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Posts posted by Slwhurst

  1. On 02/05/2023 at 17:51, Hope4NewMe said:

    We should have a whole year and even more to reach our goal. Everyone is different so its sad if your surgeon put that stress on you to do it extra fast. As long as your weight is not going up and still trending down then you are doing great. No idea why they would expect you to reach a certain weight by a certain date. Hugs!

    He said there is a possibility of regaining the “hunger” after 6 months so that was his reasoning for wanting it all gone by then. Apparently he is the only doctor that is so strict cause everyone I know said a year as well…

  2. Guys this is your que to exit it’s about to be weird. Ladies stick around for the fun!!! So today I decided after work I needed to decompress. Which means self care night! This usually entails a long hot shower shaving exfoliating you know the works. All the things that make us feel normal again. I have lived in this house since 2019 and have NEVER attempted a “bath”. Let’s face it my bathtub looks like it is just big enough to fit a baby hamster in. But tonight I felt like I would give it a shot… I FIT COMFORTABLY!!!! Then to top it off it came time to shave and my cat is visible. I can see her and all her glory with minimal movement!!! I have not shaved with out fear of snagging that beautiful little sailor In so long!!! Let me tell you it was wonderful!!!!

  3. Y’all I had my last family get together last night and I drank 4 glasses of wine instead of eating… for someone that hasn’t drank in a hot min I don’t feel like I reacted badly. I have a slight headache this morning but wasn’t plastered last night. That side of the family is definitely the dysfunctional side and you need something to get through the night!

  4. On 11/14/2022 at 09:52, Hope4NewMe said:

    Congrats!!! I think I'm still in my stall. I waited a week to weight myself and I'm down a little bit from my lowest but its so close I'm going to wait and see. Stalls are the worst so I'm so happy for you!

    I've also found my newest favorite drink. 2 things I hadn't tried, heating my Protein Shakes and fairlife vanilla so I tried it with a sf chai mix and it is the best! I found on Amazon David Rio sugar free Orca Spice Chai Tea Mix and it is amazing. I just looked right now and it seems almost sold out which worries me but I still have most of my container left atm.

    What is everyone's favorite food or drink atm? Do your tastes change often? Mine seems to change weekly lol. I still have trouble with chicken too but so far everything else is ok.

    I no longer have a favorite food🥲 I have not been able to eat anything twice in a row without it making me sick. I have very much been the “what settles once won’t settle again” person…

  5. On 10/30/2022 at 20:15, Garfield1987 said:

    I booked but both nutritionist and doc said it was a waste of money so I cancelled it. I got blood work done Friday, and I’m hoping it comes back quickly. I think though I’m going to just pull the trigger on the IV. I can’t keep going like this and I’m willing to try anything at this point.

    I didn’t even bother asking. I did tell my dietitian I did it after the fact and she said if I was weak and run down then it was a good thing especially if it helped. I even went to a dr appointment with a friend and happen to just throw out the question and the dr said just do it. Our drs want us to rely on fluids Protein and Vitamins. I am not sure they really want us to seek other options. Not saying they are that way out of malice or anything but I don’t think it would be a healthy option to do it often.

  6. On 10/30/2022 at 15:54, Foxfire said:

    I’m almost 5 weeks post op as well and I have been exhausted as well. I am meeting my Protein and exceeding my Water and taking my Vitamins so who knows? I have two small children and it makes it so difficult. My husband just yells at me for being “lazy” because I sleep in on the weekends. I get my labs drawn and see the doctor this Friday so hopefully it will get better.

    Guys I am telling you… actually screaming from the rooftops… find an iv bar pay the money get the iv. Make sure you choose the one with the most vitamins! Ask for their input they know what you need!!! I was there it will help I promise.

  7. On 10/25/2022 at 05:16, Garfield1987 said:

    Hi guys. I’m 5 weeks post opp today. No issues with food. But I am exhausted. Absolutely and positively exhausted. No matter how much I sleep. And since last night I have had pain on thr right side of my abdomen. Considering even getting one of those IV drip treatments. Anyone else?

    Get the IV treatment!!! I did and it helped so much and I went down a little sooner than you. I think mine was around week 3!

  8. My dogs are officially my clean up crew and they are loving it. They get all my healthy food that I can’t finish. Tonight my little baby ate all my broccoli and my big baby at all the chicken! My big boy is a husky and absolutely refuses veggies, but my little girl is a jack russel and schnauzer mix and loves all plants😂 funny how different they can be!

