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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by pioneer1

  1. I was banded 12/18 and the clear liquid week was rough, but regular popcicles really helped. I have found that every dr is different in his post op plan. Stay with your dr and eat reg jello and eat reg popcicles and drink drink drink. This too will pass. I just started on mushies. I can finally chew something even though it is mushie. Congrats on being banded!!!!!!!!!!
  2. pioneer1

    New 60+ Thread

    Hi, it has been a few weeks since I last posted and since then I have been banded,(Dec 18th). I had some problems with gas pains but they are gone now. I just started mushie foods and I am so glad to actually chew something even if it is mushie. My first fill is scheduled for Jan 13th. I am getting hungry now and look forward to the fill. I am so proud of myself for making the decision to be banded. I look forward to 2009. Everyone asked why didn't I wait until after the holidays. I tell them that that would be an additional 5 to 10 pounds to loose. I had lost 6 lbs the first week at my post op visit. I have not weighed since for I know that the first month is for healing. Here's to a happy and HEALTHIER new year for everyone!:tongue2:
  3. hi, I was also banded on Dec 18th. I am not very hungry. Have lost 8 lbs. I am having trouble with shoulder and neck pains. I know that it is from surgery, but that knowledge doen't help the pain. I actully think that the pain keeps me from thinking about food. I am also having trouble remembering to drink all my liquids. My dr wants me on Clear Liquids for 1 full week. I am feeling a little dizzy and think I should try at least 1 Protein shake a day even though that is not scheduled until after thursday.
  4. pioneer1

    New 60+ Thread

    Roxie, How did you do? I was banded yesterday and I am doing Ok. I am having some pain in my shoulder and neck from the gas. My stomach is a little tender but ok, Did you get banded on the 17th as scheduled? How is it going with you? Any problems? Let me know....
  5. pioneer1

    New 60+ Thread

    Roxie, Isopure is ok. It will do, I tried the punch and at 40 gms of protein I will be drinking one bottle a day. At a class, they showed me a bottle and it was real thick, but the punch is not. The thick ones they say to thin it with water or juice. I have to be at the hosp at 645 am on thurs. and I live 2 hrs away, so we are staying 2 nights. The night before and the night after surgery. I am bringing a couple of bullion cubes with me so when we go out to dinner the night before I will just ask for hot water and have my broth while my husband has dinner. Good luck and and my you have an easy surgery. Dana
  6. pioneer1

    New 60+ Thread

    Hi Roxie, Yes are you? I go tomorrow to the hosp to get my tests and upper gi done. I am having some trouble staying asleep, so I am taking a sm dose of benedril at bedtime. I have my liquids for my first week and I have a little stuff for the second week. I will send my husband to the store for anything I missed. I am getting phone call from family and friends giving me positive thoughts and well wishes. I bought some Isopure for my first week and I noticed that it is expired by a month. Now I have to go back and trade them in. Oh well, it will keep me busy and not worrying. Good luck to you as well, keep in touch. Dana g
  7. pioneer1

    New 60+ Thread

    Twirl, Hang in there.....Things WILL get better. I am not sure you are following week 1 clear liquid schedule.. Take a sip (1 oz only) every 10 minutes. Sip no straws. No puddings this week. I am confused like doddie. Did you get any schedule of eating and drinking before or after banding? also, try some warn chicken or beef broth. Again, sip or eat with a baby spoon. My Dr will not put in a fill during the surgeryl He waits until month visit. What kind of preop consultation did you get? Please hang in there... we are all with you!!!!!!!!
  8. pioneer1

    New 60+ Thread

    Twril, Before you crush your pills, check with the pharmacist to see if they can be crushed. Some pills should not be crushed and some cap should not be opened. Just check first. You might be able to ge some of your drugs in liquid form or chewables, ask drugist. Are you still in the clear liquid stage? If so, no yogurt. If all else fails, check with the Dr who prescribed the meds and ask for alternative drugs in liquid or chewable form. Good Luck and Congrats on the Surgery. I am getting band this Thursday Dec 18th,
  9. pioneer1

    New 60+ Thread

    Hi Roxie, I will be thinking of you also. Check in with us after surgery and I will do the same. I am the guinea pig for my brother and sister who are thinking of have it done. They want to see how it works on me first. That is fine with me for I will be thinner then my sibblings for the first time in my life. I can't wait.
  10. pioneer1

    Were is all my Chattanoogians at?

