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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by rulooknatme

  1. I finally figured it out. Thanks! :cry_smile:
  2. I can't seem to figure out how to get my picture to appear under my screen name. I have posted a picture under my albums and a profile pic. I'm just stumped on how to make my picture appear.....:cry_smile: Can someone tell me how to do this?? Thanks!
  3. I HAVE BEEN APPROVED!! Whoo hoo!! I am so excited and shocked! I'm a bit nervous too! So...I am officially a Smashing Pumpkin. YAY! :tongue2: I think I am actually going to cry. I never thought I would be approved. Just wanted to share the BIG, GREAT new with all of you. To those of you waiting on an approval keep your head up.
  4. rulooknatme

    I never thought this day would come!

    Thanks for the congrats on my approval. I wish those of you waiting the best of luck! :cry_smile:
  5. rulooknatme

    October issue of Essence

    I haven't seen this issue either. I will have to pick it up. Girl, don't listen to what people say. I know that it's easier said than done but it's the best advice I can tell you. There are a few of my co-workers that know I am having the LB done but the majority of them don't know. (I don't really care if people know that I am having the procedure done or not though.) With that said....I was sharing with one of my co-workers that I have become quiet close with, that I was having the LB done on 10/15. Right away, without even knowing me for that long, she starts lecturing me and telling me all the things that could go wrong. It's easy for her to judge and lecture because she is a size 4 and has never struggled with her weight her whole life. In fact, she has a child and you would never know with her curvy little figure! :w00t: People don't stop to realize what they are saying, whether they are doing it with good intentions or not. So....I decided that if people heard that I am having the procedure done then fine. If they don't know I am not telling. Not because I am embarrased but because people are quick to judge instead of trying to put themselves in your shoes. I almost let her comment get to me but after I thought about it I didn't let it bother me. Like I said, she doesn't know me and the struggles and the things that I have tried to lose weight. I still love her too death but realize that I can't get mad at her for something she has no idea about. I just won't discuss the matter with her anymore. :cry_smile: That's how I handled it and I can tell you that I haven't lost any sleep over the situation! :cool2: Keep your head up! I hope that helps!!!!
  6. rulooknatme

    ?ctober ?dyssey 2008

    Hey all! I just wanted to let everyone know that my surgery date was moved to 10/15/08 due to my work schedule. Is anyone else being banded on the 15th? On another note....can someone tell me how to get my picture to show under my name? :cry_smile:
  7. Hey everyone. I have just been approved for the LB!! :smile: However, I am a little nervous that I don't know all the lingo and nutrition information that comes along with the surgery. It's still all a little fuzzy to me. :thumbup: I know about the post op diet, the 2-3 weeks of post op liquids and then the few weeks of mushies. I guess I'm just really afraid that I am not going to remember everything and not get enough nutrition. I don't want to lose my hair! I have my pre op consultaion the day before surgery. Will they inform me of all of this then? What if I forget something? Well, its a good thing that I have LBT to refer too! :smile2: All the information I can get will help and it will also ease my nerves! :smile: Thanks!
  8. rulooknatme

    Not sure that I am fully informed

    Thanks restlessmonkey for your response. Dr Benavides actually practices out of DFW area. I was seen for my consultation in Richardson Texas. But I will definatley follow your advice and ask lots of questions and write down everything! I think I am just getting really nervous and overthinking things! LOL! I tend to do that. Thanks again though. :thumbup:
  9. rulooknatme

    ?ctober ?dyssey 2008

    Hey everyone. I am so excited to join the group! How do I get the smashing pumpkin flag? Also, how do I get my picture to appear beneath my name? (Not in the signature but out to the side) Thanks! :thumbup:
  10. rulooknatme

    United Healthcare Denial?

    I was approved! My BMI is 41 right now and was as low as 38 in the past five years. I was just diagnosed with sleep apnea recently. I also have asthma. I am not sure what aspects of my health played part in my approval but I was approved! I hope that your appeal gets you approved too! Good luck!:biggrin:
  11. rulooknatme

    ?ctober ?dyssey 2008

    YIPPEEE! I just talked to UHC and I have a tentative surgery date of 10/10/08! They are in the process of approving it still but at least I have a date and the insurance has all of my paperwork. ONE STEP AT TIME! PLEASE LET ME BE APPROVED...... I'm more nervous now than I was a week ago. Things are happening little by little. :wink2: So if all goes well I will be a bandster 9 days before my 26th birthday!!! Whoopee!!! Just wanted to share my excitment with ya'll....
  12. rulooknatme

