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Everything posted by TheGh0st

  1. TheGh0st

    September Bandsters

    Congratulations Karey, every pounds counts. I'm still too afraid to get on the scale to give an update. Nor have I joined a gym. I have tons of excuses but the end result is I just need to get the lead out and get it done. My current plan is to use the dozen or so free passes my DH has to his gym. Its nearly 40 minutes out of my way round trip, but if it works it will only cost $10-15 per month to add me on to his membership vs. the $48/mo for the YMCA that is close to our sons preschool. I know it sounds like I ought to just pay the extra to go to the Y but it's just as far out of the way as my DH's if I want to go anytime other than first thing in the morning, and it isn't open 24/7 like his. So like I said I'm going to try his gym for a while then join one of them. Food wise I'm doing somewhat better, but I did cave and eat a Snickers Icecream Bar yesterday. Tisk Tisk. On a more positive note I think I may have finally broke through some invisible mental barrier that has been holding me back for months. I really feel ready to get back to work on myself for the first time in nearly a year. I am so thankfull that the band has been here to keep me from gaining all the weight back that I lost the first year. It is great to know that I'm moving forward from a 92 pounds down 17 pounds up position rather than 92 down and 109+ pounds up.
  2. TheGh0st


    Can't help you on the starving comment but I would strongly reccomend (sp?) switching to Slimfasts Low Carb version over the Optifast. The majority of the band docs really push the high protein regime and the Low Carb Slimfast has both the highest Protein grams as well as the lowest Carb grams of any of their varieties. I use to drink the protein powder drinks until I realized that the low carb slimfast not only gave me as much protein as most of the protein powders but also gave me many vitamins/minerals. The two stores I've found that carry it are Walgreens and Sams Club
  3. TheGh0st

    having trouble getting protien drinks down

    As for the SlimFast comments. There is a variety of Slimfast called LowCarb. Locally I find it at Sams Club and Walgreens. It has more Protein and less carbs than the Slimfast marketed as High Protein. As to the tastes of some of the protein supplements. I like to mix things up. here are a few suggestions. chocolate Flavored Protein drinks such as the Slimfast Low Carb or the Protein Powders. - Mix in a couple tablespoons of Nestle's Low Carb Hot Chocolate Powder to bump up the chocolate flavor. It only adds 25 calories and I think only 4 or 5 carbs. - Mix in just a little instant coffee - Blend up in a mixer with 1/3 frozen banana and/or a Tablespoon of Peanut Butter Fruit Flavored Protein Drinks such as Isopure's glass bottles. - mix in some Crystal Light lemonade or other flavored packet to bump up the flavor. - run through blender with a 1/3 frozen banana or 2 frozen strawberries. - or try making some sugar free Jello (with 1/2 the hot water) then after it cools to luke warm (or cooler) then mix in Isopure as the remainder of the liquids. The only Isopure I could drink was the GrapeFrost with the Crystal Light Lemonade mixed in. I found the Orange Isopure to taste like a watered down McDonalds Orange Drink with this odd slimy after effect. But I never tried adding Crystal Lights orange mix to the orange Isopure, which might have helped. Once you get to a point they allow foods such as puddings. You can make a whole array of protein puddings that are pretty tasty. Soft frozen they can even substitute for soft serve icecream.
  4. TheGh0st

    Hello everyone

    Nice to meet you Mary. I wish you the best on whatever path your journey takes you. Please feel free to ask any questions you might have. Ofcourse we are mostly a biased group but we can still be helpful.
  5. TheGh0st

    Sept 2005 bandsters post here!!

