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Florida Pete

LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Florida Pete

  1. Ok Beth! Got you added to the spreadsheet!
  2. We are looking to post them each week on Saturday. But whatever day works best for you is cool.
  3. Ok got you added to the spreadsheet!!:biggrin:
  4. Just right click on the banner you like and then click copy and then go to edit your signature and right click and paste it into your signature.
  5. Well I have my beginning weight for January now of 413 lbs and added it to the spreadsheets! So let the weight loss begin!
  6. Florida Pete

    new years weightloss challenge

    My final weigh in for the December challenge is 413.0 lbs! I did it. I beat my first goal and just beat my second goal! Total loss for the month of December is 33.6 lbs!!!
  7. Ok I got you two added to the spread sheets!
  8. Florida Pete

    Happy New Youi in 2009!~

    This is going to be a great and exciting year for all of us as we watch the pounds drop off with our hard work, dedication, and making the band work for us! It's crazy to think that the hard part is over when in fact the easy part is over and now the hard part yet fun part begins!
  9. Hello all, I add you two (Sarah and Mommyto4) to the spreadsheet and then I also added formulas to the spread sheet so all we have to do is enter in our weights and it will automatically calculate the weight loss amounts for us.
  10. Florida Pete

    new years weightloss challenge

    Congrats Sarah! I added your info to the spreadsheet. Now onto the next challenge!
  11. Florida Pete

    Holiday Hotties begin!!!

    Good luck to all those with December 1st dates! We are all thinking about you today and wish you all successful surgeries and quick recoveries! Let us know how your doing!
  12. Florida Pete

    Was doing great, now feel like crud

    I have to admit that right after I switched over to mushies we had my brother in-law and his wife over for a BBQ. I took a hot dog and chopped it up and mixed it with some baked Beans. I didn't dice up the hot dog just like made slices. Well OMG I ended up having some serious stomach pains for the next 24 hours. It just felt like my stomach was on fire. Really kicked my ass for a couple of days too. I was stupid enough a few days later to try eating one of the left over hot dogs and guess what. That's right another bought of stomach pains. Well I think this is one way our bodies are telling us that either that food is no good for us or that our bodies cannot handle it. It just took a little time for the serious stomach aches to go away but it did and I feel great. But don't get me wrong it will be a long time if EVER that I try another hot dog. LOL I really would chaulk it up to your body not being ready or able to handle that kind of food anymore. We have gone through some major changes to our body and it's going to take some adjustments. To bad that we have to learn it the hard way. LOL
  13. I'm already on the board for 20 lbs for January! Best of luck to all. I'll post my starting weight on Friday.
  14. Florida Pete

    new years weightloss challenge

    The reason I added that was because so many people ask how much I've lost since surgery. Fact of the matter is when I talk to people I work with, family, and friends I tell people my total weight loss. I think it's just people want to know or have it confirmed that surgery does help the weight loss. Just what people don't know is that it is still a lot of work.
  15. Florida Pete

    new years weightloss challenge

    I did a couple of little changes in there too and added a column to the main page adding weight loss since surgery.
  16. Florida Pete

    new years weightloss challenge

    I think it's great to have a weekly weigh-in if everyone is up for that. For me, I weigh myself every Friday simply because I had surgery on a Friday so it's a good basis for me to go week to week that way.
  17. Florida Pete

    Holiday Hotties begin!!!

    That is so great!!! Congrats on getting your surgery and the bad news turning around to be good news! Welcome Bandster!!!
  18. Florida Pete

    new years weightloss challenge

    That's very cool. Great to learn something new! I went ahead and added my info to it. If anyone else wants to add their info let us know so we can add it or maybe even Teresa can give you permissions to add yourself to the spredsheet.
  19. Florida Pete

    How's everyones incisions?

    Every persons weightloss after surgery is going to be different. Some people have restriction right a way while others won't have any restriction until their first fill. The medical staff from my surgeons office says 2 to 3 lbs a week but for me in my first three weeks I have already lost 24 lbs.
  20. Florida Pete

    new years weightloss challenge

    Are you the only one that can edit that spredsheet Teresa or can authorize like other gmail accounts to edit it too?
  21. Hi Beth, I am having a tiny bit of swelling but not all that much. Sometimes I do get uncomfortable when trying to sleep on that side but I can sleep on that side. If you think the swelling is abnormal you might want to just give your doctors office a call and see what they have to say about it. Only trouble with that is they will probably want you to come in even if it's nothing.
  22. Florida Pete

    Shoulder Pain

    Hi Angie! Well that sucks that this pain has returned. First thing I would look at doing is taking GasX to see if that helps relieve the pain. Also putting some heat like either a hot shower or a heating pad on your shoulder might help too. If that doesn't help and the pain continues you should call your doctor to make sure it's not anything else. Best of luck and I am sure it's just gas.
  23. Florida Pete

    Help me my new friends/ I scared

    It is great that your relaxed now. There really is nothing to fear as I know you will do so great! Tomorrow the surgery will go very well for you and you will be home and on your post-op diet before you know it and the weight will be falling off! Let us know how things went when you get a chance! Best of Luck tomorrow!!!
  24. I won't be the one to tell you that simply because everyone is different in how they react to weight changes. Like I said the only reason I do it weekly is because I know weight fluctuates constantly. Eat a meal it goes up. Go out and run a mile it goes down. LOL I do know what you mean about military training. I went to boot camp at Ft. Dix, NJ in the summer of 1990. In the 10 weeks I was there I went from 225 down to 185. So yes a rapid weight loss but it went back on just as fast too. And then after I was out it went up quickly.
  25. Florida Pete

    Where is your port?

    my port is on my left side

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
