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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by TheGh0st

  1. The mate thinks I should include a raw egg. Yech! sez I about that.

    You probably wouldn't taste it mixed in with everything else but that is still just plain GROSS on so many levels. I'd insert the smiley here that is losing his lunch but with your own nasea I'd hate to give you any ideas.

    (I love that smiley)

  2. I should explain one of the reasons I'm in a rush to do it in May is so that it will be done in time for a trip I will be making to Vegas the last weekend in June. I'd really like to have it done before then so I can look my best for the event and more importantly so I can do a little clothes shopping while I'm there. But if I'm going to need more than a week off I'll probably need to wait until this fall.

    I am one stubborn red head. I don't take risks with lifting requirements but if I'm well enough to sit on a couch and watch the telly I figure I'm up to sitting in front of a computer at least for half a day. I live close enough to work that after my Tummy Tuck I even had the boss come pick me up in my pj's to come in for a couple hours before my drains were even removed.

  3. I am looking to have a breast reduction as soon as I can manage to get enough time off. But there is the question, How much time will I really need?

    I have a very light duty desk job and a history of going back to work much sooner than the doctors say it will take.

    My Surgery History:

    Gallbladder: Docs said 1-month, I missed only 2 days work.

    C-Section: Docs said 6 weeks, I was back part-time after one week, full time after 2 weeks

    Lap Band: Docs said 2-4 weeks, I took a week off to get past some of the early diet restrictions but could easily have gone back to work in a couple days.

    Tummy Tuck: Docs said 6 weeks, Part time after one week full time after 3 weeks.

    I'd like to have the surgery on Wednesday May 21nd and be back to work by the following Teusday or Wednesday. With Memorial Day in their I'd only end up missing 3-4 days of work.

    I'm not asking if this time table is sane just if it sounds even possible keeping in mind my past experiences.

    What do you think?

  4. Forget the whole milk. If I'm really going whole hog I go straight for the heavy whipping cream.

    Throw a few tablespoons of whipping cream in the blender and whip until starting to creat peaks. Then add & blend well:

    1 bottle Mighty Mango juice (labeled as Naked Juices)

    1 container of peach or plain yogurt

    1 frozen banana

    1/2 cup of mango (or peach or orange) sherbert

    and if your meds allow it, a bit of peach schnapps is a really good adder to the above.

    Or if you want to give it some semblance of being "healthy" about the whole thing you could add some vanilla or unflavored Protein powder to the mix.

    We're thinking of you.

  5. I would have liked Kelly to win (probably because she is older and started heavier) but am happy about Ali and Bernie as well. Best part of all to me is that Bernie & Ali had the top two weight loss percentages of the entire show, with the higher % loser (Ali) winning the larger prize.

    There have been past seasons where one of the top two overall losers didn't win anything because they were both in the finals and I think there may have even been a season where the trure biggest loser only one 100K because he wasn't in the finals.

    Can't "weight" for the new season this fall.

    Anyone know when the next Amazing Race starts up?

  6. ...In my opinion I wish I would have put all the exercise equipment that I have to good use and then maybe my weight loss totals would have looked better, but I'm not going to worry myself with it, I'm just going to enjoy the here and the now. I've been actually enjoying walking...

    Ditto that. I will say the treadmill is still a chore. I really only enjoy walking when there is something to watch going by, even a TV doesn't really help. But when I walk with my friend at the mall, it amazes me how quickly 2 hours and 4+ miles can go by.

  7. How does the old addage go? "Do as I say not as I do."

    I have yet to start any formal exercise routine though I do meet with another lapband friend and walk once a week at a local mall. Depending on how much shopping we do we tend to walk between 2-4 miles. And whenever she backs out with another commitment I tend to go for a massage instead of a walk. So much for my own commitment

    However, I am MUCH more active than I use to be. I have a desk job and can remember intentionally setting things aside that would require my getting up and walking a mere 10 paces across the room just so I wouldn't have to get up and down more than necessary. Now I've changed jobs and work on the second floor and instead of looking for ways not to walk across the room I actually go out of my way to find excuses to go up and down the stairs. Some days I even keep a little sticky note next to my desk and try track how many times I've gone up and down in a day. I probably average 15, I think my record is only 35 times, but how many people can say they have gone up and down 35 flights of stairs in one day, or even 15 for that matter?

    Still the bandsters I've known that have incorporated regular regimented exercise into their weekly routine have lost the weight faster than I and I strongly believe that is the way to go. Eventually I know I will join that gym horde myself but for now I will just keep ticking off my trips up and down stairs and weekly walks at the mall.

  8. It is only a rumor as far as I know that she has had it in real life but she has been losing some weight as of late so I think it may be true. She is still fairly overweight at least it appears so next to all the other very thin actresses on the show.

    Oh and the "Dude" she was telling about it, is her boyfriend on the show. He is not bad on the eyes, though a bit young for me. Best of all they had their first an on screen "love scene" this week. Everyone on the GL board which I never visited before this storyline started, is all happy that the show didn't shy away from showing them in an intimate moment just because of her weight.

    He has been supportive for the most part but still keeps trying to talk her out of it based on the idea that he loves her as she is now and that she doesn't need to lose weight just to please him or others. Sometimes that kind of "support" isn't very supportive for me at least, though no one on the GL boards can understand that.

  9. Yes congratulations to both of you. While I don't go around shouting to all that the band is some miracle cure everyone should do. It has definitely been a true blessing for me.

