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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Maribelle

  1. No way! I am being banded by Dr. Curry on the 26th as well! What time is your surgery? I am at 7:30AM. Maybe we will be in the waiting room together. That is too weird!
  2. Maribelle

    How could I forget exercise?

    In my blog yesterday, I was wondering how I would be able to make big, big changes with eating, as I do not have too much faith in my self-discipline with food. Then I was reading some other posts and realized that I had forgotten about exercise! I can make it happen with exercise. If I make some mistakes, working out can help me control the damage. I always used to like to exercise, up until about a year ago when I started feeling too cumbersome. I know I will like to again when my body starts feeling better, and until then, I will force myself to do it to jumpstart this healthy beginning. So I am stressing less and becoming excited about the idea of a new start that does not have to be so daunting.:tt2:
  3. Maribelle

    How could I forget exercise?

    In my blog yesterday, I was wondering how I would be able to make big, big changes with eating, as I do not have too much faith in my self-discipline with food. Then I was reading some other posts and realized that I had forgotten about exercise! I can make it happen with exercise. If I make some mistakes, working out can help me control the damage. I always used to like to exercise, up until about a year ago when I started feeling too cumbersome. I know I will like to again when my body starts feeling better, and until then, I will force myself to do it to jumpstart this healthy beginning. So I am stressing less and becoming excited about the idea of a new start that does not have to be so daunting.:tongue2:
  4. Maribelle

    How I Honestly Feel

    Sometimes I feel like everyone else on here is so much more motivated and well-adjusted than I am. Truthfully, I want the band to do some of the work for me as far as decreasing my appetite. Is that unrealistic? And I'm not sure I can completely commit to a life of strictly healthy eating. Will is be possible for me to eat just one fun-sized Milky Way bar at Halloween and feel satisfied? I have no idea. I hope. Some of this is rooted in the fact that I am just SO tired of fighting my weight. I'm having a hard time mustering up much faith in my own skills. I am impressed by those people on here who have been fighting this battle much longer than I have, but I am still having a hard time finding an inner resolve to massively, permanently change my life. Really, I want the band to force me to change, at least in some small ways that will make my part easier. I just had to write this down and be honest, because I feel kind of inadequate surrounded by so much resolve and certainty.
  5. This thread has been very helpful to me in my quest to understand the mental and emotional aspects of life after banding. Thank you to those who took the time to explain the process they have experienced.
  6. Mine was $400 for the initial consultation (includes my physical and my 2 weeks of Medifast), $100 for the psych evaluation, and $12,999 for the surgery. This includes 2 years of follow up visits and fills. So $13,500 total.
  7. Maribelle

    Grieving for the old me?

    I've always kind of thought that the term "Supermom" isn't always a good one. It may be super for everyone else, but it is hard on the mother. Maybe now that you are letting go of some of your other old habits, your mind and body is trying to tell you (by being tired) that it is time to focus on you, and to ignore the phone for a while sometimes. Easier said than done, I know...
  8. Maribelle

    The boyfriend problem

    Wow! You sound like you are really getting to the root of your issues and taking proactive steps towards growing (as you shrink :tongue2:). Your post sounds very self-aware, and you are doing yourself and you boyfriend a favor by stepping back and taking the time to learn who you are and what you want before you get too committed. If he is really what you want, time away will help you realize this, so don't worry. You should be very proud of yourself.
  9. Maribelle

    How I Honestly Feel

    Sometimes I feel like everyone else on here is so much more motivated and well-adjusted than I am. Truthfully, I want the band to do some of the work for me as far as decreasing my appetite. Is that unrealistic? And I'm not sure I can completely commit to a life of strictly healthy eating. Will is be possible for me to eat just one fun-sized Milky Way bar at Halloween and feel satisfied? I have no idea. I hope. Some of this is rooted in the fact that I am just SO tired of fighting my weight. I'm having a hard time mustering up much faith in my own skills. I am impressed by those people on here who have been fighting this battle much longer than I have, but I am still having a hard time finding an inner resolve to massively, permanently change my life. Really, I want the band to force me to change, at least in some small ways that will make my part easier. I just had to write this down and be honest, because I feel kind of inadequate surrounded by so much resolve and certainty.
  10. Maribelle

    Demo pic for album.

