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Posts posted by TheGh0st

  1. Well this has been a past topic of a very hot discussion in the past. Whether your selling yourself short by not trying to get to a smaller weight or size? And all I have to tell you is that You and only you should decide where you want your goal to be. I am 5'3" and I had set an original goal of 130 or 135 somewhere in there. When I got to about 137, I looked really nice, (after my tt, and body liposculpture). So I decided that is where I wanted to be. I wear a size 8, sometimes 6 and I feel great and healthy. There was a point where I was at 133-135 and I was really starting to sag in my face and look old and I certainly didn't need or want that. And let me tell you something else, I am married to a man that never ever gives compliments and when I was at the 137, he told me I looked great and sexy and he didn't want me to lose anymore. So taking his comment into consideration and feeling and looking great myself, I decided that is where I wanted to be. That weight is on the higher end of what the supposed norm is for my height, but screw that. I feel great at this weight and this is where I'm at. Take it one day at a time, don't let others impose what they think you should weigh.

    Once you get to where you think you want to be, evaluate yourself if your happy then stay there, if you think you need a little more, well then shoot for that. But do what is best for you, not what anyone's chart or opinion says. That is all I have to say. Good luck to you.

    Oh Yes, I remember that thread well. It was like a train wreck in slow motion. The subject of goal weights is very interesting. We can only hope now that the joyous holiday spirit has passed that this thread doesn't end up down the same path.

    I agree 100% one's goal weight is their OWN INDIVIDUAL DECISION and shouldn't be judged by or reflected on by anyone else (Even if they are the same height). There is no reason under the sun that one person can't look great and be healthy at their goal weight and another person of the same height may end up as satisfied and healthy at a higher or lower goal. There are many factors besides height that come into play when choosing a goal weight. I strongly believe that what looks good on a 20 year old rarely looks as good on a 40 or 50+ year old.

    You know I heard something interesting on TV the other night. (Don't you know everything you hear on TV is true?) They were talking about how the human intestinal tract can hold as much as 30 pounds of partly digested foods in its system. It claimed that younger non-obese people generally only carry 5-10 pounds in their intestines on average but the older or more obese you get the longer your digestive tract takes to push it through. So presuming this has any merit then why should an older person carrying around an extra 10-20 pounds of "poo" feel the need to work their tails off to get to the same weight as that 20 year old?

  2. Thanks for the update.

    Hope you weren't offended by my earlier post. I wasn't trying to assume I knew what had happened in your specific case I was just trying to explain one possible way that necrosis (sp?) can occur.

    I am so sorry you have lost your band. I love my band as well and would be heartbroken to lose it. I think I'd walk through a field of broken glass to get a second one if I ever lost mine no matter what the cause.

  3. Hi Tracy - How you feelin?

    Steve - hope to meet you soon. I was banded by another doc in town but have switched to Malley for my fills. Have you seen his life size signed Kiss Poster? I've only heard about it. Seriously though Malley is great and his staff is top notch. You should come to one of his support group meetings that they have over at the NewHope Bariatric Center. Its a great place to talk with people face to face that have already had the band. We always welcome "visitors". With or without the band.

    Dolphin - Where are you in KS? if you don't mind me asking. Choosing to be banded is a very personal decision but for me I have NO REGRETS. It was the best choice I ever made. Surprisingly enough I hadn't even really been thinking about WLS surgery but my primary care doc referred me to someone she said was a bariatric specialist. She thought the doc would work with me to come up with the best weight loss strategy for me wether it be diet, exercise, pills, etc. It wasn't until I got to the seminar that I realized he only did WLS surgeries. But I was sold by the end of the presentation and have never looked back. My starting weight was 255 and I've gone from a size 24/26 to a 10/12 in about 2 years. And with no health issues.

  4. Hey there Dianne! Shoot I forgot you were a Sep 05 bandster like me. By the way, did you ever find out about the discount for those garments through NewHope's website? I finally ordered my free doorprize garment. I should get it next week. I'll have to keep you posted on what I think of it. Darlene says she wears one and loves it so I'm sure I'll like it to.

    Have you heard from Karen (GoingGoingGone)? Last she posted she was on her way to Mexico to see about a leak in her band. I hope she is OK.

    We should send an invitation to everyone that use to post on the other thread to come over here. Lately I've been posting in the Sept 2006 thread for lack of a more active place to post. I really enjoy being able to have a thread where I can talk with people that have had the band as long as we have and has experienced some of the same issues.

