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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by ginarf

  1. ginarf

    Pre-Op & Post-op RNY

    RNY 9-18-08
  2. Hi, thanks for the message. I would love to talk with you and share my personal experience. I recommend that you go to my blog and read about my journey so far and then PM or email me any questions you may have. I love to share info and support others, that is what we are all here for and you too will do the same after you have your surgery. I had mine on Sept 18th. Here is my blog address. It will take you straight to my profile page. ginarf's Profile


    I like this site because it has information on all of the surgeries and tons of profiles, plus 10 years of history. I still visit LB talk when people PM me but now I am mainly on OH. Please feel free to ask me any question... I am an open book! lol!



  3. ginarf

    Anyone From Sacramento?

    :thumbup:Congratulations on hitting your big goal! Thanks for asking about me, I did have surgery, but with my doctor's advise I decided to choose RNY instead of LB. I had my surgery last week on the 18th, I feel really good and I am grateful everything has gone so smooth for me. Good luck to you in your continued journey! Truly, Gina
  4. ginarf

    Why did you choose RNY?

    :regular_smile:I ended up choosing RNY because I did a lot of research and was seeing data that was confusing the heck out of me! I went to my surgeon and spent 2 hours asking him questions (he works for kaiser so he does not have any financial bias what so ever)! He was wonderful! My husband was sure I should have lap band as we walked in and 1/2 way through our appt. he was totally sure it was not the right choice for me. I will tell you what I was seeing in the research, and what my surgeon said to me. I am posting here because I do not want LB on the main forums getting all rowdy with me. I understand that everyone has to make there own choice and LB still works wonders for some people as their WLS tool. I asked my doctor to be 100% honest with me and tell me what surgery he would recommend. He told me this "if you were my daughter or my wife I would not want you to have the LB surgery, you are too young there is no studies long term enough to say what a the band will do in 20, 30 or more years in you". I am summarizing his words... He also said that the LB has approx 30% failure rate (needing some kind of re operation), 30% successful rate, & 30% just do OK with the LB. Every time you do a surgery no matter what it is you are raising your risks significantly that exist when having surgery. My attitude was well if the LB fails, erodes, or has complications, then I will convert to RNY. He said no (he went into details that I will not here because this post is getting very long). He also told me that if the studies out of Europe are true LB may not even be done in the next 5+ years. Not because it is a bad surgery but because they are testing other surgeries that look more effective that do not have the GB. The reason we wet into this, is because I really wanted the VSG which looks like it may eventually replace LB. But, for me at this time he said no (I will not go into details of that either because it does not matter now I had the RNY). So, I with tons of fear chose with my hubby to do the RNY on 9-18-08. I feel great, little pain, & had a hard time believing they did anything in there at first. But, they did and I am loosing wt, and I know without any doubts that I will loose 100% of my excess wt. Do not freak because my BMI was 38 with comorbities, then at the time of surgery I was down to BMI of 33.5 and now I am down to BMI 31. So, this was the hardest decision in my life!!! I felt like why would I take the risks at my BMI? Well, the facts are this, I trust my surgeon he has nothing to gain by giving me this advise. He is the Chief of Bariatric surgery and has cared enough about me from the very beginning. He is so overly cautious he canceled my first surgery because I came in with a bad headache & lightheadedness from being dehydrated, but he would not do the surgery because he was worried I "may" be getting sick and did not want to take any chances. I also wanted to make the best choice and make this a one time deal. So for me this is why I choose RNY over LB. I have moved to obesity help.com full time, but will still get PMs if you message me. I am willing to share my experience, but really this is the hardest decision I ever had to make. I wish each of you luck in researching, studying, posting, going to support groups, talking with your Dr. & loved ones in great length. But, in the end it is a very personal decision and I had to realize only I could make the final call. Truly, Gina
  5. ginarf

    Anyone From Sacramento?

