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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Ange05

  1. My Surgery was August 12th. I have lost 6KG. I currently have no fill in the band. My fill date is on the 22nd. Right now it feels like I havent even had surgery.
  2. Ange05

    Yeah yeah yeah

    I had medi patches covering the steri strips, so I kept replacing the patches which were waterproof. I kept replacing them for 4 weeks until I removed everything and all the incisions were perfectly healed.
  3. Ange05

    lapband=deceit and bullsh**t

    15 pounds overweight and they approved the lap band surgery. The surgeon should be ashamed of themselves. Thats a joke.
  4. Ange05

    does medicare cover lap-band?

    Yes everything was included for me also, fills, dr appointments, dietician appointments, excercise physiologist & psychologist appts.
  5. Ange05


    The only reason I felt dizzy was when I wasn't drinking enough water and keeping hydrated.
  6. Ange05

    does medicare cover lap-band?

    No Medicare does not cover lap band surgery. You would need the top cover. The policy must cover ELECTIVE SURGERY, if it does not include elective surgery it will not cover the operation. You will need to shop around to get the best premium, (they can vary alot). If you joined MBF or any other heath insurance you would need to wait 12 months, there is no way of getting around it, it's a goverment regulation. Even if you paid your full years premium up front you still have to wait. The gap you would need to pay after the 12 months for the operation can be anywhere from $3000 - 5500 depending on the hospital and how much they charge for your admission. I paid for my operation outright which was a total of $12,173 this included Hospital Costs, Surgeons fee & the anethetist. After paying that total amount, you get a rebate of around $1000 from medicare. My surgeon was one of the cheapest in Sydney. He also owns 3 weight loss clinic's, so basically the first step I had was meeting with the doctor, then he required me to meet with his psychologist to make sure I was mentally ready for an operation and they pretty much just check that you dont have any eating disorders etc. Then I went and spoke with his dietician. I also had to have blood tests done. After that when the Doctor has all the results and he is happy with the results they booked me an operation date and they gave me the bank account details for the doctor and anethetist, those accounts had to be paid 3 days before the operation and the hospital costs are paid on the day. They also obviously gave me an outline of how much money goes to each person etc. Some surgeons may just meet with you and book you an operation date after you have paid his fee etc. I hope this makes sense.
  7. Ange05

    Hiatal Hernia Club...

    I definetely think my recovery was harder due to the Hernia repair. There was another girl opposite me in my ward who had the same procedure done. She was up and about and feeling right as rain, and I had problems breathing, chest tightness & was generally in alot of pain. She had none of the above. The funny thing is I didn't find out that I had a hernia repaired until I saw my doctor 2 weeks later.
  8. Ange05

    had my surgery

    Keep up the water, I kept getting flushed cheeks aswell and the Dr said it meant I was dehydrating.
  9. Ange05

    So scared- surgery tomorrow

    I was banded on the 12th, I was scared and nervous too, but by the time the real buttaflies hit, you are out of it anyway under anasthetic. You will be in some discomfort after the surgery, but it's over in no time. I only found out yesterday that I had a hernia repaired...no wonder I wasn't as up and about as the other girl in my ward that had the same thing done! You will be fine.
  10. Theres only 1 thing I can suggest. Every time, vomiting or dry heaves would happen to me was after I had something to drink/liquids etc and I would then lay down. Big mistake, I learned not to lye down after drinking for atleast 5 minutes otherwise it would happen to me. But it was also a passing phase, I had a huge drink of water before bed and Im now fine. The other reason it happened to me was because I took my medication and then went and layed down, (dry heaves again). Those are the only things I can suggest as to why.
  11. I used to drink alot of Coke, I think that was my biggest downfall, however when the Surgeon said...If you dont stop drinking it I wont do the surgery...I stopped cold turkey. In replacement I am having diet cordial and occasionally I will have a luke warm Milo with mimimal heaps so everything dissolves. I dont drink Tea or coffee at all.
  12. I was given a hospital gown and disposable underwear (see through)...only because I asked for them. When I came out of Surgery my underwear was gone (most probably because of the liquids they use to clean your body and where they want extra room to operate). At the end of the day they see thousands of naked bodies and the nurses dont know who you are personally. I am very self concious, but in hospital they are only trying to help you get better, I had the nurse check my wounds every hour and most times that would mean lifting up my gown and under that was a naked body. The nurses etc wont see you again so dont worry. The bra is also a big no no, it causes to much restriction and they dont want anything strapped to your body if it doesnt have to be. When you get out of the surgery, trust me you couldnt care less! I personally prefered to be naked under my gown so nothing was restricting my body.
  13. I had a similar experience to you, I have been finding it very difficult to breathe when lying down, so I have to sleep propped up. I thought the procedure might be easy for someone like me in my early 20's but no, it's been very painfull, its only been today that I have been able to get up without curling over in pain. I read alot of comments on the forum about people being fine the day after surgery and doing normal tasks, and I just find that very interesting as I could barely sit up let alone walk around.
  14. Congrats on the surgery on the 12th, I was banded then aswell. Im having a real issue with air releasing / burping. I keep getting a pain in my chest, so I start walking around to try and get the air out, it does after awhile but it's almost after I have been walking around for 5-10 minutes. Is this normal?
  15. Ange05