  5. Oh, Yeah! That is one of the most frequent comments I've heard at my local support group.

    I have a friend banded in 2004 who swears she can self "adjust" her band by regulating her salt intake. If she wants to be a little tighter on a specific day she will eat salty foods the day before or alternately if she wants to feel a bit looser for a special dinner out with her husband she will cut out most if not all sodium from her diet the day before.

  6. Don't ask me how I missed your comment about your gallbladder already having been removed. This makes me even more worried for you. If the pain is so bad it hurts to breathe I'd be beating on my doc's door telling him to run more tests.

    Sometimes docs really annoy me. I had gall badder troubles off and on for years before a doc ever correctly diagnosed me. They tried to say it was indigestion, a pre-ulcerous condition or even just a muscle spasm. It wasn't until I was drug down to the ER by my DH against my wishes that they finally got it diagnosed. Even then they really didn't pay me much attention and were about to send me home until I decided to quit putting a brave face on my pain and started hamming it up a bit. Making myself cry and moan with the pain rather than holding it in like I'm use to.

  7. I know the smileys are just a silly little element overall. But sometimes a well placed smiley:smilewinkgrin: can make the difference between a thread being a healthy debate :) or a thread turning into a nasty shouting match.:eek:

    Thanks again for bringing them back. Hopefully the edit issues are resolved but still if I had to chose between being able to edit my post or being able to insert a well placed smiley or two I would pick the smiley everytime.

  8. Alex, thanks for not only listening to our suggestions, but acting on them. I'm SO tickled my lil smiley faces are back!!

    I love this forum...so happy I found it.

    -(Happy Again) Becky :)

    P.S. The lil red devil cracks me up!!

    Ditto - Alex you are the best! I can never thank you enough for all the support and love I have received from this site. If it weren't for your Lapbandtalk.com I am confident I wouldn't have made it nearly as far as I have with this band.

    :eek: Yipee! The Smiley's are Back!!!!

    Thankyou Alex.

  9. :) I got on the scale this morning and I was shocked to see I had lost 4 pounds! :)

    I found a thread last Friday called "Say No To Carbs 2 Day Challenge...come Join Me" So me and a couple others decided to give it a go Monday/Teusday. And other than a couple cashews I managed to stick with it both days. It really helped me refocus on what I am eating, and it has also helped motivate me into getting back on track with my drinking Water.

    Now if I can only knock off the remaining 17 pounds I'll really have something to Celebrate on my 15th wedding anniversary.


  10. Please do NOT wait until next week to address this. You need to get in to a Doc TODAY. I repeat TODAY!!!!

    The symptoms sound a lot like the ones I had with my gallbladder but then again I don't like what you are saying about the lack of restriction, and how the doc thinks once you get under 200 pounds that there won't be. That's a bunch of hogwash in my non-medical opinion....

    RANT AGAINST DOC - I am not a doctor, nurse or affiliated with the medical practice in any way, but I have seen the bands, held them in my hands. At one support group they even passed it around with a syringe inserted in the port so that you could but the band around your finger and fill it up to feel how it tightens. On my little finger I was easily able to fill it full enough to actually hurt my finger. There is no way that wouldn't give someone restriction. My docs office insists they could fill anyone tight enough to make it impossible to even swallow Water, no matter what there weight.... END OF RANT

    Sorry about the rant but it does make me worry that your pain could somehow be band related. Did your doc pulled the Fluid out of your band to see if there was as much in there as his chart says their should be? Is it possible that you band has a leak? If it did it shouldn't cause an infection like this but who knows?

    Please get in today even if you have to go to the ER. And keep us posted.

  11. Yesterday's Breakdown:

    56oz - Water

    2 - LowCarb Slimfast (190/20/2 per can)

    1 - serving Protein pudding (217/21/10)

    1/4 cup - Cashews (188/5/8) (I know 2 days in a row but I really needed it this time)

    That brings my total to 785 Calories, 66 Protein & 22 Carbs

    Now I'm going to try to take small steps back up to a "normal" diet. Today & Tomorrow I plan on having 1 or 2 Slimfast, 1 salad & 1 Protein pudding.< /p>

  12. Don't worry Karey I think we are all just whining a bit. I am 150% happy with the way my body looks in the mirror since having the TT. Whenever my DS is in bed my DH keeps finding me wandering the house in just my undies (or not :)).