    Hey there Pam - I know what you mean about the chocolate. I've been giving in to its calling way too much over the holidays. Even gave in to a Sheridan's Chocolate Concrete Mixer today with Hot Fudge and Carmel mixed in. So Yummy and yet so not good for me. I've promised myself to get active in the exercise side of my journey to a slimmer and healthier life this year. However, I'm being side tracked by some sever shoulder pain issues. I've been struggling with a sore right shoulder for nearly 6 months but am one to put off dealing with what seem to be minor annoyances. Twice my doc has given me orders to see a physical therapist and twice I decided I was too busy with other issues such as Christmas shopping and my Plastic Surgery to deal with my shoulder. But I've let it go too far. Now I'm in a state of constant pain shooting up and down my arm with my right hand feeling as if it has permanently fallen asleep. I'm hoping it is just a pinched nerve and that I haven't let it go so far that it has caused any permanent damage. But I'm worried that it could be something more serious, I just can't believe a pinched nerve wouldn't have resolved itself by now. I was also popping Advil & Tylenol pills right and left for the last month and after seeing some recent posts on Lapbandtalk am worried about if I've done any harm to my stomach due to the band. I've tried stopping the pain pills the last couple days but it hurts so bad I'm about ready to take the risk just to get a little relief.
  6. Speaking of unfills TracyinKS where are you? It was good to see you at the doc's office the other day. Are you feeling any better? How has the unfill gone?
  7. Personally I still would have taken out some fill though maybe not as much as I did. The office only wanted to take 1cc out and I opted for 2.5cc when she told me that she had been able to pull out just over 12cc's in my 10cc band. But then again I was really struggling with being filled too tightly at the time. I had acid reflux something terrible and had just been dragging my feet on getting the unfill I knew I needed. I guess my non-medical advice would be that if you are comfortable that you could easily get in for an emergency unfill at anytime of day/night if you were to have a problem post surgery then I'd agree with the reccomendation you got to leave well enough alone. If however, you are somewhere that it is difficult to get in without a long drive or wait then you might consider a small unfill as a precaution.
  8. Congratulations (I Hope?) I'd take that approval letter and run with it. Sue then sue them if necessary after the fact.
  9. TheGh0st

    I'm getting discouraged...

    I am so sorry you are having to go through so many hurdles. Another view might be that all these roadblocks are there just to remind you afterwards how much you really fought for this, when you might need that little extra mental push. Good Luck and I'll be praying for you! "Belief preceeds the Miracle"
  10. OK it is way too late for me to be posting responsibly. Worse I've already tortured one other thread with this post. But, please forgive me for the "Korn" factor. here goes.... I just got done watching a 4-hour silly Fantasy mini-series with Beau Bridges no less. I know I'm a geek. But two korny phrases kept popping up in the movie that I couldn't get out of my head. The more I heard them the more I felt them somehow appropriate. "Only through belief can one truly see" and "Faith preceeds the miracle." In other words for us to see ourselves reaching our goals we must first believe (or have Faith) that they are even possible. OK you can all stop gaggin now.
  11. Thankfully I was able to get in for a fill yesterday. The doc I use has been very backed up for the last few months but has finally got some needed additional staff hired and trained. I can already tell I have some restriction back but am afraid it still isn't enough. Through the holidays I felt so loose I'd eat way more than I wanted and still not feel full. You would think I could have just embraced and enjoyed the freedom to eat old foods like pastas and breads. But it was miserable feeling constantly hungry and constantly watched with a critical eye by my family. Now with this new fill I am able to get full on modest meal but am still finding myself hungry and wanting to graze within an hour or two of eating. I have another appointment for a fill in 4 weeks. Hopefully this one was at least enough to stem any weight gain until the next one.
  12. Hi Karey, I've been telling people who have been asking about pics to look at page 9 but just realized it is page 15 that has the one month pics added in. I have my 3 month follow up appt on the 25th and might post some more photos then but don't think they will really show any difference. Infact I fear they would show a regression. I haven't changed my ticker but I've been creeping up to the 180 mark which is real scary. I can definitely tell I still have swelling (all over not just in the stomach) but am having a hard time believing that I haven't gained some weight. After all I started pre-surgery at 173 then they removed over 10 pounds. I even hit 163 once, hence my ticker. So how could I possibly be walking around with 17+ pounds of swelling?
  13. TheGh0st

    How did you deal with thoughts of failure?

    OK it is way too late for me to be posting responsibly. Forgive me for the "Korn" factor. But here goes.... I just got done watching a 4-hour silly Fantasy mini-series with Beau Bridges no less. I know I'm a geek. But two korny phrases kept popping up in the movie that I couldn't get out of my head. The more I heard them the more I felt them appropriate comments for this thread and for my own journey. "Only through belief can one truly see" and "Faith preceeds the miracle." In other words for us to see ourselves reaching our goals we must first believe (or have Faith) that they are possible. OK you can all stop gaggin now.
  14. Try page 9 of this thread. I think that is where at least one set is posted.
  15. Just noted the wierd "wording" on the links. Both links work but they don't read like they did when I typed them. The first link is to the E-Store area of New Hope Bariatrics website. The second link is to New Hope's main page. Odd but oh well it works.
  16. TheGh0st

    How did you deal with thoughts of failure?

