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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Ange05

  1. Ange05

    Trouble with laying down

    I was advised by my doctor not to eat or drink anything atleast 2 hours before bed for atleast 2 weeks after surgery. Like the others said, make sure you are propped up.
  2. I self payed for my surgery. But as soon as the surgery was over I took out a hospital cover only policy which will cover me in case I have to go back in if something does go wrong. The other thing with self pay is if something does go wrong during your operation and the surgery is prolonged you will have to pay for probably extra time spent in surgery for your surgeon and any hospital extras. I was in surgery for an extra half an hour because I had a hernia repaired that they only found when they opened me up. So after that happened I had to pay an extra $250.00 to the hospital and $250.00 to my surgeon. I would take out hospital cover NOW and that will cover you if you need to go back in. I already spent a fortune on my surgery and I certainly could not afford to go back in if I wasn't covered by insurance. My surgeon will go back in to surgery for free if something goes wrong within the first 12 months. Better to be safe than sorry.
  3. Ange05

    Strange pain

    I dont know if this is related by I get pains in the top of my stomach when I havent had enough water.Then I drink water and it goes away. Sometimes I just forget to drink enough.
  4. Exactly!! what an arse. I'm really sorry you have to put up with that type of behaviour, its not really what you need in your life. My partner is always telling me, he couldnt care what size I was because he loves me regardless. I dont know quite what to say, but obviously it's not good having someone around that is going to make you more depressed.
  5. Ange05

    what hospital cover??

    Thats great lellow. Because I paid out of pocket, I paid $5200 for the surgery, but because my Dr owns multiple weight loss clinics that also included all fills for a year, appointments with the dietician, exercise physio and physcologist.
  6. Hey how is your progress going now? I have to say I was gobsmacked at how much your doctor charges for fills, that is ridiculous, I would be going to someone else. With my doctor I get free fills for a year and other physio/psychologist/nutrition appts for free. Im not loosing anything at the moment, I have no restriction what so ever, have another appointment at the end of the month.
  7. WRONG WRONG WRONG...NO NO NO. He has definetely gone against the law in regards to the privacy act. He wasn't allowed to discuss anything with them. I think the only way they can without your permission would be if you are a minor.
  8. Ange05

    surgery embarrassing questions

    I was nude aswell...ditto if you cant remember it, who cares! Hows it going up there is QLD Noosagirl with those big bushfires??
  9. I was tired for a long time also. I would get out of breathe so much more because of a hernia repair I had done. The other thing is, it's early stages but If your not getting enough Protein, you will be tired. You must get enough protein.
  10. With some doctors they will require you to see a physchologist. Maybe you should consider seeying one for a few visits before you consider the surgery. My doctor has a weight loss program which included the dietician, physchologist & excersise physiologist.
  11. Ange05

    what hospital cover??

    You just need to make sure the policy covers 'elective surgery' which is pretty much all the time, the highest cover available. If you are concerned about them not covering the surgery, ask them to put it in writing that it will be covered under that particular policy.
  12. Ange05

    Will the band ever work?

    Hey mum, In the same boat at you. Banded 12th August. Had a fill 2 weeks ago of 4ml in 10ml band. I have no difference either. I have to wait another 4 weeks aswell. Hang in there, we will get there eventually!
  13. Hi Guys, I was banded on 12/08/08 and I had my first fill the other day of 4ml in a 10ml band. Before the fill, I was just eating normal meals as it didnt even feel like I had surgery, I was taking it easy of course, but I had a feeling of no restriction what so ever. I had the fill done and it's pretty much the same. The only time I have a feeling of restriction, or more of a stuck feeling was once when I didnt chew properly. Then I realised and chewed more and more and I didn't have that feeling again. Im not feeling full? Is it just that I need another fill? Very confused?
  14. Ange05

    First Fill......I am freaked

    I had surgery 5 weeks ago, had my first fill last week and I didn't feel a thing. It is less painfull then having a blood test! However im from Australia and my Doctor just asked me to tense my stomach muscles, he found my port & 1 poke and it was done. Over in 2 minutes. I felt a little sore afterwards, but nothing really painfull, just a dull ache. After your fill you may be more restricted so just watch what you eat for atleast 24 hours, but just ask these questions to your doctor & he will let you know. Honestly it's nothing to worry about, it was a walk in the park.
  15. Ange05

    HELP - the golf ball syndrome!!

    Yep what the others said, just chew (my doc said 15 chews per bite of food) and you will be fine. My Doctor said to me, if you are in a rush dont eat, if you need to eat in a certain time frame, make sure people dont distract you so you can eat slowly, and if you dont have time to eat slowly, dont eat and wait until you can.
  16. Ange05

    Getting Frustrated!!!

    Dont worry Jen, im with ya. We have very similar circumstances. I was banded about 5 weeks ago aswell and I lost 15 pounds and no more. No weight is coming off what so ever. I have had 1 fill already but it did nothing and I am going back for my second on October 22nd. Hang in there, you just need the right restriction like I do aswell, then the weight will come off with smaller portions. Yes there will be some things you wont be able to eat once you get suitable restriction, but I see it as a small price to pay for weight loss. I have 4ml in a 10ml band and it's not enough for me as yet, but everyone is different. I am eating normal meals at the moment, doesn't feel like I have even had surgery, so I know what your going through.
  17. Ange05

    Cannot seem to burp

    Walk Walk Walk, thats the best thing for burping, sometimes I would walk around the house for 15 minutes, but it would happen eventually.
  18. Ange05

    Wanting Melbourne contacts

    There is a girl called Kim who has her own website dedicated to her Weight Loss Journey, it's pretty amazing, I have been following her journey for awhile. She may have some great contacts for you as she particpates in health weekends etc which a bunch of other lap banders and they get together regulary from what I read. They are all in Melbourne. This is the website: On the bottom of the main page of the website, you can send her a message and im pretty sure she will reply. She updates regulary. kimsbanded
  19. Ange05

    1st Fill Last Week

    Yeah he did explain everything. I was just a little worried that 4ml made absoultely no difference.
  20. Ange05

    1st Fill Last Week

    I was banded on the 12th August and had a fill last week. I have already booked another appointment to see my doctor, but unfortunately I cant see him for another 4 weeks because he is away on a conference in Argentina.
  21. Ange05

    first fill - 3 pokes

    I had my first fill yesterday and I cant feel any difference what so ever. I had 4ml into a 10ml band. My Dr is fantastic, only 1 go with the needle, so no extra poking around.
  22. I would take atleast 1 week and a 1/2. I felt like my recovery was longer because I had a hernia repair, but 1 and a half weeks was fine for me.
  23. I dont know if you guys have this brand in the US but in Australia we have a brand called Bio Oil and it is for stretch marks & scars. I have been using it on my scars and I can see an improvement. Check it out, it's not expensive at all.
  24. Ange05

    Ladies----->birth control question

    Ring your Doctor and see if you can take it again. Their main concern with blood clots is when you are lying in the hospital bed and not moving, that's why I had those massage things on my legs to keep the blood moving around. Now that your up and active I dont think they would advise you still cant take your medication, but who knows, check it out.
  25. Ange05

    Ladies----->birth control question

    This is the first time I have heard of having to stop the pill. I sure didn't have to, they brang me my normal medication when I was in hospital so I didn't forget.

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