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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Jazzy4Health

  1. Congrats on your loss thusfar. I do not usuallyfocus on that, but to what do you attribute your success? I have done well (25 lbs) but will admit wth all that I am doing, was hoping for more! Any tips, or just a general idea of what you do? Thanks
  2. Jazzy4Health

    Common Problem Foods

    Congrats to you! Beng ready is the key..and support of loved ones is so encouraging! Best of success!
  3. Jazzy4Health

    What a difference .5cc makes!

    Hello everyone. I was banded on April 15th and felt great right from the start (for which I am thankful). I had my first fill 2 weeks ago today, but I must admit there is NO restrictive feeling (it was4 ccs). I am, however, trying to be patient and just continue what I am doing. I have lost 25 lbs, so should not even think about complaining. I have noticed, however, that I am quite tired over the last 2 weeks despite still eating my 50-60 grams of protein. I shall up my exercise over the upcoming weeks. My next fill and a nutrition follow-up are on July 9th. That is 4 weeks from today. I would like to lose another 5 by then, but will just take whatever comes. I have gone down a few clothes sizes, so that is encouraging. Looking forward to my next fill just to see how it feels and what signals my body gives me. If any of you noticed any particular signals or have any tips, let me know! Thanks a bunch. It was encouraging reading all of your comments. By the way, how do I adjust my information. I would like to update my stats and add a ticker. (I think it would be fun!) Best of good health to you all!
  4. Congrats on your loss. I was wondering to what do you attribute the high weight loss success that you have had? Do you exercise a great deal? Any input would be appreciated. I see such varied losses. I was banded on the 15th and have lost 10 lbs (as of 1 wk post-op). Monday is my first follow-up, so I will wait to find out my official loss until then. It is a bit of a behavior issue I am working with myself not to give in to the "need" to hop on the scale on a daily basis. Just trying to limit it to once weekly. I would love to hear from you or anyone with their success strategies. I am exercising. In fact, back to the gym in the a.m. and cannot wait! Hope to hear from you when you have a chance. Enjoy the weekend.
  5. Hey there. We are almost TWINS (ha, ha)..I was banded on the 15th. Yes, liquids for two weeks, so I am edging over a week, but my follow-up w/ doc is Mon and w/ nutritionist is Tues. Even if they don't let me begin mushies until Wed, it will almost be here by then. What about your support team? - friends, family, someone to go for a walk with you, get you away from a McDonald's eating family. Be careful not to let that sabotage you. Keep up your determination. We can do it...all of us. REMEMBER you want to be...
  6. Congrats to you...34 lbs since March! That is awesome. I agree, you are not failing your band. One of the things that the classes at UMASS taught me is that each person is different. While it is great to get input from others, we cannot judge ourselves by the same standards. We were told that a fill is given when the person's system is ready. That can mean various things. For instance, there is not weight or shift in weight over a period of time, no full sensation or restrictive sensation, and/or time element. I had my surgery one week ago today and would not even expect that they would suggest a fill for another 3 weeks or so. I hopped on the scale today and lost quite a bit, but cannot wait for my first follow-up on Monday to get an "official" count. (Even though there is no real reason for me to think my scale is incorrect as to the loss amount.) Keep working on all the important habits that we have to learn, relearn, adopt, whatever is applicable to each of us. Best of success. Just keep yourself....
  7. Jazzy4Health

    Day 1 with fill and all I can say is WOW!

    Actually, I weighed myself this morning since it was a week. My scale says a fairly big number down, so I am holding my enthusiasm until my visit to the doc's on Monday. It is probably right, but I don't want to get too excited. It is funny, though, I saw a friend of mine on the Saturday before Surgery and then the other day (Sunday) and they said they could tell I lost weight. They don't even know I had the surgery. So, perhaps. It is funny you should mention "hot flashes" I was really quite warm all day today. A few other people said it was as well, but I don't think it really compared with how I was feeling. Probably is a side effect. Keep me posted. By the way, when did you have your fill? I am not expecting to have one for at least another 3 weeks or more if I understood they way it works at UMASS. Have a great evening (or day if you get this tomorrow). Keep on your way to...
  8. Jazzy4Health

    Losing weight and breaking out?

    I definitely agree with Melliecat! Your system is merely cleansing itself of all the bad toxins, etc. Nothing to become alarmed about. Don't buy too much "new stuff" just stick to the basics for your own skin. Congrats on your steps thusfar. I had band surgery one week ago today and am so happy with my decision. Of course, I cannot wait for my follow-up appointment on Monday to see what the doc says. My last "meal" (2 eggs for lunch) was in Sunday, April 12th, but I can honestly say I have not been hungry. The Protein nutrient drinks (Carnation Instant Breakfast - No Sugar Added, of course) have satisfied me. Well, hope you all have a great week, if I do not get back before the weekend. Here's to your desire to be....
  9. Jazzy4Health

    Day 1 with fill and all I can say is WOW!

