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tx girl

LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by tx girl

  1. Isopure!!! I go to the health market and buy 7 of them every Sunday. This drink comes in several different flavors (ice tea, grape, orange and many more) theru have 40 grams of protien, so by the time you drink one of those (make sure it's throughout the day, not all at once) and eat your meals you shouldn't have a problem. There are also "protien bullitts out there they have like 54 grams of protien and you can drink it in 2 big sips) The days I have that I take one gulp in the am and one in the afternoon.
  2. FYI Just found out that if you have had lap band that you recieve 25% a buffet at any Souper Salads. They said something about having a medical card (never heard of that but i'll ask the dr. about it at my post op)
  3. Hey girly...how are you feeling? Almost at the 2 week mark. I just can't wait to get to the solid food mark! Tonight I have to go to a pizza buffet place with my family for a kids party...URG!

  4. I guess every doc is different..oatmeal is actually on my list under Full Liquids phase. I can have things like really watered down oatmeal and refried beans. I was worried about oatmeal being so "sticky" but It worked out fine.
  5. Okay...now 9 days post op and I have something stuck. You know those two bones that stick out at the base of your throat ( i know that sounds weird) anyway if I stick my finger right in between there that's where I feel something everytime I swallow. I can still eat and drink, but it's been there for 2 days now. Ever since then when I lay down my back starts killing me. Anyone else experience this....anyone??! I tried to research ways to help food and many sites said to take a big gulp of a carbonated soda. You don't have to tell me twice to sip a diet coke (since that's a no no now) but it didn't work....urg...this is driving me crazy:cursing:
  6. FOOOOOD!!! I'm right there too. I think my hubby is tired of hearing me say "yummm that looks so good...I'm starving!" My appt is on the 26th but I still have 4 more wks of liquids. I wonder if i'll get a fill then or after the 5 weeks of liquids?! I need a fill or a cheeseburger quick! Seeing the before and after pics on this website really help me stay on track.
  7. Lisa YOU CRACK ME UP! I did the exact same thing yesterday....double barreled and all.
  8. thanks...I forgot to mention that this is the drink I do sip throughout the day because of the absorbtion. That's an important thing for everyone to know.
  9. Just wanted to let you guys in on what's been saving me with getting all of my protien in for the day. There is a drink called Cytosort Protien Pure Performance Drink. It is a 20floz. bottle that has 0 carbs, 0 sugar. This juice drink comes in 3 flavors...Tropic, tangerine, and watermelon. I know this sounds like a commerical but I've heard so many talk about how tired they are of the choc. protien shakes.
  10. thx for all the ideas! My doc calls this "phase 2" it's titled full liquids, but includes oatmeal, fruit smashed with fork, yogurts and soups if i smash noodles up with fork. NO i haven't cheated to all of those wondering "just what I've gotten stuck if I'm on liquids" and no I don't poke my fingers into my throat (I was trying to give you guys a visual of where I was talking about) I did think the same thing about why it would be so high up instead of in the stomach. I'm thinking it might be a blueberry piece from the yogurt that I didn't smash/chew enough or the only thing I can think of is I missed a piece of chicken that I pulled out of the soup. Thanks again for all the suggestions..I will try pineapple juice as soon as I get to the store this morning and call the doctors office (he's out of town till next wk) if that doesn't work.
  11. thx bella, i'll try pineapple juice right now. Hey Peaches...absolutly i'm interested...i'll send you my contact info. BTW i used Dr. Hamn in Plano. What about you?
  12. I'm only a week banded and feeling the same way. As a matter of fact, it's funny that I ran into this thread because not more than 20 minutes ago I was driving home, saw a McDonalds and automatically turned in. I said outloud to my self "what the Hell are you doing trish" It was pure habbit...that was me, weather I was hungry or not I saw a McDonalds and turned in to eat. I think it's normal for most of us to feel this way. For most of us our whole life use to revolve around food. If we were happy-we'd eat, sad-we'd eat...anytime you make plans with friends...what do you do...EAT. The lap band will benefit us all and is already working it's magic. Don't feel bad about having to fight the depression...we just had our identity as we knew it yanked out from under us and now we have to learn how to be the new healthy us. Giving up some crap food is worth being confident and proud of us. Take one day at a time and remind yourself each day that you are worth this fight and that there are hundreds of other men and women that are here to help each other through this journey.
  13. Disney, take care:smile2:
  14. I got them at Family Health Market for $2.65 a bottle. I just looked them up on the internet and see that the GNC website has them (a bit more expensive)...but if it's on their website than i bet their stores have them. :mad2:
  15. okay guys and gals...i hate to be the newbie asking so many questions but i'm not sure who else to ask about these things. I'm on the liquid stage of my post op (5 wks, but does include watered down oatmeal, beans..etc). Anyway, I was banded on the 8th of Aug. and just started feeling better yesterday. Since then I've been eating my 3 two ounce meals a day and sipping Water, but I've been starving! Tonight I just drank a bottle of water in less than an hour...will that much water that fast "stretch" or hurt things? Again, sorry for the silly questions, but thanks for the help!
  16. tx girl

