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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by SuziDavis

  1. SuziDavis

    August 2023 Surgery Buddies!

    I haven't been in here in a Hot Minute! I would love to know how everyone is doing. I stopped losing weight at about month 8 or 9 and have maintained, just didn't get to where I had hoped I would. I kind of regret not doing the bypass to be honest. Otherwise it's been pretty easy.
  2. SuziDavis

    Gastric Sleeve Side Effects

    Man, I was all over the place for a while, I actually bought pregnancy tests because I was so late at one point, then the next month I was super early. But I evened out around 6 months in. I was so freaked out, my surgeon made a point to tell everyone how much more fertile you are after surgery... I wasn't ready lol.
  3. SuziDavis

    Food Boredom

    I am at a point where nothing interests me when it comes time to eat so I just don't... I still will make my protein coffee to try and get something in. But has anyone else went through a funk like this?
  4. SuziDavis

    Post surgery hair loss

    Mine started at about month 4/4.5 and is just slowing at month 13... It sucks, but most of us, if not all go through it.
  5. SuziDavis

    Food Boredom

    I get in food ruts, I will eat the same thing everyday for 3 weeks because it's easy, and fits the diet... then I just don't want anything. Balancing is definitely a challenge for me.
  6. SuziDavis

    Weight gain/stall 1 month pist

    Your body is adjusting, you have to be patient.
  7. That is terrible!!!! That is what I am worried about, I made sure to not wear it to Universal this weekend, I would never see it again if it fell off.
  8. SuziDavis

    What Made You Smile Today?

    I am a huge roller coaster fan. But the last 6-7 years, I haven’t fit in most. Today I went to Universal and went on every ride with no problem. It’s a great F$&king day!!!!
  9. I am not sure that this is a victory, but it's something. Half way through my day Sunday, I realized my wedding ring wasn't on my hand... Started panicking because I couldn't find it anywhere. I knew it was getting loose, but it had never just fell off. Turns out it fell off in bed. So my fingers are officially smaller than they have been in like 8 years.
  10. I love this, I love that you are looking at the light at the end rather than all the bad parts. I'm sure your body is handling it all so much better with the weight loss too.
  11. Girl!!! I am thankful you found all of these issue that could have become much worse, but man do you deserve a break! one of my co workers who weighs about 92 pounds(no exaggeration) always had a pouch belly, and didn't know why, turns out she had 2 fibroids about grapefruit size. She had a hysterectomy and they left one ovary so she wouldn't need hormones. She has been so happy since having it taken care of. So you will get there!
  12. I know stalls are normal, but man I am getting pissed at this point. I hit 7 months on March 17th, but I have been in a stall for almost 2 months. I have tried eating carbs then going back to no carbs. I tried upping the calories. I upped my exercise(and gained 2 lbs). I have no idea what else to do. So what other things have worked for people to get over a long term stall. 🤬
  13. SuziDavis

    Skinny Syrup

    Jordan's Skinny Syrups are my favorite, I wait for sales or get them at TJ Maxx, I love the peach with just water or tea. Salted Caramel for my coffees. But even my kids use so many of them.
  14. SuziDavis

    Gastric bypass over 20 years

    wow! that is awesome, congrats on your continued success!
  15. Hello, I know stalls are frustrating, but we all have them. Your body has to adjust and that is what happens when you stall in the beginning, once you re further out, you have to look at what you are eating, how much, and if you are exercising enough. As far as 32 pounds in 2 months... sounds good to me. Its more than you probably lost in 2 month pre-surgery. 😊
  16. SuziDavis

    August surgery buddies!

    That is fantastic!!! you are so close to your goal!
  17. SuziDavis

    Spit or Swallow?

  18. SuziDavis

    Feeling defeated

    Exactly, you were losing 4-5 a month... you lost 16!!! That is great. And keep in mind that 90% of us stalled in the first 3-6 weeks. Your body needs to adjust.
  19. SuziDavis

    Feeling defeated

    How much were you losing a month before surgery? 16lbs in a month is great, and you will hit stalls while your body adjusts.
  20. SuziDavis

    August surgery buddies!

    You look great! Congrats! I see why they say you will take so long to hit goal weight, after that first 8 months, it's been tough. But at least we are still losing!
  21. SuziDavis

    August surgery buddies!

    You just had surgery?
  22. SuziDavis

    August surgery buddies!

    1 year mark check ins? Well, tomorrow is officially 1 year for me. I am down 102 pound since surgery and 124.8 since my Pre-op. I have definitely slowed to a crawl on the weight loss at this point. The last couple months I have barely lost anything. But, I will take this weight over where I was.
  23. It was, now I know that I am at the point of only losing about 2 pounds a month... and live in an almost constant stall. It's great... 😑
  24. SuziDavis

    Almost 1 year po

    How much did you lose the year before surgery? 88 sounds like a win to me, slow and steady wins the race.
  25. SuziDavis

    Losing weight before surgery - how

    Stock up with lots of low carb, sugar free, high protein snacks. That way you are still sticking to the plan. My surgeon explained that the sugar intake is the biggest thing, because it allows your liver to shrink and reduces risk during surgery. I did portioned out mini containers of t good foods, and it really helped. Some favorites were - Cottage cheese cups, sugar free jello, triple zero yogurt, cooked chicken, moon cheese, healthier popcorn, P3 Protein snacks. All easy and fulfilling.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