    Greeneyes where r u??

    Id really love to know how shes going aswell as im pretty sure she was banded by the same Surgeon as me.
  16. Ange05

    chest tightness

    I have had the same thing also, if I dont prop myself up in bed, I cant breathe properly. My chest has felt very tight, but today it's starting to ease off.
  17. Ange05

    August Bandster

    Hi Guys, Am being banded next Tuesday. Very excited, but nervous!
  18. Ange05

    August Bandster

    Thanks im feeling alot more human today. It wasn't the Morphine that made me sick, the Morphine was the best thing that could of happened in hospital lol. I threw up again last night, I think it was because I was taking the anti biotics to close to bed time and they didn't have a chance to go down properly. It's alot easier to move around today and im defintely feeling better. Thank god!
  19. Ange05

    August Bandster

    Reporting Back: I came home from Hospital yesterday afternoon. I have to tell the truth it has not been the easiest experience. I went into Surgery on Tuesday at about 12:00pm, they gave me the IV and wheeled me into the theatre. I can remember them putting a monitor on my forehead and then the gas mask went on. I can remember waking up about 3:00pm. I was very groggy and sore. I just tried to sleep as much as possible. That night about 11:00pm they gave me a needle of Morphine for the pain & also another needle to stop any blood clots (one in each thigh). They also put white stockings on me to keep the blood moving and two pillow like things around the bottom of each leg that pump the blood. Last night I did throw up, I just felt really ill. It really hurt to throw up as the pain in the stomach is just very very tender. Im feeling a bit better today, I have had a lemonade ice block and some jelly and have managed to keep the food down. I didnt eat in the hospital it was to hard to sit up and I just couldnt be bothered. I have been given some anti inflammatory antibiotics & also some pain killers which I am taking. I think each day will be better but it sure hasn't been easy, I have had my mother here helping me out which is great. It has been extemely pain to move, just getting up and down hurts alot.
  20. Ange05

    August Bandster

    My Doctor was Dr Durmush and I was banded at Holroyd Private.
  21. Ange05

    August 12th Surgery Date

    To be honest, in Australia we dont have a Insurance Approval scenerio, we simply just get a yes if we have the correct private health insurance. I have had mixed emotions for a long time, but after reading the many many comments like "I would do it again in a heartbeat, and I worked myself up for nothing" I think I will be fine. Hang in there, you have seen the results on this forum, and you could be another success story like they are. I will keep you guys updated on my thread as to how I go tomorrow morning, 7:30am operation, I am staying overnight in hospital, so I will get back to you guys, as soon as im up and about to let you all know how it went. Best of luck.
  22. Ange05

    August 12th Surgery Date

    Im August 12th aswell...fingers crossed guys!
  23. Ange05

    August Bandster

    Hey guys, Surgery is 7:30am tomorrow morning...gees talk about early!! Anyway just getting last minute stuff together, still feeling nervous, but I think i'll hold it together ok.
  24. You poor thing. My Surgery is next Tuesday aswell and I caught a cold a week ago, I stayed home from work for 2 days, and just slept and stayed in bed. I managed to get rid of it in 4 days. Rest is the best thing you can get right now. Also get some cold and flu medication to knock this flu on the head, keep up the vitimin c etc aswell. Best of luck.
  25. Ange05


    The Doctor said that food will disgust you and to stay on liquids....he needs his head read! Get a new doctor, he is sure promoting the wrong ideas! He is promoting on how to become a skeleton!

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