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About Clea123

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  1. Clea123

    2nd Day Post Op

    Yes! The dr said to drink room temp, warm, hot only for the first week because if cold, it causes construction inside. Makes sense. So I went ahead and drank a cold Premier Protein shake and was fine. I am so hungry!!
  2. Clea123

    2nd Day Post Op

    Oh wow. Good to know. I may have to try one cold and see what happens or I’m gonna be hungry constantly. Thank you!
  3. Clea123

    2nd Day Post Op

    You’re right. I have been trying to get about 2 cups of broth down and a bottle of Prope water. That’s about it besides meds. I actually split my meds upon a pill thing and that way I can get them all down. The capsules are the worst! The dr called me in some stomach spasm meds that I’ve taken twice, but they don’t seem to be working. My stomach just sounds like a hungry angry mess, and when it sounds like that, it hurts. So you tried the protein powder drinks hot? Like heat the water up and then put the powder in it and stir? I would think that’s gross, but am willing to try anything! Thank you so much!
  4. Clea123

    July 2022 peeps!

    I understand the feeling. I did order an abdominal binder to help when you have to cough and stuff. It’s been a lifesaver! You can get them on Amazon.
  5. Clea123

    July 2022 peeps!

    I’m definitely not doing cold yet. It’s been either warm or room temp. All hits my stomach the same. I’m pretty miserable. I still have some of the gas in me that is bothering my chest and back, so I’ve taken Gas-X and been up moving around. Today is Day 3 Post Op.
  6. Clea123

    2nd Day Post Op

    Makes sense. I just can’t help but feel hungry when my stomach growls. I’m still trying to figure out how much liquid the smaller stomach will hold. I don’t know how much broth to drink on top of Gatorade.
  7. Clea123

    2nd Day Post Op

    Yea I may have to get some of the Gatorade with protein. Broth just isn’t cutting it for that. Im drinking stuff, but it doesn’t have protein. Did your stomach growl a lot and it feel like you were having hunger pangs at all?
  8. Clea123

    July 2022 peeps!

    Yes, you’re very lucky! I have had maybe 20 oz since surgery. I’m trying, but it hits my stomach so hard. Like it’s painful and makes me feel like I want to throw up. I did a lot of dry heaving yesterday.
  9. Clea123

    2nd Day Post Op

    I had the sleeve done on Wednesday. Last year I had the band removed. So Dr had to make some repairs plus do the sleeve. Dr said to only drink stuff room temperature or warm for the first week since the cold makes everything tighten up and get restricted. So I’m drinking everything room temp, but can’t drink the protein drinks warm at al. So I’ll have to drink those on the cooler side.
  10. Clea123

    July 2022 peeps!

    How on earth are you managing to drink so much?! I’m on day 2 post op and can barely get stuff down without it hitting my stomach like a brick. Do you not have any issues like that?
  11. Hi. I’m new here. I’m hoping for some encouragement and advice. I had surgery yesterday, the 13th. I just got home today. I’m dealing with a severe headache and backache. Whenever I drink something (sip that is) I can feel it hit my stomach like a brick. So when I take my meds, I have to space them out so that it doesn’t make me sick. I have had some regret and am trying to stay positive. I like the Premier Protein drinks, but am having a hard tim with them needing to be room temperature. So how am I going to get protein in my system, besides the very little broth I'm sipping? I’m drinking Gatorade zero and diet tea because I am use to a lot of caffeine and this is the best I can do. I’m assuming drinking and then laying down isn’t a good idea either. I keep getting what feels like hunger pangs.

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