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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by g00dbyefat

  1. This happened to me, don't worry!

    I didn't get my first fill for about 6 weeks post-op. I lost about 5lbs post surgery from the restricted diet but as soon as I got on solids I gained weight. When I went in for my first fill I was devastated to find I had gained weight. My nurse told me it was VERY typical and I shouldn't worry. Actually I had gained muscle from the working out and walks, and that added to the weight gain as well.

    As soon as I had my first fill it melted off. About 4-5 weeks later the weight loss tapered off. It was time for another fill, then it started melting off again.

    Just eat till you're full, but make smart choices. Of course with the holidays just passing it can be hard, but don't give up hope. I gained a few lbs from the holidays from eating junk, but as soon as I got back on track it came off. Are you exercising? Make sure you're at least walking. :confused:

    I haven't lost but maybe 2 pounds since I got the band in, but 12 pounds pre-op. My husband who got it on the same day hasn't lost any weight at all (except 50 pounds pre-op!). In fact, after the holidays we managed to GAIN weight! I feel hungrier now than I did before I got the band! We've been eating normal foods for the most part, but of course eating smaller meals, and lots of protien and Water. We even have low carb protien shakes every day for Breakfast and/or lunch, but I still get so freakin' hungry. Everything I eat goes through just fine, and I am hungry every two hours or so.

    So I know that it will probably get better once we have our fill, I am just wondering HOW much better?

    I know the band is a TOOL to aid in dieting properly, but I didn't get the band so I could DIET all the time. I got it so I could eat what I wanted in moderation without being hungry.

  2. Hang in there! I had a problem w/ bowel movements too, felt somewhat constipated. I think I wasn't drinking enough Water because when I upped my liquids I was fine. Try upping your liquids a bit and see if that helps.

    I was sooooo disappointed when I went into get my first fill because I lost weight for the first 3 weeks, maybe 4. Once I got on solids, I started being able to eat larger portions. I guess my surgeon didn't put any saline in at all. They told me it was VERY TYPICAL for people to gain 5+lbs back after surgry, and before a fill. Good news is, as soon as I got a fill, I lost about 5lbs right away. After the 2nd fill it's been MUCH easier to stay full and on track!

    Hang in there, it will get better! Don't you worry!

    i had my surgery on 12/2 and at first i was doing very well...now i have not lost any weight in about 2 weeks...i am also having a problem going #2...i do not see my surgeon until 1/12 for my first fill...will the weight loss pickup once i have my band filled??? and does anyone take or recommend any sort of laxative or something for the Constipation problem? i tried getting a hold of my surgeon but he is on holiday and is only taking emergency calls at this time... :confused:

    any help, advice, or info is more than appreciated!!!


  3. I am on 20mg lexapro and noticed that I have gained weight since starting it (about 30lbs in 1-2yrs). I was banded 8/25 and have lost 30lbs so far. I have noticed that other people from the "August Allstars" have lost a bit more, but I'm just happy to be losing. I also have hypothyroid and weight has ALWAYS been a problem for me, so just being able to lose anything to me is GREAT! I had 2nd fill today, so sure I'll be dropping more soon!

  4. I have only had 1 fill so far. I eat about 3-4oz of meat, and about tablespoon of salad/carbs. We went out to eat and I got 6oz steak, salad and baked potato. I only ate half and was satisfied, I ate the other 1/2 the next day.

    I feel like I'm not loosing too quickly, however have dropped 10lbs since I got my fill about a month ago, so guess it's going good. I'm only down 30lbs total though, but I have slow thyroid and have NEVER been able to lose before, so feel that anything gone is GREAT! :drool:

  5. So I FINALLY got my first fill on 10/21. It took forever because I switched aftercare docs cuz I moved, and went to see my sister for 2 weeks.

    I was a bit upset at my weigh in cuz I was 5lbs up, but I had been at my sisters and eating what they cooked. But then my nutritionist asked if I had been working out. Well I had been doing a LOT of walking while on vacation. She said she could tell because my muscle was way up, and fat down. I told her I seemed to drop a size in clothes and she explained that was why. Even thou the scale said I weighed more, it was because of the muscle gain somewhat. She said it was typical that some ppl will gain a bit before a fill after healing up too. So that made me feel MUCH BETTER! Another NSV!