    I do have one and it helps a lot. I use it when I get in so much pain nothing else works such as ice, rest, and anti-inflammatories. If I have a bad flare up it really does seem to calm things down. They are selling those at the CA State Fair this year which is kind of cool for people who can't get them from a doctor. I think they are $250. I just need to remember to use mine before I get in so much pain that I am desperate and remember to put it on the spasming area. Over all I am very lucky though, I have lots of options for pain control that a lot of people do not have. Thanks for the suggestion becasue maybe someone else needs to know this information and they might read it here! Gina
  6. ginarf

    Anyone From Sacramento?

    April, I was thinking about your post and I think it is great that you are back on track and honest with yourself about what has been your struggles with your journey... I do not know if you read my profile and I can't even remember if I went into detail about it. But, I too have had spinal surgery L-4-5 in 2000. It was a major help as I walked with a cane daily for years prior to surgery and waited 8 fricken years to do the surgery! That is a lot of young years missed laying in bed! I still have a lot of pain though (I can walk without a cane though) and most days manage my pain fairly well. I am praying that getting off all of my excess wt will help me have more energy and less pain. Do not get me wrong becasue I know skinny people have jacked up backs too, I just KNOW in my heart it will only help to get the wt off of my joints. I do feel better when I exercise... but it is a fine balancing act. Some days 10 minutes on a treadmill is too much, so I have taken up swimming. I used to love to swim as a kid and teenager. But, for a long time that hurt my back too. But, for some reason a few weeks ago I tried it out took it easy and other that being exhausted and a tiny bit sore... NO FLARE UP!!!! So, I have been slacking again. Getting ready for the surgery, Yard Sale, and everything else lately. But, I know as soon as I can get cleared for swimming after surgery I am back in the pool. The only reason I do not like it is because I am lazy and I hate having to shower and change after my work out. But, for now I just go home wet with a towel. In the winter, I will have to just deal with it at the gym. I think I am going to stick with that and just walking until I feel really ready for the cardio and wts in the gym. All I need is a huge flare up and then I get depressed, cranky, and in bed too much. I take pain meds too, but they all stop my digestive track so bad, I literally will have to debate, meds...or no BM for up to a week. I am worried about that even more after WLS. DO you have any good remedies. I had to take some Vicodin tonight and a flexarile because of me going through every cupboard, drawer, and room in the house packing things in boxes and taking them out to the garage for Saturday (I have helpers for the heavy ones). I swear I am a little OCD because I feel like all of the junk or things not used in over a year must GO!!!! It is like I am getting ready to bring a new baby home! I guess I am... a tool for a better ME!!!! lol! Anyways, it is 1am gotta go to bed before I fall asleep on this lap top! nite nite! Gina
  7. ginarf

    I was also banded yesterday

    :thumbup:You are a soldier! I am thinking of getting a room near Fremont if I have to be in that early in the AM on the 3rd. But, then again, I knowing me I will not sleep the night before anyways... so why waste the money!!! I am glad to hear you are home and keep us all posted! The Elk Grove Girls are gonna get skinny!!! Talk to you soon!
  8. ginarf

    Anyone From Sacramento?

    Holy crap 84 lb that is a ton of wt. to loose. When did you start to have problems??? From what I read in your post I thought you ha not lost any now I see your ticker!!! Whoot!! Gina
  9. ginarf

    Anyone From Sacramento?

