I had my lapband completely drained (removed 3ML) on Friday June 10, 2022 due to esophageal narrowing. The narrowing was causing food and liquids to get stuck. If you've have a lapband, you know that it only takes bending over a toilet to push it out of the esophagus as it never makes it to the stomach to vomit. I liken it to a funnel that gets blocked. It's not painful, just pressure that needs to be relieved. Once it's gone you can continue to eat.
After it was drained I started eating normally straight away and have been having excoriating pain in my esophagus ever since, that feels like a heart attack. It radiates in my chest, back, jaw and bottom teeth. It makes me nauseous as soon it comes - I can feel it start and then gets more and more intense until I vomit. This happens every single day, at least twice a day. I went to the movies today and ate: Corn dog, 3/4 of a small popcorn and a drink. Halfway through the movie I had to leave; there's no getting comfortable, can't sit, can't lay down, I just pace until I vomit and then the pain goes away.
Has anyone experienced this and knows what I'm talking about? Why is the pain worse without any fluid in my band? I have a video call with my doctor next Thursday. Just curious from my fellow banders.
Thank you.