    OMG... APPROVED!!! Wahooo

    Congrats! I am waiting on my approval from my insurance. Yesterday they told me that I would know in 3-5 days. I am so excited and nervous! I hope they approve me. Well congrats on your approval again. :biggrin:
  13. rulooknatme

    ?ctober ?dyssey 2008

    Hello everyone! I just got off of the phone with my insurance(UHC) and they received my paperwork today. They said that they will be calling me with an answer in 3-5 days!!! I am so anxious! I hope that I get approved. :thumbdown: If I am approved I will be having my surgery in October somtime also. October is a BIG month for my husband and I. His birthday is the 2nd mine is the 19th and my brothers is the 22nd. Our two year wedding anniversary is on the 28th! I always tease him that we should have a baby in October too!! :crying: I hope that my insurance helps to make another day in October memorable! :cursing:
  14. rulooknatme

    To those just beginning the journey----

    OMG! Your post was music to my ears! It put a lump in my throat. :blushing: In a good way though. :cry_smile: The emotions that you described, are the emotions that I am experiencing as of now. I am so anxious to get my approval and yet so scared that they will call me with a denial. It messes with my mind and emotions so much, I can't wait to get an answer. I get sad, just like you mentioned, when ieveryone else is posting their stories of being banded already. I know that I will be standing in the postion that you are and realize that everything REALLY did go fast. Meanwhile, I am here in limbo, waiting...... Thank you much for sharing your story! I really enjoyed. It gave me hope and encouragement. Thanks again :thumbup:
  15. I have UHC and from what I read on all the blogs they are pretty easy to get approved with. I will not get my hopes up though until I get the green light. I didn't have to do the 6 month program though. Thank goodness! I think I would have pulled my hair out. About the sleep apnea though.... I snore lightly on occasion, according to my hubby. I was always tired, couldn't focus and very grouchy. I was for sure I didn't have it but the study confirmed otherwise. Just go through the process and see what happens. Good luck!
  16. I don't think in any circumstance that it will hurt your chance at being approved. If anything it will help you get approved. Most everyone with sleep apnea is overweight except like 1 to 2 percent( my husband for instance). Therefore it is a comorbidity. Are you trying to use insurance or are you self pay? This will make a huge difference. What do you have to have to qualify if you are using insurance? My insurance requires 35-39 BMI+ 2 comorbidities or a BMI of 40 or more for the past 5 years. Well, I hope that helps!
  17. Ok everyone....I had my sleep study a couple of weeks ago and was given the verdict today. The doctor that ordered my sleep study confirmed that I do have sleep apnea. :party: He wants me to go back for a sleep titration. The sleep lab is supposed to call me to set up an appointment. This is somewhat good news but also bad. It's good because it's a comorbidity that qualifies me with my insurance to get banded. However, I am sad to be diagnosed with this problem.:sad: My hubby has sleep apnea and hates his mask. He looks so uncomfortable sleeping with a huge mask on his face. I am just hoping that after I get banded and lose weight that I don't have to use the machine any longer. Ha, look, I don't even have the darn machine yet and I am already hoping that I don't have to use it forever. Anywho, this puts me a step closer to get banded!! WHOO HOO! :thumbup: So many mixed emotions.....
  18. rulooknatme

    Happy but sad too

    Thanks for the encouragment everyone! I will start using my CPAP tonight. I hope all goes well. Thanks again.
  19. rulooknatme

    United Healthcare Denial?

    Hmmmm....It's just like everyone keeps saying; all UHC plans are different. See I am kind of in the same boat you are acadiamom. My BMI is 41.1 as of right now but in my 5 year history it was as low as 38. I have sleep apnea, asthma and problems with my knees due to my weight. I just got off the phone with LBS and they are submitting my paperwork today. GULP! I thought that they were going to submit last week but they had to wait on my sleep study results. I want to be banded so badly, I can't stand it!!! I pray to God that I don't get denied. I will keep ya'll posted.
  20. rulooknatme

    Waiting around for an approval

    LOL! Thanks. It's just a good picture. I am mostly bottom heavy though. I have a double chin but have figured out how to suck it in pics! LOL!
  21. rulooknatme

    United Healthcare Denial?

    Thanks everyone for all of the reply's. I still have hope and I will keep you all posted! Thanks again!

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