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Everything posted by Heth68
Well, Cathy & Marz88, this time in 24 hours I will be a bandit (9:45am in Melbourne, Australia @ moment). I have to be at the hospital @ 7am, & my nurse has advised that I'm first on the list ...... I'm feeling like a bit weird at the moment, as I'm pretty calm. There's a couple of girls on my local chat board who are also being done tomorrow, and they've written that they're pretty nervous & emotional right now. I'm even feeling a bit guilty because they feel upset right now & I'm not (yet?). How are you two going anyway? Hope everything's going OK for you both, and that the last few days are not too emotional - I'll send some of my calmness over to you right now, OK? <<<cyber-hug>>> I'm probably staying 2 nights in hospital, so should be out by Friday morning. I'll email you as soon as I can afterwards to let you know how I went. :gluck:
Elektralite Buddy, don't give up hope. Your GP (Aussie-talk for doctor) has already told you that he doesn't know much about the band, but then says he wouldn't recommend it anyway!?!?!? You know from your research that for YOU, the band is the safest way to go, with the option of being reversed should complications (God forbid) arise. As for the bypass being a 'fast' way to lose weight (as your GP advised), did he also mention that studies have shown that after a 5-year period. weight loss for both banding & bypass patients is relatively the same anyway? If you already have your referral, as hard as it may be, you may have to agree to disagree with your GP, and go ahead & make your appointment with the surgeon. He (surgeon) may know of a GP who can see you regarding any banding appointments/issues. (?) I don't have a regular GP so just went to my closest bulk-billing medical centre. The poor old GP I saw there had to ask me 3 times what I wanted the referral for, and even then I'm not sure if he was 100% sure on what it was. He didn't seem that interested in hearing what research I'd done, so I ended up not saying much to him at all about it (had the 'spiel' prepared & everything too, darn it) I used to have a regular GP, who I'd been going to for years. I last saw him 15 years ago about suffering hypos (low blood sugar). He actually said to me "What are you worried about. Diabetes skips every second generation - your mother and sister already have it, so I doubt that you will 'get' it. Stop worrying". :faint: I suppose what I'm trying to say is even those he's your GP & you respect him for all the training/experience he has, GP's are not infallible and don't always have the best/most extensive knowledge on a certain illness/procedure - that's what specialists are for. If you've done the research, and you (& your family) feel that this is the best step for you to take, and are happy with your decision, go for it Buddy. We're all there for you too - that's what these forums are all about, hey?
Hi Cathy - I am also being banded on May 17th, but over the other side of world, in Australia. 2.5 weeks to go 'Band Buddy'!!!! :eek: I hope your knee is better soon, and just think - not long to go til the 17th, then it's all 'downhill' from there :eek: I'm very excited too, but also a little scared/nervous, which I suppose is normal. I have to do a 'liquid' diet for 2 weeks before surgery (to reduce the fat around the liver), so this is my last weekend of eating freely, and I'm ashamed to say that I'm making the most of it :mad: Anyway, rest easy & I'm sure I'll catch up with you soon.
Why am I fat – similar to Micheala (above) I suppose. But also, I love to eat, and eat a lot. The actual act of eating something tasty gives me physical pleasure, via my tastebuds, and also emotional comfort. I had a fairly regular upbringing, though my family wasn’t (& isn’t) the type to show/express their emotions/feelings. Mum wasn’t brought up with affection/love, so I suppose didn’t know how to show it to her children. Dad was brought up much the same, though could be extremely emotionally tough/cold towards us. Not surprising I suppose, considering that depression/suicide/bi-polar runs right throughout his side of the family. Though I am extremely lucky compared to others here, in that there was no physical/sexual abuse, just emotional abuse, I suppose you could say. It’s sad really, my 43 year old brother is still trying to win my father’s love & approval, but he brings his own children up the way we were brought up, and cannot see it. Was not overly large through childhood/teenage years, just slightly above average, with T&A. Was always on the outer at school, you know one of the geeks/nerds, but still had a small circle of friends, some of whom I still keep in touch with today. Was made fun of frequently, but no physical bullying. Gained a bit of self-confidence when I started working @ 16, but was fairly slender then too, @ 50-odd kg (approx 110lb). Had a couple of short-term relationships with guys, the longest one lasting 14 months & ending 2 weeks before my 21<SUP>st</SUP> birthday – also, coincidentally, the same week that my parents split up. <O:p Struggled a bit for the next few years, seemed to have my life/emotions/weight under control. Then don’t know why, but around 22-23 everything just seemed to fall apart. Left my job after 8 years, was unemployed for over 6 months, started gaining heaps of weight, and it’s been basically downhill, or ‘up-scales’ from there. <O:p Have been single almost all my life, and am worried now that, in my late 30’s, the best of my life has passed me by (& almost definitely the option of having children). Have been on/off anti-depressants for the last 10 years. Have tried so many times to lose the weight, spending my life watching all my friends get married (or start long-term, live-in relationships), have children, and even get divorced/split up & find new partners/husbands. Wondering where I went wrong, blaming my weight but at the same time happy to hide behind it, like an invisible shield, tho the person behind the ‘shield’ is not exactly invisible (lol). <O:p Have experienced all spectrums of the weight cycle – from being whistled at when walking down the street, a bitty little 114lb whippet, to being ignored when, at my heaviest (212lb/5' 0"" = BMI