    :thumbup:I really appreciate this message board, it is so encouraging to know there are people close by that have or will go through similar struggles. I would love to meet up with anyone from Sacramento, I know there is a support group on the first Wed of every month at Point West Kaiser. The guy who runs it is looking for someone to take his place though, so eventually that day may change. I went the first Wed of August, but I can't remember his name right now. I am in Elk Grove so it makes more sense for me to attend out here and I can chose what week or weeks work for me becasue it is EVERY WEEK. I am just screwed up on what day of the week ...becasue it was every Tuesday evening. Then my friend told me it got changed. I will email her right now and ask her what evening it is for sure and the time. OK I just emailed her, so hopefully she will email me or call me tomorrow. I will let you all know when I find out! April, :tt1: this question is going to suck, but can you PM me the answer if you are not comfortable with answering here. #1.) What made you chose LP over GB? Where you told the wt. loss would be the same? 2.) What do you think caused your problems with the band? User error, or just plain fill issues or Dr. issues or what? I guess I should look at your profile and it may have all of these answers to my questions... Vickie- Wow! Thanks for the long response. I appreciate people who tell me it is my choice, but that is a no brainer! :boink: I want to hear others positive experiences too, it is very encouraging. You know how they say it takes so many positive things to wipe out a negative in the human brain. Well, I think that is what I have been going through... I just want to gather as much info as I can to make the right decision for me but, I see a lot of complaints about the band... I have read the 30% of bands are removed in long term studies now! EEEK! What is that all about??? I must be missing all of the no problem, love my band forums!!! I know 2 people that have had success with LB and they think I am crazy to consider anything else. But I also know several who have had the GB and they of course got to goal way faster! I worry for 2 reasons. One I have heard that the more wt you have to loose the easier it is to loose wt with the band (not always true I am sure). I also can't exercise as much as some. I have had spinal surgery and deal with a lot of chronic pain (I am hoping that will lessen as I get lighter). You know...I can handle averaging 2 lb a week or even 1 lb down the line average. I have done WW I understand that there will be plateaus etc... so that is no big deal... Two, the part that concerns me is that I am a sweetie in the long term. I can stay away or adjust for my sweets in the short run, but I always have fallen back into eating the CHOCOLATE!!!!:crying: I do think that my biggest problem is eating too much though. But, I normally ate because it was "good" and ate until I was full, not just satisfied. Is that usually the reason people throw up? Or is it mainly the not chewing until the food it liquefied? OK this is my last question!!! I have read a lot of people on the LB & OH boards say they throw up everyday, feel sick, and have not lost a pound or hardly any wt. for weeks or even months with the band! How is that even possible? I do not really understand if you are not able to get food in your body with a overfill or what ever how can you not be loosing wt? That would be a terrible way to feel and a awful way to loose wt. but how is that possible? Eventually your body has to burn itself! I understand the whole starvation mode and the body trying to hold on to the fat, but really for a month, or even years to have the band and not loose any wt? THAT FEAKS ME OUT!!!!! Please PM me because I do not want to offend anyone with the question or the answers, I just want to hear some opinions and experiences. I am not trying to dog any one out by asking these questions, but I think they are legitimate concerns given what I have read... I want to stress that what ever choice I make I already know the surgery does not make me loose wt. it will be me and my choices. I feel like I am already doing great with the pre-op wt. loss and if I was not eating all of my last tastes of free eating I would probably loose even more. But, I have chosen to stop and make those last supper choices now instead of after my surgery. I ate a chicken club from CJ's tonight with criss cuts! OMG!! It was good but I felt so stinking full and yucky afterwards!!! Anyways, I am a chatty Kathy, so I will end this now before I go on forever!!!! I will let you all know when I get the dates and times down for the meetings in Sacto. & E.G. Also if you have before & after or progress pictures I would love to see those as well. Every bit of encouragment is helpful! You can email me at gina@gigisparties.com Thanks a ton!:thumbup: Gina
  10. ginarf

    Anyone From Sacramento?

    :biggrin:Thanks for your reply Vicky! How are you doing with the band? Can you share any tips with us that have helped you out with the band and going through Kaiser? You have a great Monday too! I am going out for lunch with a friend becasue I know it will be a while before I feel like doing that after surgery. My surgery is in 9 days and I have several friends who want to take me out to lunch. I guess it is the last supper attitude. But, really I have gotten into such a healthy eating pattern that it is never too much of a splurge. The only thing that I know I want to have before next week is called a black and tan ice cream sundae. I know I will never eat another one. It is just too much sugar! I will go with my hubby this weekend and share it though so I do not get sick off of all of the sugar! :-) Anyways, thanks again for checking in with us! Gina
  11. ginarf

    Anyone From Sacramento?

