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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by g00dbyefat

  1. Hi Jazz, Congrats....when's your surgery date? I'm getting banded on 8/18 and just did my shop. Here's the list of what recommendations I got from Aug bandsters. Shopping list for post-surgery: · Gas X strips · Gauze to cover incisions/tape · Protein in form I can stand · Full Liquids-On Approved List · Liquid Tylenol · Chewable Vitamins · Wet wipes · Pill crusher? · Heating pad/icepack · CHAPSTICK!!!!! · Carnation instant Breakfast · Protein power/liquid · Broth/soup · SF popcicles/fudgecicles · Crystal lite · Oatmeal · Applesause · Yogurt · Mashed potato · Pudding · Jello · Special K Protein Water pack · Stuff for chicken salad
  2. WOOHOO I got a date!!!! Pre-op apt on 8/15, surgery on 8/18! AWSOME...I have been jumping insurance hoops for over 6 months, got approved on 7/30 and now have a date! Seems like waiting forever, and now running full speed! I'm not complaining thou! New me....here I come! :wink_smile: :tongue: :thumbup:
  3. g00dbyefat

    Anxiety pill, anyone?

    Yes I was given Valium in my IV before my cardiac cath procedure. I had to have that done in April for the insurance approval to be banded. I was nervous since my last surgery was when I was 7, and I really don't remember it. I was tearing up, the nurse and dr asked me why. I told them this was my first surgery since I was a kid and I was just real nervous. They asked me if I wanted someting and I was glad to take it. After that I felt fine, until they asked me to scoot over to the OR table. I got a bit nervous again, they gave me some "sleepy juice" in my IV and that was it. I just remember waking up back in my room and it was over. Was nothing to really get worked up about. I am naturally an anxious person, so will mention it to my surgeon on my pre-op apt. but sure they will do it the same way as before.
  4. g00dbyefat

    I got my date!!!

    Congrats to you too!!! Definitely yes on the keep in touch, we can compare notes on how it's going w/ each other! Good luck to you too! Christy :tt2:
  5. g00dbyefat

    I got my date!!!

    Hi there...just introducing myself. I will be having my surgery on 8/18. I'm VERY excited, anxious, nervous and everything else. Seems like it took forever for the 6mnt insurance approval steps to be completed. Now movin' full speed. I can't wait to see the changes that are made. I have learned sooo much from this site. I'm glad to have found it as it's helpful to know other ppl are going thru the same things I am!!
  6. g00dbyefat

    Naming your Band?

    I like the idea...I'll have to think of some. here are ideas for ABE: After Banded Excitement i....Am Better Everyday Always Being Excellent I guess they're dorky, but will help you to start thinking about it! :tt2:
  7. g00dbyefat

    I have my date

    Hi ya....congrats!! I'm getting banded on the same date. I understand about nerves, I am as well and anxious, and excited. So many emotions!!! Apparently its not all that bad, is over quick and not much to worry about. Here are some stuff I got today that other ppl have suggested I will need. Shopping list for post-surgery: · Gas X strips · Gauze to cover incisions/tape · Protein in form I can stand · Full Liquids-On Approved List · liquid Tylenol · Chewable Vitamins · Wet wipes · CHAPSTICK!!!!!
  8. g00dbyefat

    Anyone having surgery on August 18?!

    I am scheduled for the 18th too. My pre-op apt w/ dr. is 8/15 but I have completed everything else, and am approved w/ insurance. It's right around the corner, I can't believe it! WOOHOO!! :w00t:
  9. g00dbyefat

    Becoming Extremely Nervous!!

    I'm a bit nervous about procedure too, but not much....more anxious to get it over with and start losing. I had a cardiac catheter procedure done in april for insurance approval. My ekg was crazy and then stress test was false positive, both for NO reason really. But since my grandpa died of heart attack, doc insisted we do cardiac cath. It's where they run a cath(tube) up your femoral artery up to your heart and dye it directly then take xray pics to see if there's any heart probs. Well anyway, it's a surgery, and I haven't had one since I had my tonsils out at 7yrs old. I felt like sucha BABY as I was litterally crying while they were prepping me. The nurse was very sweet, I'm sure she thought I was NUTS but kept assuring me that it would be alright. I just don't like all the prep work they have to do. They did vitals, IV w/ a million viles to test, urinary cath (no biggie, I was scared of it), shaved area of my leg. I think that's it. Well dr came in, asked why I was teary eyed, I just told him I was nervous cuz first surgery since I was 7. He asked if I wanted something to calm me down, and gave me some valium in IV. I felt much better until they wheeled me in OR and told me to scoot to OR table. I started tearing up again, the staff started talking to me and I said "I just want to be asleep, I just want to be asleep" and she said ok, I'm gonna give you something now. Next thing I know I'm waking up in my room, I feel a dull ache, but not really pain and it was over. I felt like sucha dork...that was it?? It's over already??? I think I was in there like 20min...lmao! wow.... Well honestly since that, I'm more at ease for this surgery. I mean I was sooooo worried and for what? Just tell them you're nervous, explain to them it's your first surgery and they will give you something to relax. There's really nothing to worry about thou, it's over and done w/ before you know it. My friends dad was in OR for 40min, that's all when banded. We'll make it thru it ok! No worries! :w00t:
  10. g00dbyefat