of 40), would go out with friends, maybe hoping to find someone who would accept me for who I am. To also, when walking down the street one day @ lunchtime, pretty large but feeling good about myself for once, only to have some thoughtless a….hole yell out a car window, ‘You fat ugly b..tch’ – why? What did I ever do to him – I’d never even met him before, & will never do again. I can only help that one day, he remembers what he did, and feels even just the slightest bit of remorse. <O:p Gradually found that it was too hard to keep trying - trying to lose weight, trying to find someone to share my life - it’s easier just to ‘become invisible’ and fly under that radar, and not have to deal with constant rejection. My life is going to work, seeing friends occasionally, but mainly sitting @ home, eating food that gives me pleasure/comfort, and dreaming about a different life. <O:p Yes, I know, what a pathetic, self-pity trip I’m on, and I’m sorry to all you guys who have gone though so much more in your lives, and have had to struggle & fight just to keep your head above water. Lately though I am feeling that there is light @ the end of the tunnel, and more & more that I don’t want to be like this anymore, and dammit, I deserve to have someone in my life who cares about me. I guess that’s why I have decided to get banded, so I cannot use food as a tool, but instead use the band as a tool to help my control that part of my life. And hopefully, with hard work & dedication, the other parts of my life will start to turn around as well. <O:p Well, this is a lot longer than I intended, and has taken me a while to do, but has been very therapeutic. I have wondered if I should post any of it, let alone all of it, but then thought, if someone reads this & identifies with any part of it, then hopefully they will not feel alone, and know that there are others out there with the same issues/situations. I know it’s helped me, reading all your previous posts. <O:p Sorry if it’s rambled on a bit, but thanks for listening!:notagree<O:p</O:p
Off topic, but need support - Depression
Heth68 replied to LilAngel's topic in LAP-BAND Surgery Forums
Angel, what Leatha_G is saying is absolutely correct - it is a chemical imbalance that happens to be in the brain, and needs to be treated as such, just like treating illnesses like diabetes or asthma. Most importantly remember that it isn't your fault. It took me many years to recognise that my depression was a 'disease' that I couldn't treat by myself, and I needed help to deal with it. I thought I could do it on my own, by controlling my thoughts & emotions, and felt weak & a failure for not being able to - but it's like saying to an asthmatic 'Don't use an inhaler', or a diabetic 'Don't take insulin'. The most important thing is you already recognise that you have the symptoms of depresion & want to do something about it - that's half the battle won already. Keep going, and keep strong. The love & support of your family & friends is important, and it sounds as if you have that already as well. Don't be afraid/ashamed to use medication to help you control it. And you have the support of everyone on this forum as well. Take it easy, and keep in touch with us, OK? -
Hi Girls, I'm fairly new to this forum. I had my first appointment with Mr McHenry @ Mulgrave today, but will be getting banded @ Knox, hopefully in 4-5 weeks. Jenny sounds as if you're going through the same people I am - I have to go on Optifast 2 weeks pre-op too, but have been on Optifast many times before to try & lose weight, so am sort of used to it now. I still have a 1.5 boxes in my cupboard from my last attempt, so will use that. Fleur, good luck for next week. I generally stick to the Optifast vanilla shake - couldn't stand the Tomato Soup, & the Choc Shake wasn't that crash hot either. I usually add a bit of Diet chocolate Topping, or about 1/2 cup of mixed berries & ice blended in.
Had my 1st appointment today with my surgeon. Got all the prices & worked out that all up (including dietician & all pre-op appointments) out of pocket costs will be $4,050.00. (Includes $250 Australian Unity Hospital Excess). :faint: The biggest portion of this cost will be the actual Surgery bill of $4,036.00. This has to be paid a week before surgery, and I cannot claim back until after the surgery is done. Australian Unity have advised me that they will reimburse $720.85 of the Surgery bill - my surgeon does not have 'No Gap' cover for this procedure. Am being banded, hopefully in 4-5 weeks @ Knox Private Hospital (Victoria). Interestingly enough, found out today that I'm 1cm higher than I thought & also 2kg lighter - but my BMI is still 35 - go figure :confused:
I'm also in Melbourne, and so am not affected by the Cyclone. But all you northern Queenslanders are in my thoughts at this tough time.
I'm in a similar position as you CrazyCiberTalk. I have finally made up my mind to be banded, but have had doubts along the way - I think everyone must go through the same thing. I sometimes wake in the middle of the night & think OMG what am I doing, I'll never be 'normal' again, and maybe I should try yet another diet/drug/meal replacement plan just once more, just in case I can really do it this time. I also think about all the food I may not be able to eat again. But this also makes me realise how much I obsess over food, and how much it controls my life - I Don't Want To Feel Like This Anymore !!!!!! So ..... I have an appointment with a surgeon for Monday morning, and hopefully will only need to wait 5-6 weeks after that to be banded. I'm very excited, and looking forward to taking back control of my life again! I have been surfing the net for a while now, and have found a lot of useful information by asking questions of people that have already had the procedure done, on forums such as this one - they are the best place to get your questions answered up-front & honestly. These message boards are the absolute best for supporting each other, and for answering any questions/issues you have. (I have actually been 'lurking' around this forum for a while, reading the posts & all the useful information that's here, but have only joined recently, so this is my first 'post'). Good Luck with whatever you decide. :gluck: