hi to all!
i'm just starting the decision making process....at 38,i have yo-yo dieted my self up to 250lbs @ 5'1! i dont have the co-mordities YET, that go along w/obesity, but i feel/know i am commiting a long drawn out suicide, being sooo heavy!!! and i'm not setting a very good life example for my daughters, who are overweight as well @ 12 & i know its my fault!!! so its TIME to take ACTION!!! i'm gonna sch.d a seminar date after this post...and have already requested the guidelines from bcbs.....i guess i'm fearful of my md (he's not too impressed w/bariatric anything....tooo risky...but he gave me diet pills!!! as if....) and the documentation....i dont have dates of all the times i started atkins, slimfast, southbeach, the cabbage soup diet & the list goes on & on!!! i wasnt seeing my dr every time i did something like this....do i write the letter or does my md?? also.....i smoke...and i want to quit!!! but ya know whats stopping me....thats right...i'm afraid i'll gain more wgt!!!! i'm hoping that going to the seminar will help me understand more.....do the nutritionists help mom to figure out how to meal plan for the whole family? i know that i need to get myself on track, but i feel like i have also de-railed 3 other people along the way w/my poor choices (my husband just had to order new uniforms for work, went up a pant & shirt size!, but he is still slender)! i just want to get started!!! my dogs are even getting fat!!!