    OK, I guess I am the only one on this forum that goes to the Fremont Kaiser! But, at least I understand it maybe only once a month for a year and then maybe less after that... I really appreciate this site all of the support, and I really love to see all of the tickers and profiles. I am so nosy I guess, but I look at a lot of people profiles after I read their posts. It is hard to know where everyone is coming from, there past trails with WL and just learn a little about the person you are reading about. So, thanks for taking the time to post and reply to all of my questions.... As far as Sac support group meetings there is one in Elk Grove every week it was on Tuesdays, but they may have changed the day that they meet (I heard that rumor). I will look into it and post it here. It is a large and fairly informal group when I attended. It is very helpful though. I know there is one at Point West Kaiser too the first Wednesday of every month. Other than that I am not sure about when the others meet. I am still having a dilemma over whether to have the lap or another procedure. I am not going to make my final decision until I meet with Dr. Dennen on this Friday for my pre-op. Does that sound crazy to you all! If they had someone here to do there fills, it might sway my choice slightly. But, overall I just want the tool that is going to be most helpful to me long term. I have emailed Dr. Dennen about weather they do the gastric sleeve procedure. I have done a lot of research on that and I think that would be a good option for me instead of lap band. I know it seems extreme and a lot of people think it is experimental, but really it is not. There is a bunch of controversy over the procedure, but someday it may be the the norm instead of RNY or the band. Only time can tell right??? Well, keep me posted on your progress and if any of you Sacramento dwellers want to meet up at a support group... let me know! Thanks!
  12. September 3rd! So excited, yet so nervous!!!
  13. Hi, I am from sacramento and I am having WLS on Sept. 3rd at Fremont Kaiser. Did you already have your surgery. I have read your posts, you are very encouraging to others, so I thought that maybe you already had the surgery. I would love to chat with you and find out more about your "kaiser" experience.




  14. ginarf

    Gastric Sleeve

    I have my pre-op on the 29th and I am planning on asking my surgeon if he does this surgery. I have heard that Kaiser does them, but does not offer it to pts just yet??? By the way there is no rerouting of any intestines and you still have your pyloric valve. You do loose 3/4 of your stomach and your stomach will be shaped like a banana.
  15. ginarf

    Anyone From Sacramento?

    I wish we could carpool. It is weird how they decide which program to send people too. We are both from Sac. at least we can be LB buddies! How often are you needing fills? You are doing great I saw your ticker...Congratulations!
  16. ginarf

    Anyone From Sacramento?

    It took a whole year for me! Wow! From what I have heard a year is average now. You are very lucky to have had everything go so quickly for you!
  17. I have told tons of people! I sometimes have thought maybe I shouldn't have, but that is just me. I have had a lifetime of sharing information and the people it has helped me meet and help has been undeniable. You never know who you will help in your journey through life. I have a disabled daughter who was born with a rare syndrome. After she was born a social worker gave me ideas of how to deal with people asking me questions about her (sometimes inappropriate ones) and not sharing any info so I could feel "normal". Well, guess what I tell everyone about her. She is a true blessing in my life and I am not ashamed of her at all. Her disability is part of who she is just like my weight is part of me. I am not embarrassed by either journeys. I may get frustrated with the difficulties I experience becasue of the challenges I face, but I am not ashamed to be having WLS. I am proud that I am brave enough to do what ever it takes to get healthy so I can live a long and happy life with all of my family. I know I have already been helped tremendously by those of you on this site. I know we will be here for each other along the journey. For me, I feel like I should not limit that support and knowledge to this website alone. Sure there are people I would not tell, and there are people who are not supportive of my choice, but I am proud of what I am doing. If anyone thinks this is the "easy way" they are full of do-do!!! And they do not know what I have been through to get to this point. So, "pooh" on them and "yeah" for us! Just my 2 cents!:biggrin: I get why some of you feel like keeping it private, I am not a very private person. Hence, look at what I teach for a living below! I am a Romance Specialist and help women improve the intimacy in their relationships. I guess most people would consider me a very open book.:thumbup:
  18. ginarf