    Dianne we seem to be following each other around today. Some suggestions for starting the support group might be to start small. Get a few of you to agree to meet at a band-friendly restraunt and split a meal, or maybe even meet one or two bandsters at a mall and try to walk a few laps with them. Even if you do more shopping than walking just feeling free to discuss what is going on with someone else with the band can really help.
  17. Sunsett - It was good to get a chance to talk to you over the phone. Here is the link. :: E-Store Just in case anyone is wondering. I don't get any kind of credit for anyone that purchases these garments just figured I'd offer the link for anyone interested in the discount. I heard about it at my last support group. It is a link through to a company called Countour MD from the :: LAP-Band® System :: Surgery Weight Loss Procedure website. According to the support group speaker from Countour MD if you link through from New Hope you get upwards of a 30% discount depending on the garment compared to if you just go straight to Countours website. Though to be honest I just tried looking a couple garments up by going through the link and by going straight to the website without the link and saw no difference. Perhaps it doesn't show until you get to checkout, and I didn't have time to check that out.
  18. TheGh0st

    Obama won Iowa...woot

    I know what you mean. I think its because the campains are so expensive to run that candidates with poor results in the first couple states just drop out rather than to continue to spend more money on what is beginning to appear to be a fruitless campain. Personally, I kind of wish all the states would hold their votes all on the same day like they do for the final election. I also sometimes wish when it comes to the final election for the presidency that the news media weren't able to start predicting results for the elections before the polls were closed across the entire country. It's not really fair to states on the West Coast who haven't even got out to vote yet and the media is already "declaring" a winner.
  19. TheGh0st

    How did you deal with thoughts of failure?

    A few things I've done to try to kick my motivation back in gear have included: - Joining a weight loss challenge thread on lapbandtalk - lurking amongst the threads of new bandsters in the hopes that there fresh enthusiasm will rub off on me. - Attending local lapband support groups. - Setting a small (or large) reward for myself if I reach a small interim goal.
  20. TheGh0st

    How did you deal with thoughts of failure?

    Hey there Georgia. I know where you are coming from. I've gone through the same bouts of slow to non-existant weight loss and all out apathy to working the band like I can/should. Infact I'm trying to pull myself out of one right now and make that final push to my goal weight. It's hard I know. And I can't give you any great advice. I envy those here that have been able to keep themselves motivated all the way through or are able to kick themselves back into gear quickly after a setback. Sadly, I'm not one of them. One thing that has helped me get through these times mentally at least, is to keep reminding myself that this is just a phase. The band is still helping me in that it is keeping me from regaining all the weight I lost while I'm in this funk and will be there to help me lose even more when I'm ready to get my head back into the game.
  21. TheGh0st

    Fill Dr. in NW Missouri

    Can't help you much but thought I'd say "Hi" as I'm in the KC area as well. Would Omaha or Lincoln, Nebraska be any closer for you? I think there is also one or maybe two options in St. Joe though I'm not positive as I know several people from St. Joe area that still drive down to KC. Anywho - Good luck to you and welcome to lapbandtalk.
  22. TheGh0st

    Tax deduction for self pay?

    Oh YEAH BABY!! I was able to claim every nickle and dime I spent the year I was banded. I had a VERY nice refund that year. Don't forget once you hit the threshold you can claim everything your family spent. Dentist visits, doctor co-pays, pharmacy expenses, I've even heard you can include travel costs though I didn't include that on mine. You also don't have to worry about trying to track down every receipt, just call each doctor, dentist, pharmacy your family may have gone to throughout the year and ask them to send you a statement for the year.
  23. TheGh0st

    Obama won Iowa...woot

    Wondered when someone would get around to posting about Iowa. Got to say I'm lovin' Hilary's 3rd place showing.:whoo: Just can't stand that gal, tried, can't, sorry. My MIL thinks I'm an embarrasement to the female race for not supporting Hillary but personally I'd be more embarassed to be an American or a female if she was the best we could do for our first Female president. To all the Hillary supporters, I am sorry if my comments offend. Despite my lack of respect for Hillary I have nothing but respect for anyone else who chooses to take the time to get interested enough to back someone even Hillary:heh:.
  24. TheGh0st


    Glad to meet you Ohiogyrl and good luck on your journey. I am sorry to hear about your best friend's reaction. Sadly, it is not an uncommon problem.
  25. TheGh0st

    Lap Band Friendly Fast Food

    Subway type shops - Tuna or chicken salad in a Pasta cup with no bread. Chipotle - I like the Barbacoa Beef Burrito Bowl with black Beans & hot salsa (no rice) - If you can stretch it into 3 meals like I can when I'm at my "sweet" spot then its around 210 calories per meal with a high Protein / low carb count. Wendy's - Chili, Refried Beans I will also order Chicken Strips from Wendy's, Kentuky Fried or McD's in a pinch but it's not the best option considering its batter fried.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