    pain under ribs on left side

    I too have the same pain (banded on the 8th) it really does feel like the port is exactly on top of the rib. I was even concerned for a little while about what it would look like when we lose weight and there is a huge port sticking out of my rib (that's the drama queen in me). If I lay down flat on my back, my left side is dramatically bigger than my right..i hope that's just swollen. I'll ask my doc about it at my follow up on the 23rd, but let me know if you guys hear anything before than. :thumbup: Good luck to all!!! I'm so excited about the new us!
  17. tx girl

    Picture Comparison 38lbs down

    you look fantastic! Congrats!
  18. i was just banded on the 8th and am already worried about what a fill will feel like. Does it hurt? I'm sure it gets better than this. :wink2:
  19. how have u been lately? If the pain is in your lower right side, it may be you appendex. Has anyone (dr's) thought it might be that? I know that appendistis (sorry about spelling) is very painful and that they can actually rupture and become a VERY serious concern.
  20. Thanks! I was just telling my husband that I wished I knew if the tight feeling was being full or gas. I haven't been able to even get down a bottle of water a day becasue of the pain in the chest (upper stomach). Tomorrow I go back to full mommy duty with my 2 yr old and 5 month old so I guess I need to rehydrate and get some energy. Thanks for the info!
  21. tx girl

    post op day 3 gas pains

    I too had my surgery on the 8th and have horrible gas pains as well. I now the doctor and everyone else is right when they say walking helps, but I tend to feel most comfortable laying down (switching sides) the gas seems to pass but as soon as i get up it seems to build up again...urgg..I think my main problem now is not knowing if the pressure is a full feeling or gas?
  22. Oh, I feel for you! Make sure your hubby knows that you need him Every minute of those two days (if not more). I have a 5 month old 18lbs. and a two year old that still likes to crawl up in my lap. Sorry to be so blunt, but it does hurt to bend down (have to bend at the knees to get things off the floor). I'm use to holding my son on my left hip and it will take some time on that side since that's where the port is. Do you have any friends that have college kids that are still in town? I was banded on Friday and stopped my pain killer on Sunday because the gas is what hurts the most. I've heard that walking helps with that, but I feel best when laying in bed and rolling to each side every 30 minutes or so. Sorry to be babbling....good luck and welcome to a whole new you!
  23. tx girl

    Port fix question

    I'm almost positive that they have to put you under again. I was a cash patient and very concerned about the cost if something went wrong with anything. He said that he can usually fix the port for 2,000.
  24. tx girl

    Hair Loss

    Protien, Protien, Protien. Make sure you are meeting the requirements that your doc gave you. Hair loss is a sign of low protien. Kroger brand carbmaster yougurt has 12g of protien not much compared to the 60+ you should be getting a day, but it's better than some of the other yougurts.
  25. tx girl

    Just Banded Yesterday

    Well it's good to hear that others are feeling the same. Today was a hard day and I spent most of it in bed. My port hurts pretty bad, but the gas is what's killing me. Is anyone feeling light headed or weak from not getting much down? I've tried to stop the pain meds because they felt pretty harsh on an empty stomach. Anyway...we'll all get through it and it is So worth it!

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