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LAP-BAND Patients
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About ms.1981

  • Rank
  • Birthday 02/17/1981
  1. Happy 32nd Birthday ms.1981!

  2. Happy 31st Birthday ms.1981!

  3. 3 years has passed since you registered at LapBandTalk! Happy 3rd Anniversary ms.1981!

  4. ms.1981

    Approved today

    thank you.. and congratulations on the upcoming wedding!
  5. ms.1981

    Approved today

    Thank you, Just a few questions because for some reason I didn't get your response back yesterday and couldnt log back in last night! The carnation shakes do they come in powder form or liquid..and the slim fast high protein are those in a can or powder form..(just so I know what to look for at walmart) does the carb and protein level have to be a certain level or grams etc.. reason i ask is because my friend has some protein shake mix..(she is a gastric patient) that she is allergic to and cant use anymore and offered them to me. I didnt know if your Dr. req. a specific type or not? And then the fruit part.. is the apple a must or can you do an orange or something? just asking..not trying to be difficult? lol! If the way you did it is the only way..then I will do it your way!
  6. ms.1981

    Approved today

    Well I would be happy if you would share the diet with me. I talked to my surgeons receptionist and she said to go ahead and try that or South beach phase 1..basically she was like do any and everything you can do to get the weight off in 2 weeks! They havent cancelled my surgery date yet, she said they won't cancel until 48 hrs before the scheduled date. I hope that is enough time! But yep..I'm on my way to the store now so if you have the diet and ingredients I would love to jump on the ball! I go by Yvonne! Thank you again!
  7. ms.1981

    Approved today

    well I really appreciate your information and your suppot! That may actually help me as well.. and you know what my Dr. didnt even mention it..he kinda just left me out there on my own like oh well..get the weight off first! I will keep you posted!
  8. ms.1981

    Approved today

    Hey everyone, I'm new to the forum and would just like to say hello and that I think that this website is awesome! I was recently approved for lap-band surgery about 1 month ago ( in a process that took about 5 months to complete!) and sadly to say after going to the Dr. for my pre-op visit, i found out that in 4-5 months since the 1st time I saw him that I have gained like 20lbs! My surgeon told me that I would have to reschedule my surgery, which was set for Aug. 28 when I lose this weight because of the fat around my liver, but I'm confused? If someone decided that they wanted to have lap-band surgery today and they weighed like 320lbs( which is like more than i weigh) and they met all of the requirements as far as insurance and BMI etc.. and they got approved, wouldnt they have the same amount of fat around their liver as me? I'm very sad, because I dont want to have to wait like 2 months if longer to lose this weight to get back to where I was when I first started this lap-band process! I'm afraid that in that time frame the insurance will cancel the approval! Can somebody please help me with suggestions! Does anybody know what type of diet I can do to get this weight off quickly for the sake of my surgery? :crying:

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