    My PS' nurse kept telling me it took her 3 months before her swelling had gone down enough that she needed to buy smaller sizes. She also said that for the rest of the year she found that the swelling would creep back by late afternoon so that what fit in the morning was snug by night. Still it's just so frustrating to seem to look so much better/flatter in the mirror but still not be wearing smaller clothes no matter what I was told pre-surgery. And it is just as frustrating to not see any difference on the scale. But I know it will only get better.

    And the swelling doesn't hurt or anything, it's just there.

  13. Hey there Sades - I'm 5'2" as well.

    My doc was one that tried to set goals at around half of your beginning excess weight according to some studies that showed that to be the average loss. Using my docs method from my starting weight my goal would have been 89 kg (196 lbs).

    I never bought into that instead I was originally shooting for the top end of the healthy BMI range or 63kg (139 lbs). Only now that I've made it down to 74 kg (163 lbs) I am starting to wonder if I really want to lose much more. I keep waivering back and forth between wanting to strive to lose those last 11kg and reach my original goal or just shooting for another 2kg and being satisfied with a goal of 72 kg (159 lbs) for now my ticker has split the difference between the two though the more I think about it the more I'm leaning towards changing it to the higher goal of 72 kg then modifying it back lower after I reach that goal if I decide I still want to lose more.

  14. Mimin - Did you go down any pant sizes after you PS? I'm just over 3 months post-op and still wearing the same size pants as pre-surgery. I can tell my jeans look better without the pouch tucked in them and I sure look better out of them. But darn it's annoying to still be wearing the same jeans I was wearing before all that skin was chopped off. GRRR...

  15. This may be a bit gross but pain pills usually give me Constipation. Then I think the Water pill softened up the stool "up-stream" to the point I had diarhea trapped behind the constipation. after typing the last post I went running back to the bathroom. Had to then lay on the floor until everthing stopped spinning but I swear after this last trip I've got to be a good 5 pounds lighter than I was this morning.

    Just to make the visual even more disgusting. Now that I'm back to my desk again I'm sitting here eating my chocolate Protein pudding with chunky Peanut Butter mixed in. If I have to make a third trip to the restroom I think I'm going to go home. This isn't exactly the kind of thing you want to be going through at work.

  16. Hey all. I may have to back down from the challenge today. I just went to the restroom and nearly passed out. (Dizzy, cold sweats, etc.) I'm a bit better know but still feel a bit dizzy. I don't know if it is due to the lack of food alone or a reaction to the lack of foods being taken with my meds.

    I've got a probable torn rotator cuff at the moment. I've started physical therepy yesterday and can't get insurance to approve an MRI to make an accurate diagnosis until I've been to therapy for 2 weeks. In the meantime I've been taking some prescrption Hydracodone (sp?) for the pain. I took one at 5:30am and another at 7:30 but haven't had any since. I also took a muscle relaxant this morning for the shoulder as well as a prescription "water" pill for some swelling issues related to my Plastic Surgery a couple months ago. It could be the combination of these drugs along with the lack of food is effecting me. I don't know but if it doesn't clear up within the hour I think I'm going to eat something.

    So Far today:

    2 bottles of Water

    1 Low Carb Slimfast

  17. Really is pretty good. Helps curb my cravings for sweets and icecream. You can change it up all kinds of ways. I've mixed in frozen bananas, frozen strawberries. A dash of Lime juice in the cheesecake flavor to make it more like key lime pie. A couple friends of mine also like to add instant coffee to the chocolate pudding (YUCK!)

    The pudding mix adds some unnecessary calories and carbs but I just can't hardly stand to not feel like I ate something solid. So the pudding helps me change a diet chore into a diet treat.

  18. Today's Breakdown:

    56oz - Water

    3 - LowCarb Slimfast (190/20/2 per can)

    1 - serving Protein pudding (217/21/10)

    1/4 cup - Cashews (188/5/8) YIKES!!! BAD GHOST VERY BAD GHOST!

    That brings my total to 975 Calories, 86 Protein & 24 Carbs

    Would have been much happier with myself if I hadn't reached for those darned Cashews in the breakroom at work. I told myself I was just going to suck on one to get the flavor but next thing I knew I had already ate 1/4 cup. Thankfully I managed to pull myself away before I eat any more. (OK OK the phone rang, but at least I stopped.) Will try to do better tomorrow. Still not too bad overall I guess.

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