    How long ago did you receive you band? One week ago today for me. I am feeling fairly well, although for the last 12 hours this is the worse I have felt since 36 hours after the surgery. I think it is just the movement, etc. A wild headache...again, I think just BP off a little, etc. I have my first follow-up on Monday, so I am excited. Very happy with my choice, though, and looking forward to returning to the gym to kick some serious butt...not too much my husband says (Ha, ha..). He is my biggest supporter. So grateful too. Have a great day.
  10. Jazzy4Health

    39 pounds in 3 weeks

    Congrats to all of you! It is nice to hear people being positive. I know during the preparation phase all types of things can happen, but I too believe the key is to do what your own particular doctor and staff advise. My surgery is scheduled for WEDNESDAY, APRIL 15 and I can hardly wait. This morning I had my last meal of eggs, an hour later some skim milk). For the remainder of the day I will stick with some greek non-fat yogurt and possibly a CIB protein shake. Tomorrow again just yogurt and protein drinks. Then, of course, clear liquids on Tuesday. I just want to be certain that my stomach, etc. is the way it should be for surgery. I do not want to be one of those people that go for surgery and the doc discovers food still there and cancels the patient. Well, thank you all for your encouragement by example. I am certain of my success because of my determination.
  11. Hello there Marypetunia! It has been quite some time, but I was just wondering how things are going for you. Dr. Kelly's office called me on Tuesday, Apr 7th and gave me my surgery date of WEDNESDAY, APRIL 15TH!! I am so thrilled and excited. My husband is happy for me too because he can see how excited I am. I am the first procedure in the morning so that I can go home that day. Today was my last "meal" so that I can be safe. I will eat just greek yogurt and CIB for the rest of the day and tomorrow to keep my protein amounts up. Then, of course, Tuesday is clear liquids. I did all of my shopping last week...I hope. But, my husband can go for me anyway, but I just wanted to feel prepared. Well, take care of yourself. I am planning to go to the meeting on the 23rd if I am up to it. Otherwise, I will plan ahead for next month.

  12. Jazzy4Health

    So Disappointed!!!

    First of all, CONGRATS on you quitting smoking. I have never smoked, but can only imagine the difficulty. I will tell you, though, there were a few people in our classes that were "in the process of" quitting. One even started again and was working toward quitting. Do not let that discourage you too much. Two months is a relatively short period of time when you look at the entire picture of your life! Use the two months to strengthen your resolve to become healthier. Any steps you take prior to surgery will only benefit your continued success! Keep smiling.
  13. Jazzy4Health

    Have a surgery date

    Congratulations to you both! On Tuesday of this week I received my surgery date: WEDNESDAY, APRIL 15TH!! So, it is three days away and I am truly excited for it to come. It is definitely a life-altering decision, but one which I am certain you both have considered seriously, so any nervousness is just natural. I hope that you both will just enjoy the journey together. And, with the rest of us as well. :cool2:
  14. Jazzy4Health

    Anyone in RI?

    Hope you are doing well after your surgery! Keep us posted as time goes by...
  15. Jazzy4Health

    How long DOES it take?

    This is to Finallyready@51, but for anyone in a similar situation whether with a doctor, family member, or whomever. One thing I would suggest, if you are concerned about the communication lines with your doctor, YOU need to address it with them and correct it. It will not get better on its own. This is an important aspect of your health and it really necessitates your taking charge. You will feel better, more confident, in control and responsible. Control is a huge part of this entire process.
  16. Jazzy4Health

    How long DOES it take?

    This is a question about the fatty liver matter. What was the 3 week diet you were on to shrink it? I am told that a person's weight and size actually have nothing to do with it. I am curious, however, as to the method used to normalize it somewhat? Thanks!
  17. 4Hello there. If you have any questions or I can be of assistance, just leave a message and I shall respond. I know it can be daunting out here! Have a great day.

  18. Jazzy4Health

    UMass Medical Center Bandsters

    Hello Mary Petunia! Glad to know all is well with you. I have not really seen too many on this thread for sometime and was wondering about everyone. Sounds as if you have truly been one busy chica! Wow, some transformations have been in the works for you, I see. Congrats. I am happy that you are feeling well. At my end, things are progressing well. I just (the 19th) completed the PSS Group at UMASS and have my next appt. on the 17th of Dec. Hurray. It is my hope that it will show another 10lb loss. In any case, if all is going well, my letter will be written at that time. So, I am hoping that I will know what my tentative date for surgery is before the end of the year. My exercise routine is going quite well as are my eating modifications. There is still the question of band or bypass which will be discussed at my next meeting, but I am fairly certain that it is banding for me. If they are correct, and I am only able to lose another 25lbs after the banding, that will be that. I will simply continue with my healthy style and accept whatever the results are at that time. The bottom line is: I am sooo much more like my old self now. For the first time since the hysterectomy. Therefore, I feel WHATEVER I have to face with reference to my healthy life goals will work out just fine. I am feeling very much back in control. Not exactly where I was pre-hyst, but close. I do not know if I shall be at the next meeting or not. I have another meeting at UMASS and I believe it is the day before the group and two days in a row is a bit heavy on my schedule. Continued success to you. And, see you next year!!
  19. Jazzy4Health

    Happy 6 Month Bandiversary!!!