    Started my new life 8/01.mixed emotions

    No I can understand fully. I feel similar and I'm only on the Atkins pre-op diet. The other night my family was eating Cookies, I stayed out of the room as I know it would be hard for me. But everyday it's getting easier...and it will w/ the band too. There's sure to bee a time of adjustment needed. You're retraining your brain, body and everything. It will take some time, like w/ everything. I know my best friends dad was banded about 3-4 yrs ago now. When he first got it he was freakin out, wondering if he should have done it. Now he's 140, down from 400lbs and VERY happy in the decision he made. He can eat ANYTHING, no probs w/ any food, he just eats about 1/8th what he used to! :w00t:
  11. YES>>>Nervous, anxious, excited, and a whole whirlwind of other emotions. It's been a LOOOOONG time coming as I've been thinking about this surgery for years, but only recently had the insurance to do it. Got approval and and sooooooooooooo thrilled to death! WOOHOO! We'll have to keep in touch and support eachother! :w00t:
  12. I'm getting banded on the 18th and a bit nervous too! Don't worry...we won't remember it in a year, but we will be SKINNY!!! Well at least a lot more healthy! :wink_smile:
  13. WOOO HOO I got a date!!!! Pre-op apt on 8/15, surgery on 8/18! AWSOME...I have been jumping insurance hoops for over 6 months, got approved on 7/30 and now have a date! Seems like waiting forever, and now running full speed! I'm not complaining thou! New me....here I come! :wink_smile: :tongue: :thumbup:
  14. g00dbyefat

    what the ?????!!!!!!!

    No I TOTALLY feel for you!!! I too have PCOS and my periods are VERY irregular and I woul dhave no way to tell them when they should fill me either. I don't believe my place does that, but I sure will ask now! I fully understand and would be very upset and PO'd too! :wink_smile:
  15. g00dbyefat

    San Antonio

    I was told no more than 30grams of carbs a day. It hasn't been as hard as I thought it would. I found sf fudgesicles today that are only 8gms carbs...YAY! Pretty much been eating just meat, cheese, eggs, salad(and lots of it)...got 1carb salad dressing, and ketchup, and veggies. I felt a bit tired first 2 days or so, but better now!
  16. g00dbyefat

    PCOS help?

    My endo actually recommended this surgery to me. That was the day I made up my mind. She said that insulin resistant makes you store more fat, which makes your body create more insulin, which creates more fat and so on and so on. She said the best thing for me to do was get banded, follow a lower carb diet, and make sure to exercise. She said MANY of her PCOS patients have been banded and followed this and had great success! I'm hoping I'm the next one, as I'm getting banded this month! :cool2:
  17. g00dbyefat

    Banded 1/23/07

    Hi there....I'm being banded by DR. Carcamo this month. Could you tell me more about your surgery day in detail? I'm very interested. I've read some posts where they said that were in 7am out by noon. Was this the case for you? All the info you could give me would be GREATLY appreciated. I'm excited, but nervous as I haven't had surgery since I was a kid. Thanks a lot!!! Christy :cool2:
  18. g00dbyefat

    San Antonio

    Hi there, I am going to be banded by Dr. Carcamo this month. I was wondering if you could tell me how you liked him? Also about your surgery day in detail? I'm excited, but a bit nervous as I've only had tonsils out as a kid. Thanks
  19. g00dbyefat

    San Antonio Area Bandsters?

    I know this post was awhile back, but I am going to be banded by Dr. Carcamo this month. Can you tell me more about your experience? I'd love to know how he was, and what you surgery day was like in detail. I'm excited, but a bit nervous about surgery as I have only had my tonsils out as a kid, and cardiac cath in April for insurance approval of the band. Thanks a bunch! :cool2:
  20. g00dbyefat

    coffee & diet coke

    My weight loss center told me about the carbonated beverages causing the pouch to swell. They told me I could have soda (preferably diet) on OCASSION if I let it sit a bit so it doens't have so much carbonation! I too drank a LOT of soda, but have cut it out over my 6 month pre-op ins. requirements. Honestly it wasn't that hard, I was suprised. It's just empty calories, and one thing I have to learn to deal with. If that's the hardest thing I do for weight loss...that would be great! haha :cool2:
  21. g00dbyefat

    Not losing weight on the Pre Op diet

    I was told by my weight loss center that it wasn't how much I lose that mattered. It was to shrink the fatty liver so it was easier to retract. She told me most ppl lose about 10lbs. I've only lost 8 and been a week, I've been working out a lot. Keep it up and you will make it, no worries! :thumbup:
  22. g00dbyefat

    San Antonio

    GinaJ: I don't have my date yet...True Results said it would be this month thou. I did my pre-op bloodwork on Friday, they should have results by tomorrow. They said when they have it in, we will set a date. They told me to start the pre-op diet last week, so I'm assuming I'll get in quick. Good luck w/ Atkins...so far it's worked well for me!!! What specifics did they tell you about carbs? WOOHOO>>>Dr. Carcamo's office just called. They want me to come in for my pre-op apt. I told her I'm visiting my mom out of town and could I make the pre-op apt the same week as surgery. She said it shouldn't be a problem. She'll check w/ him tomorrow, and we'll go from there. I asked her how far out we're looking....she said she could get me in as early as 8/14 next Thurs! OMG>>>:thumbup:
  23. g00dbyefat

    Hello everyone!

    Did you get your surgery done in Savannah? I'm looking for a good DR for aftercare in the Savannah, GA area!
  24. I'm having my surgery in San Antonio this month. I was approved last month, done pre-op bloodwork and currently on pre-op diet. I just moved back to Savannah and will have to have my aftercare here. Any good DR's you can reccomend?
  25. g00dbyefat

    San Antonio

    Hi there...I'm going to DR. Carcamo in San Antonio too. I'm from Austin, but the True Results center there is sending me to SA because of my insurance. They said it's their main center, so I figure they must be good. Anyone had surgery w/ him?? I just did my pre-op bloodwork, and have lost 10lbs on pre-op (Atkins diet) so far. I should have a date in the next day or two. But it will most likely be the 2nd/3rd week of Aug. WOOHOO :thumbup:

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