    Last night I bought some size 24 pants from Avenue. I was estatic when I put them on and they fit even a bit loose. I had gotten up to 26 and even had a couple 28's! WOOHOO>>>it's working, it's working! :biggrin:

    Well I got my fill and like everyone says, it doesn't hurt. I was nervous cuz I'm not the best with needles, and my new doc does adjustments w/ fluroscopy. It was no biggie at all, they put in too much at first, and by drinking the barrium we could see it wasn't draining past the band at all. So the took out .5cc and it was perfect! I only got 1.5cc, but it's working. It's been about 2 weeks and I'm down 10lbs. I'm not eating super clean either. Pretty Protein heavy, but still having some carbs here and there. But I'm eating WAY cleaner than I used to. My mom and I were talking about it, and figured I'm not getting 300-1000 calories a day just from sodas. I used to drink A LOT of coke, so I'm sure that's helping quite a bit.

    Anyway...things are going great! I'm eating sooooo much less than I was. The other night I had 6-8 small shrimp and some salad was was stuffed! That still just amazes me!

    Hope everyone else is making good progress too! I'm down a total of 26lbs. I feel like I'm making good progress, not sure how I'm doing compared to others. But I have hypothyroid and PCOS which both work against me, so just losing something is AWESOME to me! I can't remember the last time I was able to drop weight and keep it off. :biggrin:

  6. I get my first fill on Wed and it's been (6-8) weeks. I went to visit my family for 2 1/2 weeks and pretty much ate what they cooked, trying to pick the best of what they had. I still managed to gain 5lbs which is off again no, just want to keep the weight coming off. I am excited about the fill, but it's under florscopy which I am not sure about. Wish me luck!

    Christy :biggrin:

  7. Don't panic till you find out what exactly it is. I just went thru this in April myself. It could be nothing.....as mine was. I had 2 abnormal EKG's, then a "false positive" Nuclear Stress test, then because of a family history w/ heart disease he said he couldn't clear me with out a Cardiac Cath procedure. It was a surgical outpatient procedure so of COURSE I was freakin out. Well all ended up clear, for whatever reason all the previous tests were false positives. So DON'T panic till you know exactly what's going on. I FREAKED out...and for nothing. All was clear, and I was banded last month! Best of luck to you! :tt2:

  8. OMG>>>I'm under 300lbs!!! :tt2:

    This morning I woke up...8 days after surgery and I'm 298. It sounds dorky to be sooo excited about being 298, but it's the first time I've been under 300lbs in about a year! I was able to lose 15lbs on my Atkins pre-op diet, and got to 301 surgery day. Of course after surgery I was up a few lbs, I hear it's typical cuz of the swelling and being pumped full of fluids on my IV for 36hrs. But now I'm under 300lbs and I'm NEVER going back. I'm on my way....WOOHOOO!


  9. Hi everyone! Is anyone here in or around Savannah, GA? I'm having my surgery on August 29 and am just looking to meet some local people that have either already had surgery or will be having it in the future!

    I just moved back to Savannah a couple months ago. I was banded Monday 8/25 in San Antonio, Tx just cuz I already had all my insurance requirements done and gotten my approval for there. I'm looking into Memorial Bariatrics for my aftercare.

    Where did you get your surgery done? How was your surgery? How are you feeling?

  10. g00dbyefat: I will be getting banded by Dr. Carcamo at Nix Healthcare downtown. I am a nurse and have heard really good things about True Results. That is where I wanted to have my surgery, but by insurance company would not approve it there. I have lost 19lbs since June following Weight Watchers core program, but have started my Atkins preop diet today. I have completed all my preop testing, but have an appt with Dr. Carcamo a week from this Friday. How soon can you get a date after everything is completed?

    Please keep me posted on how you are doing. Hopefully I wont be too far behind you.


    I was banded Monday 8/25/08 and doing GREAT! Not enough stuff to say about Dr. Carcamo and the staff at the NIX hospital. Everyone was VERY pleasant and helpful.

    Dr. Carcamo did a great job on my surgery because i didn't have any gas pain, nausea or any pain. Just dull ache at the largest 1 1/2" cut where he placed the port. I was told on Friday before my surgery that I was going to have to stay overnight, that freaked me out, but it was GREAT! Everything was good, I'm back in Savannah and all is good! :thumbdown:

    Good luck on your surgery.....