  9. On 10/20/2022 at 15:49, Band2SleeveGurl77 said:

    I’m pretty short so I’ll probably have lots of skin but that’s another problem for another day lol. Hope you are doing good and thank you for responding- it’s so nice to share this journey

    Girl I am 5’4 and started at 238. I feel that is an extremely high weight for my height. But apparently it might not be. How tall and where did you start and where are you now? I am at 208 currently.

  10. I am 5 weeks post op and have been stalled for the past couple weeks. I guess I can’t really complain about that though cause I did drop 30 pounds in the first few weeks. Things got so much better for me as far as nausea when I decided to go against the plan of puréed food and just skip to soft food. My body tolerated that a whole lot more. Is it why I am stalled? Maybe… but in the long run I had to do what was best for my body. I was not getting the nutrients I needed to even survive. Hopefully I am on the back end of the stall and about to start dropping again. I have been super busy at work and at home. I did have an upset by losing a baby(puppy) but she was my baby! Life goes on though and we persevere! Y’all all keep up the good work! No one has left that I know of I think we have all just been busy in our own ways! And for those that wonder about the earlier dirty and sick posts that situation seems to be better since I moved to soft foods as well!!🤣

  11. On 10/07/2022 at 10:52, Hope4NewMe said:

    I'm so sorry you had such issues!! I will take your advice and I won't try that brand for my constipation. I had the opposite issue with taking milk of magnesia. I took the lowest dose and nothing so I waited another day and then took the highest dose and finally some relief but just barely. I hope you are feeling better! Thank you for sharing so that we can learn from your experiences.

    It is definitely a brand that will get the job done! Just don’t take the recommended dose on the back. Take the children’s dose!

  12. On 10/06/2022 at 22:06, Sd14810 said:

    Sending prayers, and think about depends, I know it sounds bad, but I have a friend who has had potty issues for years and she has to resort to magnesium citric and she always makes sure she has a couple depends in the house just incase things go south to quickly.... pun intended.... now I am curious what you took [emoji848]

    Sent from my SM-G996U using BariatricPal mobile app

    Dulcilax! It’s says gentle laxative!!! My hind end says not so gentle! It hit me about like a Mac truck on the highway! We are talking shaking, nausea, irreparable damage to my toilet along with my pride! After two rounds of this with the second one not being anywhere near as horrific as the first I was so nauseated that I thought I would take the prescribed medication for that and it didn’t even make it down before it came back up! So my ears are currently the only orifice left unviolated at the moment!!

  13. Ok guys I swore to share the good the bad and the ugly so here goes… I have not been active in here much lately because I have been absolutely exhausted with work. I left work early to visit an iv bar yesterday! If you are weak and exhausted from lack of Vitamins just go do it trust me!!! It makes a huge difference! On top of that I have never been regular with the potty and that has gotten worse since surgery. So tonight I took it upon myself to take something to help out in that area. For the love of all things holy if you feel the need to go this route DO NOT TAKE THE DOSE RECOMMENDED ON THE BOX!!!! There are approximately 10 steps between my bed and my bathroom if in a hurry and I promise you I made it about 3 of those steps… I have managed to clean myself out and also managed to have the rest of the medication my stomach couldn’t handle come out the top side. So now I am laying in my bed contemplating my life choices and exactly how I might go about recovering from this horrific night… it is well past my bed time and I am terrified to go to sleep!!! Send prayers for my dumb self please!!!

  14. On 10/02/2022 at 18:35, SpartanMaker said:

    I'm really just grasping for straws here, but maybe look for patterns? Like amount of fat or carbs, types of food, etc. I know that some people really struggle with certain foods, but tolerate others just fine.

    So far anything purée is out. chicken, tuna, potatoes, eggs… nothing! But I can eat a hot wing and deer sausage without getting sick. Leaning towards it being a texture thing.

  15. Ok guys dumb but serious question… According to my doctor I am supposed to be in purée till the 17th. Why in the world does anything I am supposed to eat make me beyond nauseous. Like I don’t throw it up but all I can do is lay down for the next while. It makes me not want to eat. So the other day I knew I needed something and cheated and ate a hot wing and a half and was absolutely fine with it… does that sound weird to anyone else???

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