    And I can remember well even 3 years later how attending my first seminar brought tears to my eyes as well. It wasn't just the inspirational stories of those who had come before me but also that there had to have been well over 200 people in the room. It was so full there wasn't even enough chairs and many of us were standing in the back. And this was only one of probably 2 a week that were held by different docs around town. I saw so many people just like me, men, women, old, young, of different income levels and ethnic backgrounds and yet we were all the same. And I was not the only one with tears in my eyes that night.

    Good luck to both of you on this journey and welcome to Lapbandtalk.

  10. Great to see you here. I hope we can be of some help even if it isn't with financing. Too bad you don't live in my area though. If you were any good with handyman work I'd have plenty of odd jobs around my house for you that my dh (darn, I mean dear Husband:tongue2:) never seems to get around to.

    Being off work if only temporarily right now have you qualified for medicare? If so you might be able to get it to cover the surgery.

    Or are there any relatives you might be able to loan it from? You could draw up a detailed plan show them all the money you will save with reduced medical costs (if any) and reduced grocery costs from the smaller diet. Show them you will have a method to pay them back. I know it is hard to ask for help but it just might work.

    Again welcome to this site. Browse around there are plenty of people here who haven't been banded yet or even decided if they will be.

  11. It was a pretty basic listing. It had his photo. (Again assuming it wasn't a joke) and he said he was willing to work or "be someone's slave" in return for money to help pay for weight loss surgery. Bypass or the band.

    I just sent this last e-bay message to him:

    I'm sorry for my earlier question. I was afraid the auction was someone's cruel idea of a joke on you.

    I don't have the $$ to help pay for surgery but wanted to show my support. I was banded in 05 and would love to help someoneelse afford the surgery, however, as it is I am saving coupons & selling items on e-bay just to afford milk and gas these days.

    But seriously, check out Lapbandtalk.com its a great place for info. There are threads discussing ins. issues & other ways of paying for it. Check it out, start your own thread. If you title it "I was desperate enough to try to sell myself on E-Bay" I'm sure you would get many responses. (There is already a thread over there about your auction, you could also find it & post you were the person who listed it)

    - Also I heard after I had my surgery that part time Starbuck employees have a health ins. I paid f/mine with 0% intro rate CC. I'm paying it off w/savings from lower grocery bills.

    - Good luck to you whatever you decide.

    Will be interesting to see if he actually comes over here to LBT.


    Dear dirtfan864,

    Is this for real? Or is this someone's idea of a bad joke being played at some poor co-worker's expense? If it is real you should check out Lapbandtalk.com we might not be able to help with financing but would love to support you any other way we could. If you are not even the person in the photo but just playing a prank on him then may your wobbly bits dry up and fall off.

    - d****ty


    - d****ty

    yes i am for real,last year i had open heart surgery for a defective heart valve,lost my job and insurence,i was 150 pounds over weight then,now im 200 pounds,im getting desperate,seems like the harder i try to loose weight the more i gain,seen people ask to pay for surgery,im not asking for a free handout,willing to work for the surgery and sign a contract,slave for sale is something i thought up to catch peoples eye

    - dirtfan864

    Shoot, now I feel even more tempted to donate a buck, or at least respond with some encouragement. I know this could still be bogus. But I can remember being nearly as desperate for cash in the past myself. I just never had the guts to follow through and try something like he has.

    I'm sure most of you would say reaching out to a stranger like this is completely wrong, especially when we have no way of verifying its accuracy. But then how many of us have caved and given a little spare change to a panhandler or put a little change in one of those collection boxes with the picture of some sick child at the gas station? Part of me would much rather be a fool and not turn my back to someone in real need all becaus of some fear of being burned by a scam artist.

    Though I'd like to think I'm not a complete fool. for one I only communicated to him through e-bay with the option to hide my e-mail address. He doesn't know my real e-mail or have any idea where I live and I have no intention of sending him any of that info.

  13. Just take it slow. Many of us have no problems with carbonation. Keep in mind it is empty calories but everyone needs those too now and again. ^_^

    Oh, and you may find that your a bit of a light-weight when it comes to the alcohol content after surgery. My theory is that with it sitting in the pouch for longer than most we are more efficient at absorbing all the available alcohol into our bloodstream and end up getting even more drunk. In a wierd paradox for a bandster it can actually help to NOT eat while drinking so as to not trap the food in the stomach any longer than necessary.

  14. Mine was meeting with an old highschool boyfriend that I'd started talking to online after 20 years then him never trying to contact me once after I couldn't fit into the booth at the restraunt.

    It really hurt. It wasn't even a romantic thing. We were both happily married with kids but it was like he thought I was too fat to even be friends with.

    I know, I know I don't need those kinds of friends and I was the one that broke up with him in HS for being a jerk back then too. But it still hurt enough to give me that final push.

  15. i dont care if they are black, white, pink, green or purple (although stripes would be nice)... as long as they do a competent job, represent our country well and undo the damage that has happened the past 8 years...
    That's what I'm trying to say. Black is irrelevant. "Competent" is 99% of what matters to me right now. The remaining 1% isn't race, either.

    If "competent" happens to be black, then I will be voting for a black president. If "competent" happens to be white, then I will be voting for a white president.

    I couldn't have put it better. My vote will most likely be for McCain and not Obama but I'd vote for him in a heartbeat over Hilary and would have loved to see Colin Powell run 4 years ago.

  16. Cool! Free? Even better yet! Where can you get it?

    You might try going to Lapband.com (allergan/formerly Inamed's) site and requesting one. Or ask one of your local band docs if they have a spare you can borrow/keep.

    I'm also interested in Ali's & O'Brien's books. Ali's sounds like it could be motivational and O'Brien has co-written multiple long term case studies on the band so his could be very incitefull on the facts/figures side.

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