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LAP-BAND Patients
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About pmcclen2

  • Rank
    Expert Member
  • Birthday 10/06/1988

About Me

  • Biography
    Hi, I'm Precious. I've been pretty much a big girl all my life. I've been chosen with a purpose and a vision from God. I love to dance and sing and feel that life would be so much better if I were a bit smaller and able to enjoy life a little more.
  • Gender
  • Interests
    sleeping, going to class, working, writing books and poems
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  1. I was just crusin and wanted to say hello...and you look good... I get banded on friday the 14th and if you could give my some ideas of what you eat and what you did for the first weeks that would be great... If you dont mind how is your weight lost? How much weight have you lost so far?

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