if you are on a birth control pill? I had a similar experience some years ago where my body sort of rebelled against the birth control I was taking at the time and after 8+ weeks of constant bleeding I finally went to the doc. Changing to a new birth control pill worked for me back then but I don't ever want to repeat the experience of a vaginal exam during a period. YUCK!

  12. OK since we are talking about the subject. I'm having nearly an opposite problem. My cycle has always been long, about 6 weeks. The intensity when they hit use to be light but after my son stopped breast feeding and my periods restarted they kicked into high gear. Still 6 weeks apart but VERY heavy when they hit.

    But now they are suddenly showing up months apart. I just started a new period a week shy of 3 months since my last one, Which was nearly 4 months since the one before that. Has anyone else experienced a slowing down of your cycle after the band? Or maybe I'm in some pre-menoupause phase at 37 years old?

  13. There are days when I still feel as dissatisfied with how I look as I did 2 years ago at my biggest and I know it's irrational but it's just the way you feel some days.

    I don't know really how to kind of accept that I look this way now, and I'm attractive and fine and shouldn't worry any more...

    I feel just the same. But every once in a while I wonder... Is there really any one out there that just accepts the way they look now? Even the ones that have been skinny all there lives? Haven't we all heard "them" talking about how they need to lose this pound or two or tighten this muscle or that? All the while we were thinking how happy we would be if only we were that size.

    And yet now as we are approaching or even surpassing those same women we use to hate hearing complain we find ourselves still complaining too. Maybe the worries and complaining never reallly ends for any of us. Its a sobering and sad thought that we may never completely quiet those voices. But maybe the voices just get a little softer, a little more bearable, and eventually can be considered no more than a new tool to help keep us from ever going down that old destructive path again.

    But, personally I hope I'm wrong and those infernal voices will SHUT UP once and for all at some point.

  14. Ana - I hope you start a thread as well. My husband would die if he found my thread but it really helped me to see the other PS threads like Julie's. I kept thinking being 5'2 with a ideal body weight of 110-125 that I needed to wait until I was closer to the 140's before having PS. But seeing everyone elses before & afters helped me realize I was ready for it now.

  15. MEW - 13 pounds in 2-1/2 weeks sounds a bit aggressive but you go for it girl! Just don't set yourself up for feeling like a failure when you have already succeeded. I found with my fills that first year. I would usually loose fairly well the first week to 10 days after a fill then struggle to maintain that loss until the next fill. Then if I did "too well" it would be an even bigger struggle to convince Hoehn to give me the next fill. There were actually times I would try to weigh more just for his weigh ins. (Heavier clothes, extra Water intake, leaving coins & cell phone in pocket, etc..)

    I'm always forgetting what areas you are all in. But I'd love to meet with any/all of you to walk. I walk at Zona Rosa, Olathe Great Mall and want to start in at Legends too. I just don't want to drive to the East side of town.

    I also had a Christmas party at my house for any & all bandsters that wanted to come last year and am planning on doing the same this year. It should be fun. Some people I haven't seen since last year. I might not recognize them.

  16. One more of many questions to follow...

    I know you are all swollen now but did they tell you how much what they cut off weighed?

    Oh and I forget if you mentioned did you have a lift, lift & implant or, or reduction on your breasts?

    OK that was two questions, sorry. Rest up, take those pain meds and don't push your self to fast on weaning off on them. It is much easier to prevent pain with the meds than to curb pain that has already set in.

  17. OMG YOU LOOK GREAT - Sore and gory but GREAT!

    I am so happy for you! Just 39 days and counting for me. D@~n I wish they would do my tatas at the same time but my doc insists on doing them seperately which with my job may mean waiting another 6-12 months to have the time off. UGHHH!!!

    Speaking of work, how much time did you schedule off you work. My PS tried to convince me to ask for a whole month off. I don't know what planet he lives on but in my world I have to work to get a paycheck, especially if I'm going to pay his bills.

  18. Yes - I never even knew what heartburn, gerd or acid reflux was before the band. But many would argue that it is not inevitable. Most say it is a sign of being filled to tightly or possibly eating to close to bedtime. Both of which I may be guilty of. But either way I've had it terrible for the last 6-10 months.

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