  11. I must be weird...I didn't really need the pain meds much! I was given a sip in the hospital the first night, then took 1/2 dose of the pain med I was given the 2nd night and that was it. I never touched them again, didn't even need tylenol.

    I haven't been in much pain since I first woke up in the recovery room. I was lucky not to get gas pains or nausea either. I just have a dull ache once in awhile from the port incision. Not a hurt, more like I did too many sit ups...just a tinge to remind me it's there.

    Good luck to you all who need meds, there's no shame in taking them. That's why they gave them to you. If you need them, by all means take them! :)

  12. Congrats,

    I had mine on Monday 8/25 and was feeling pretty good. It get WAY better every day...was feeling GREAT today! Glad to hear it went well!!


    Ok... I HAD MY SURGERY TODAY!! and i'm doing great, i'm a little sore but for the most part i'm doing pretty good. The dr said that he was very impress by my weight loss 13lbs, and said my liver was very small and easy to work with!! so YEAH!!!!

    I'm excited and hope everyone else that had surgery today went well!!

  13. I was banded Monday 8/25, still on liquid phase too. I'm allowed pretty much the same. I have tried sf Jello, sf pudding and applesauce and had no probs, the rest has been all liquids. I can have broth, creamy Soups strained, and juice for the liquids part. I agree....not much variety! I have Protein shakes, but didn't incorporate early, guess I can now, they never said.

    Kim, What are you drinking for the clear liquid stage?

    My days 1-10 allow me 3 Protein Shakes a day and two Snacks in between which can be one of the following: coffee, tea, fruit juice, crystal light, sugar free kool-aid, Water, skim milk, sugar free Jello and pudding or popsicles, low fat yogurt, applesauce and baby food fruit and broth.< /p>

    It seems strange that I can have the pudding, jello, yogurt, applesacue and baby food since it is not actually a liquid. I would prefer to be on the safe side while my stomach heals and do just liquids so that is what I am going to try. I just need more ideas on liquids.


  14. I know what you mean, it's a stressful decision. I mean you WANT to succeed, no one WANTS to fail, but it's a big decision on what option to pick. I felt the same way, and was banded this last Monday 8/25.

    I have always tried to lose weight, lost 40lbs at the most, then it came back on. I have hypothyroid and PCOS (insulin resistant disease) and my endocrinologist told me weight loss surgery was my best option if I wanted to see past 65. So I made up my mind that day to get banded. I had done a lot of research on the bypass vs lapband. I hear they have the mini gastric sleeve as well. Here's what I focused on, maybe it will help you decide.

    I chose the lap band because it's reversible, and if I get pregnant it can be losened up so I can get enuf nutrients for both of us. No dumping syndrome like bypass. Yes you lose weight less quickly, but I said I wanted to lose 100lbs in a year as my goal and NO ONE batted an eye at that. Dr's/ nurses/ nutritionists all told me it was VERY DOABLE!

    I know w/ gastric you lose MASSIVE weight, and fast but can stretch the pouch and gain it back afterward too. You have dumping syndrome, longer recovery time since they're cutting and rearranging your insides. You can find a way to SABOTAGE any of these diet helpers, don't set yourself up for failure.

    I had a hard time on the pre-op diet. I was on Atkins and my dr said to lose the most weight keeping farily low carb is the way to do it. I can have carbs but just a couple spoonfulls here and there, and need to pick the good carbs. At least I can have them at some point.

    I know it will be hard to focus on healthier foods and I'll have to make sure to work out....but it's worth it for the healthier ME! You have to be willing to give up something to get what you want! For me....it was pretty much do or die, so that made the choice very simple! EVERYONE...I MEAN EVERYONE (friends/family...anyone who knows me well) is AMAZED and knows how determined I am because I HATE going to DR's. I had to have a cardiac cath surgery for insurance approval, then this surgery. But it's all done, all for the best and I'm on my way!