    Christmas isn't a problem. I just got back from Virgin Gorda in the B Virgin Islands. Went to a wedding, eat drank and had a great time. Went snorkling and kayaking. When it was time to come back, I left all my summer clothes there because I KNEW that next summer I would not need those sizes any more. I have had my last fling with being heavy and it is now time to be reborn and what a better time to start than at Christmas.
  11. pioneer1

    New 60+ Thread

    Hi everyone, I finally got my cardio dr and my lapband dr to get on the same page as me. I am scheduled for banding on Dec 18th. I love reading all the posts. I am more of a reader then a writer. If I loose slow or fast, (fast would be great) what matters to me is that I am taking control and at 60 this is the best decision I have made in a long time. I am committed to this new life style and can't wait to get started.
  12. pioneer1

    Were is all my Chattanoogians at?

    Hi, Haven't posted in awhile. Finally got my cardio dr and Dr Ponce on same page with me and I am now scheduled for surgery on Dec 18th @ Memorial. I am excited and scared at the same time. I am totally committed to this life change. I will be starting week 2 (soft liquids) on Christmas. I am working on a special meal for me. Any suggestions for week 2 christmas liquids?
  13. pioneer1

    Anyone from Georgia ??

    Hi, i am up in N. Ga. I have an appointment to see Dr Champion. Anyone here used him? I was going to Chatanooga but had a conflict with the Dr about aspirin. I am now going to go to Atlanta.
  14. pioneer1

    New 60+ Thread

    Hi Everyone, I turned 60 in Oct and as a gift to me I wanted to be banded.:thumbup: My surgery is scheduled for Dec 18th. I am just about finished with all pre op stuff. I don't need to do the pre op diet. I will be a self pay.:wink2: I am struggling with my aspirin regimen. My Cardi dr doen't want me off aspirin but my lapband dr is no aspirin ever. I meet with my cardi again on Tues. Anyone Have this problem? I am continuing as if this will happen. I look forward to reading and posting.
  15. pioneer1

    anyone older out there?

    Hi Horserider, Happy Birthday! I turned 60 Oct 25th and the lapband is my birthday present to me. I am a newbee here also. I get banded on Dec 18th. Good Luck to you! Keep us posted.
  16. Hi, Need some feedback from anyone that had heart surgery and were taking asprin. My cardio Dr says that because I had a valve repaired I need to be on asprin every day. My Lapband Dr says he won't do the surgery if I can't get off asprin. I have called my Cardio dr and told the nurse the problem and she says he will get back to me. Has anyone been on asprin from heart surgery and been turned down for lapband or were you able to get cardio dr to say OK. I think that the benefits from weight loss would outweigh the risks without asprin. I am scheduled for surgery on Dec 18th with Dr Ponce in Chattanooga.
  17. pioneer1

    Were is all my Chattanoogians at?

    Hi, just started reading this thread. I live in Mineral Bluff Ga and will be having Dr Ponce do my surgery. I will also be a self pay. I am hoping to have the surgery done in Dec. Dr Ponce wants me to have it done at Memorial because I had heart surgery a couple of years ago. It adds about 3000 to the cost. I too was told that the first year fills would be $50 then 125 after that. I am currently having test on my gallbladder. He wants it out before surgery. My UGI will be done at the hosp. just before surgery. I am going to check out that 1000 fee and make sure it was incl in the price I was quoted. It's great to hear from people who go to the same dr.
  18. Hi, First time post..I finally decided to have the lapband. It has taken me 4 years to make this decision. I have tried every diet out there. From injection of pregnant womans urine to fen phen. I always lost but ALWAYS gained back plus more. I will be 60 this month and I don't want to spend the rest of my life morbidly obese and I will not try any more drugs or fad diets. I had mitral valve repair which "could have been " caused by Phen fen. I have had a total knee replaced. I can't walk very far without being out of breath. My decision has been make!! I am almost 60 and I weigh 255 and am 5'5. I am planning on the surgery in December. I will be a self pay. I will have it done by Dr Ponce in Chatanooga. I am going thru some tests. I need to have my gallbladder taken out first. Everything is going OK so far. Now that I have made my decision, I am getting stressed. I know it is what I want but I am still a little scared. That is why I am on this website. Sorry to ramble. I have never made a long story short.
  19. pioneer1

    Finally made THE decision!

    I was told that there is a chance of contamination from the gallbladder is done during banding. If the gallbladder should leak some bile into the cavity, infection could be serious.

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