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Posts posted by AliceFD

  1. My goal was to lose 63 pounds in the first year, but I've already lost 54. I'm 8 pounds away from getting into the healthy BMI range. (I should tell you I'm 5'2" and a small frame, my surgery weight was 198.) It's slowing down but not stopping, like 10ths of pounds at a time. I'd like to eventually lose about 20 pounds from where I am now.

    It blows me away that if you met me now you would just see me as an average woman who could lose a few pounds, but certainly not as an obese or even particularly overweight person.

  2. I'm trying to look at it like this: I may be stalled, but on the other hand I made it through all the holidays without gaining, I'm actually a couple of pounds down from before Thanksgiving. Now when in my life have I ever done that?

    Here's to a great New Year for all of us! We have taken such a giant step towards our health goals this year. Think of where we all were last year at this time! Best to all of you ❤.

  3. 10 hours ago, LookingForward22 said:

    Update & NSV: Friday was my 4 month follow up. I weighed in at 47 pounds down from surgery and 97 pounds lost total.

    My clothes are getting pretty big on me but I’m trying to modify my clothes rather than buy new for as long as possible.

    I was helping at a school event and one of the other volunteers came up to me (who hasn’t seen me since last April) - gushing over how good I looked … saying “I almost didn’t recognize you”. I have had several people tell me that lately (many saying it’s was due to my shorter hair, I think they were embarrassed or unsure how to mention my weight-loss).

    Funny thing is because my loss has been gradual my family and I don’t really “see” it as much - so when people react to it, usually it’s sweet.

    I’m struggling getting enough calories and Protein because I have some sinus drainage that make eating difficult but otherwise my dr and nutritionist think I’m on a really good track and are encouraging me to keep up the good work.

    I would have like to have lost more by now, but one advantage to slower loss is my skin is looking pretty good in general.

    I still have a lot to loose. I don’t have an ideal number set in my mind. I’ve already met all of my health related goals. In my perfect world getting down to the 100’s would be great, but as long as I’m healthy and avoid regaining… I’m happy. Having lots of plateaus which can be frustrating but with my calories being low that’s kinda expected.

    You're doing great! Someone who hadn't seen me for quite awhile honestly thought my husband had a new wife (I also grew my hair longer. ) Good thing they caught on before they started criticizing the old wife!

  4. On 12/1/2022 at 1:17 PM, I Am Enough! said:

    Hey August Buddies! I'm looking to see if anyone is interested in being an Exercise Accountability Buddy. I have been exercising but not enough to be consistent, and I need more motivation. Does anyone have the FitBit app and might want to try sharing fitness and exercise plans?

    I don't have a smart watch yet but I think I'm getting one for Christmas. Meanwhile, is it possible to set up a small group for those of us here that are willing to share in some way?

  5. 3 hours ago, LookingForward22 said:

    There’s no carb restriction on my plan, they want us to eat balanced and carbs are a part of that.

    Same here. I know I started feeling more energetic and even happier when I started eating more veggies.

    On 10/18/2022 at 10:37 AM, Hope4NewMe said:

    So what did your Drs advise you do as far as carbs? Mine says that they don't really limit carbs and that they believe that carbs will give you energy and then you will be more active which will then lead to weight loss. They believe that balance is the key. Looking though through threads and youtube, most of the people seem to be on a low carb diet like Keto without the added fat. I do want to be successful but if I could be successful and still eat more carbs I think I would be happier. Carbs are the only thing I am craving but I'm only a month out from surgery and carbs to me seem to be a slippery slope and I'm afraid that if I allow myself to eat carbs then I'll start eating them too much and snacking on crackers or something. Since surgery I have limited myself to 40 or less carbs per day and yesterday I had my one month visit with the dietitian and he said I needed to up my carbs to around 30 per meal. So what did your plan say about carbs and if you were allowed carbs, did you lose weight fast or was is slower? The speed of weight loss I know is individual, but if it seems to be a factor I want to know.

    There are carbs and then there are carbs, it's a big pot of good and bad. I look at it like this. Some, like sugary drinks or Desserts, are red light, I just eliminate them. Some are okay in small amounts, like Pasta, rice and bread, those are yellow light. Some, like greens and non starchy vegetables, are green light. I thought I could never live without my homemade bread, or pasta, but honestly, I'm fine with tiny portions or not at all.

  6. 39 minutes ago, karakent said:

    Hi guys. Today I’m exactly 2 months out and wanted to give you all an update! I’ve lost 43lbs. Since my revision to sleeve. And 23 inches all around. This is so much faster than I ever lost with my lapband. I still have an aversion to certain flavors and I can only drink my Protein Shake if its in coffee. On its own it sends me running to the bathroom. Which is weird. My dr told me to stop drinking the Protein Shakes anyway and that I should start getting my Proteins only from meals. I think I’ll be able to do that even though I can usually only fit about 4 ounces (we’ll see) the problem is that I’m not really a cook or kitchen person so I find myself eating the same things over and over and then making myself sick of them. This in turn means I’m quickly running out of choices.

    I weirdly can’t see the changes in my body but I know that they’re there because I’d definitely fit differently in my clothes and differently into seats and things like that. But the body dysmorphia is real y’all! I usually take pictures at every month anniversary and when I look back at what I looked like from the beginning to now, I still feel like I look the same—which again is weird because I thought that the pictures were supposed to show me that I actually am losing weight but oh well. Luckily I have a therapist, so I think I’m gonna bring this up at my therapy session tomorrow. I don’t come on here often, but I do read every single comment that gets posted so I really do appreciate people continuing to post here and talk about how they’re doing…it makes you feel a little less lonely, so thanks!

    I am 8 weeks out as well. I've lost 29 pounds but can't see it at all, either. I am down about a size, though. I'm not too worried about body dysmorphia yet. I'll be concerned if I lose all the weight I'm shooting for and still think I am fat. I had a roommate in college exactly like that, in the days before we knew what eating disorders were.

    I was stalled for 3 weeks, then lost 5, now stalled again. Frustrating, but I guess normal. I agree it's helpful to have others going through the same process. I spend a lot of time here and on Reddit.

  7. On 10/18/2022 at 10:37 AM, Hope4NewMe said:

    So what did your Drs advise you do as far as carbs? Mine says that they don't really limit carbs and that they believe that carbs will give you energy and then you will be more active which will then lead to weight loss. They believe that balance is the key. Looking though through threads and youtube, most of the people seem to be on a low carb diet like Keto without the added fat. I do want to be successful but if I could be successful and still eat more carbs I think I would be happier. Carbs are the only thing I am craving but I'm only a month out from surgery and carbs to me seem to be a slippery slope and I'm afraid that if I allow myself to eat carbs then I'll start eating them too much and snacking on crackers or something. Since surgery I have limited myself to 40 or less carbs per day and yesterday I had my one month visit with the dietitian and he said I needed to up my carbs to around 30 per meal. So what did your plan say about carbs and if you were allowed carbs, did you lose weight fast or was is slower? The speed of weight loss I know is individual, but if it seems to be a factor I want to know.

    There are carbs and then there are carbs, it's a big pot of good and bad. I look at it like this. Some, like sugary drinks or Desserts, are red light, I just eliminate them. Some are okay in small amounts, like Pasta, rice and bread, those are yellow light. Some, like greens and non starchy vegetables, are green light. I thought I could never live without my homemade bread, or pasta, but honestly, I'm fine with tiny portions or not at all.

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