    Keep your head up, make the right choice for you!

    good luck! :cursing:


  15. Hi there, I am fairly new to this forum and trying to figure things out. I am 30 years old and am blessed to be married to my first and only love who is an amazing husband and father.:tt1: I have 2 boys, 18 months and 4.5 years old. I am a stay at home mommy and love it and can't wait to enjoy it even more once I lose some of this weight. I am only on my pre-op diet as I will be banded on Wenesday 8/27/08 and I have lost about 9 pounds so far. I live in the Northern Dallas area and I am also new to Texas, just moved here from CA a few months ago. As far as how much weight I want to lose my first goal is to lose about 55 pounds which will put me just under the 200 mark. Eventually I would like to go down to 145. I am not even sure what that would look like, especially since I have been overweight most of my life. But I just want to be healthy.;)

    Good luck w/ your surgery tomorrow!! I had mine yesterday in San Antonio, stayed overnight in the hospital and came home today! My surgery went GREAT, sure yours will too!

    I had no gas pain, no nausea. Just a bit of pain (more like dull ache) in the largest 1 1/2 inch cut where port was placed. I didn't even need pain meds in the day. The nurse did give me a swig at night and I was out like a light!

    Hope your surgery goes as well...don't' worry!! I was FREAKED out and it went great! :thumbup:

  16. I don't have stitches I was glued. You can't see the other cuts I have 6 of them...the only one you can see is the one were my port is I guess and then I sat in the sun without thinking and lifted my top up so my stomach would stay tan and my cut turn almost black. But it doesn't look to bad. So everyone is with stitches?

    No...I had surgery yesterday and mine just have "glue gobs" on top of them. They look great, much better than I expected!

  17. I have no problem eating less as food is not an issue with me nor the cause of my inability to lose weight. I am following what my doctor tells me but I am getting conflicting information and that is why I am questioning this.

    No I totally agree....so I have been going to TRUE RESULTS for all of my insurance approval steps, had to have surgery in a near by town because that's "in network" for my insurance. My nutritionist from TR told me Clear Liquids for 2-3days then full liquids from there on. The Nutritionist at surgery center said Clear Liquids for 1 week, full liquids for 1 week. The nutritionists varied quite a bit. I figured I'd go to TR's recommendation since I have spent all this time learning "their way" and will continue w/ them for follow ups and all. :w00t:

  18. I had surgery yesterday 8/25/08 and had to stay overnight. It wasn't that bad...I was in at 7am in my room by 9 or 10am. I felt great, was bummed I couldn't go home.

    I had gas pain in the shoulder for about 5 min upon ariving to my room. My mom massaged it for a minute and that was that. After that I didn't have any gas pain, and never had any nausea. I didn't even need any pain meds, so TOTALLY could have went home. Oh well, I'm home now, and feeling great! Glad surgery went so easy for me, I was worried for nothing! :w00t:

  19. I was banded yesterday, stayed overnight in the hospital and got home this morning. I'm doing GREAT! I didn't have any gas pain, or any nausea, it was great.

    I was doing good getting the IV in and all, but when they started to roll me to the "surgery suite" they stopped by the waiting room so my mom could see me and I started tearing up. The anesthesiologist was WONDERFUL and told me he'd give me something to make me feel better. That's all I remember, I don't remember being rolled in to the OR or anything. I just remember waking up, and asking if it was done and did everything go ok. haha

    I walked the halls about 6 times yesterday, and a few today. I barely have any pain, just the port site (largest cut) aches. I didn't need any pain meds in the day. The nurse did give me 2 little Creamer sized cups of pain med to drink last night, and I was OUT! Woke up this morning at 7:30am, they told me I could take a shower, eat Breakfast and get ready to go! WOOHOO!

    It's been great so far, I guess I was one of the lucky ones. I thought it would be MUCH worse! :w00t:

  20. I was banded yesterday, stayed overnight in the hospital and got home this morning. I'm doing GREAT! I didn't have any gas pain, or any nausea, it was great.

    I was doing good getting the IV in and all, but when they started to roll me to the "surgery suite" they stopped by the waiting room so my mom could see me and I started tearing up. The anesthesiologist was WONDERFUL and told me he'd give me something to make me feel better. That's all I remember, I don't remember being rolled in to the OR or anything. I just remember waking up, and asking if it was done and did everything go ok. haha

    I walked the halls about 6 times yesterday, and a few today. I barely have any pain, just the port site (largest cut) aches. I didn't need any pain meds in the day. The nurse did give me 2 little Creamer sized cups of pain med to drink last night, and I was OUT! Woke up this morning at 7:30am, they told me I could take a shower, eat Breakfast and get ready to go! WOOHOO!

    It's been great so far, I guess I was one of the lucky ones. I thought it would be MUCH worse! :w00t:

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