    You are all so very encouraging. I am enjoying reading the posts. This week I finished my skills group sessions and have scheduled my follow up behavoirist appt for Dec. 17th. Thusfar in my journey I have lost 21lbs so I am not complaining Looking forward to losing more b4 that appt. I would love 10 off because that would put me in another category, but whatever it is, I will relish it. Congrats to you all. I look forward to loving my banding as well!
  20. Jazzy4Health

    Baby food!

    Hello there! In our discussion group last week. The nutritionist mentioned baby food as a great addition. The key is to season it as you like. If you are a bland eater, you probably won't have too much of a problem. That is definitely on my list of additions after surgery. I want to be certain to have plenty of things so that I do not allow my mind to convince me that I am "bored" with the foods! Best of success. Keep us posted.
  21. Jazzy4Health

    caffeine and lapband

    Jodi: Thanks for the input. Yes, I too really have considered the band for the same reason. Less invasive procedure. I have been reminded that there is more involved in that you have to get filled and adjusted periodically until it is just right, but it is worth it to me. How long ago were you banded? How many fills have you had? Are you satisfied with the rate of loss? The bypass is far more "augmentation" than I am comfortable with personally. (By the way, it apparently is reversible, but again, another major procedure.) It really is individual. One of the nutritionists mentioned some that had the band and later the bypass because of insufficient weight loss. Well, I have decided that if for some reason another 25 or so pounds come off, I will live with that fact. Then, I will just continue to eat healthy and enjoy my exercise. My husband is very supportive and he is certain that I will be successful. He is so sweet. It is true what they say in life, your sphere of associates is very important in your success and, also, in your failure. I am excited about weighing in tonite. I am uncertain what my loss will be, but it is a milestone because it represents moving on to another phase. No matter what that is! Have another healthy and happy day.:rolleyes2:
  22. Jazzy4Health

    caffeine and lapband

    Similar thoughts to RestlessMonkey. Each individual has to weigh out how important their new lifestyle is to success. One comment at a discussion group I attended revolved around the fact that sometimes you have to simply look at things as black or white. Not giving oneself a grey area because for many of us that is where the trouble comes. Deciding what one is willing to do for one's health and overall wellbeing is worth the sacrifice of caffeine or sweets or carbonation. It is only food. Not saying it is not difficult when it is an addition, and that is what it can become, but it is still simply just food. Getting all the feedback is great, but one still has to look at our indivdual circumstance. Sometimes we request all the feedback because we just want someone to agree with what we want to do. Whether that is best for us or not. This surgery is huge, but it is still just a tool and we will have to make decisions all the time. Well, I look forward to reading again in the week. Wed. I have another weigh in. It will be my last pre-surgery skills group. The following day I can call for my last behaviorist appt and a couple of weeks later the last doc consult. So, if all continues forward, I should know my surgery date by mid-late December. Hurray! I think I may be getting a little nervous because I am starting to think about bypass surgery instead. I have no idea why. Oh well, I have time to decide. Any thoughts from anyone on that? What made you decide on banding v. bypass? Any input welcome!
  23. Hello there! That is funny. No, I am not an old white man, but rather an "old" black woman - that depends upon your perspective of age, I guess. I do not consider myself old, but heh. No, I have yet to have my surgery. Wed will be my 4th and final pre-surgery skills group. And, then after that apparently my follow up appt with the behaviorist and doc. So hopefully within the later art of Dec I will hav my surgery date. It would be nice if my loss for the week wd be around 3/4 lbs, but of course I will settle for 2/3. Hope all is well at your end of the health-o-meter!

  24. Well, my 3rd of 4 post surg skills groups was last night. I lost 5 lbs - finally, so that made me happy. I hope that I have another good week next week (4) and by the time my follow up behavioral mtg comes perhaps another 5. If they do decide that I need to wait until I try another nutritional mtg or two, no biggie I will just continue the forward momentum. After my trainer changed my routine, it really seemed to jolt me out of the plateau, so that makes me happy. I am very happy with my decision. Hope you are doing well with your healthy lifestyle also. Thanks again. Any input, suggestions, etc. are more than welcome.


    By the way, I really love that quote by Maya Angelou. She is one of my favorite writers. Phenomenal Woman is truly inspiring if you have never read it!

  25. Jazzy4Health

    caffeine and lapband

    This issue came up recently in our pre-surg skills group. Another reason which was explained when I initially went to the informational seminar is that it can promote gas and reflux issue. Without passing judgment on ourselves, one of thought which I find helpful is: When we make our choice to care for our health sometimes we need to put things in a black and white category. For many with varying "addictions" there are too many gray areas. Such areas allow us to convince ourselves that it is okay too have or do something even when it is not in our best interest. For me a question I ask myself at times is: Is having or doing this really in harmony with what is truly best for my health and the commitment I have made to myself? Figuring out a question or statement which suits your personal circumstances can become your own check and balance. I think the key is, as many others have mentioned is to follow the advice of your healthcare staff. All the input from the rest of us via our research or medical staff is just a guideline. Ask all the questions you need from your support staff, that is their job. Asking out here is helpful, but sometimes we may just keep asking in hopes of getting the answer we want, not necessarily what is best for us. Hope that helps someone out there! Keep healthy!

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