    The one thing

    *I definitely want to get scuba certified and start diving *I want to hike, go rafting, kayak, and dance to name a few! A lot of these things I can do a little of now, it is just that I am hoping as my wt. comes off I will be able to be more active work out and rebuild the muscles to really do the things I love with out so much pain. I am betting that my back pain (had spinal fusion in 2000) will decrease with the wt. off and I will be get STRONG AND HAVE LESS PAIN!!!:biggrin: That is ultimately what I really want! Just to live a healthy active life!
  19. September 3rd for me! In Fremont, CA at Kaiser with Dr. Dennon!!! :biggrin:
  20. I was reading the posts on this site and I can relate to all of the frustration and confusion! I thought I would plot my journey of appointments here and maybe it might help someone out there. I went to my PCP around 3-07 and asked for a referral to the WLS program. She told me that I did not qualify due to my BMI of 38. I asked her to send it anyways...denied. I went back (in May) and explained that she needed to put on their my depression, PCOS, chronic pain, back surgery, etc... She did (even though those do not meet the requirements). I called the Fremont clinic that week to follow up and got my orientation apt. for August 07. Went to that and got my consultation in 10-07. I went to that and was told "I am sorry but you do not qualify"! I was devastated I really thought due to my special set of circumstances I would be accepted. I literally almost had a nervous break down after leaving the office. After sometime in the car bawling and calling my hubby, I pulled it together and decided to go back in the office. I kindly explained the situation to MA and she was sympathetic and mentioned that the only thing I could do is try to speak to the chief of BWLS Dr. Dennon. I was like were is he I will wait all day if I have to... Long story short I asked for a second opinion, spoke to his personal secretary, wrote him a letter and mailed it to him explaining everything. Guess what I got an apt for 2nd opinion the next month 11-07. He was very kind but direct that I did not qualify for surgery under Kaiser requirements. But, he heard me out and decided to take my case in front of the administration that very day in a board meeting. I received a call that afternoon! APPROVED! Based on PCOS as my co-morbidity! I am the first person to get approved based on that (I could explain to those who are interested in it). So, 12-26-07 I started my WL journey officially towards WLS. Did it go smooth after all of that??? Heck no! I am always calling in to the wt. tracking line every week to 2 weeks. I also have had to kindly call everyone there and email Dr. Dennon to get my surgery date. My file gets misplaced sometimes and a few calls or emails gets it found!:thumbup: So, I know I am long winded but it is a long journey! I have been at my 10% goal for months (around April). Then I had to go on a waiting list for the psych consult. I had that in June, so I thought I would have surgery in July! YA RIGHT!!!:mad: Then I had to have an upper GI that they forgot to tell me about. Then, I had to go on the surgery waiting list. I called and emailed again (kindly) and got my date a few weeks ago for Sept. 3rd!:thumbup: When I went to support group meetings at Kaiser and people where saying it took them a year or more to have the surgery. I thought "not me, I do not have that much wt to loose or the tests they need". Guess what? I was no different than anyone else! So, what I want to share with everyone is that by being the squeaky wheel gets you far if you are kind and assertive. Never give up hope and never give up on what you know is right for you!:biggrin: Good Luck! PS- I am still looking for someone to carpool to Fremont for fills in the future and for support. Let me know if you are interested it can be a long drive in traffic! :smile:
  21. ginarf

    I got my surgery date!

    I am getting banded on Sept. 3rd! Congrats on your date!!! Gina
  22. ginarf

    Anyone From Sacramento?

    Anyone else banded (or getting banded) at Kaiser Fremont from Sacramento? I am dreading the drive for appts. after the surgery by myself. I thought if I could find someone to carpool with in the coming months etc, it would be fun, supportive, and save on gas! Maybe we could coordinate our appointment times so that it would be great for both of us. Let me know anytime down the line if you are interested... Thanks, Gina

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