    So pretty!
  11. Maribelle

    Walking down the isle in Belize.

    Love the dress...so unique!
  12. So I did my usual Medifast stuff for breakfast and I was getting pretty hungry. My baby has been sick for the past few days, and it has been a challenge not to turn to food at 3AM when she wakes me up crying and howling. My parents volunteered to watch her for a while this evening while my hubby and I ran a few errands, and I ended up splitting a plate of fajita meat with him. It was SOOOO yummy. It was grilled shrimp, chicken and steak, and I blotted it with a paper towel to remove an excess fat. I had a few pieces of green pepper and grilled tomatoes, as well. My portion was equal to the 4 oz. chicken cutlets I have at home, so I don't feel guilty about the splurge. It looks like it is equal in protein and calories to the Medifast option for the evening (maybe 50 calories more), and it satisfied me. But I guess it is back to the eggs and soup for now.
  13. Maribelle

    Second Day of Medifast...and Mexican food :)

    Me, too. It was nice to eat it for once without feeling stuffed. I didn't even miss the chips and salsa, which surprised me.
  14. Maribelle

    Not a part-time gig

    This is something I really need b/c I still don't understand why I do what I do when it comes to food, so the more personal experiences I can read, the better my understanding becomes. I need to get that book!
  15. Maribelle


    The pre-op diet at my clinic allows coffee and tea, and I asked about diet pop and the dietician said that is fine. I've got a teething infant now, so I need any extra boost I can get!
  16. Maribelle

    Second Day of Medifast...and Mexican food :)

    So I did my usual Medifast stuff for breakfast and I was getting pretty hungry. My baby has been sick for the past few days, and it has been a challenge not to turn to food at 3AM when she wakes me up crying and howling. My parents volunteered to watch her for a while this evening while my hubby and I ran a few errands, and I ended up splitting a plate of fajita meat with him. It was SOOOO yummy. It was grilled shrimp, chicken and steak, and I blotted it with a paper towel to remove an excess fat. I had a few pieces of green pepper and grilled tomatoes, as well. My portion was equal to the 4 oz. chicken cutlets I have at home, so I don't feel guilty about the splurge. It looks like it is equal in protein and calories to the Medifast option for the evening (maybe 50 calories more), and it satisfied me. But I guess it is back to the eggs and soup for now.
  17. Maribelle

    What do you mean I am getting a fill today

    Yay! I'm glad you had a new friend to help you in your time of need.
  18. Maribelle

    1st Day of Medifast

    Haha. I will keep repeating that!
  19. Maribelle

    1st Day of Medifast

    It wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. When I was trying to choke down the pudding (my least favorite selection so far), I was thinking that I wasn't enjoying it, but that made me realize that I NEVER enjoy food anymore. I'm always gobbling it, whatever I want, and never taking the time to really savor it. So why does it matter if I'm not enjoying a low-cal meal as opposed to not enjoying a high-cal one? All food has become the same to me anyway, and even though I'm a little hungry, I feel much better mentally, knowing that I am preparing to change for good. So far, I like the Medifast peanut butter bars and the scrambled eggs. The chocolate shakes are OK (a little chalky). The pudding was pretty gross. But day one is almost over and I haven't died of hunger yet :confused:.
  20. Maribelle

    Self Hate after losing weight

    It sounds like you have really learned a lot from those bad experiences. It is sad that you mom is like that. You should start to let her know how those things she says and does make you feel. I know, easier said than done...LOL. Hugs.
  21. Maribelle

    band buddy

    If you do that, you'll do a lot better than I did. I spent it eating everything under the sun...with big bites...and barely any chewing. LOL. But it will be here sooner than you expect. It is great you have it set in stone, now.
  22. Maribelle

    My First Blog

    I want to keep track of this process, so I've decided to start blogging now, at the begining of my journey. My history: I have been overweight since I was 12. My family moved from Hawaii where I was an active kid, to Alaska, where I stayed inside and read all of the time. As long as I can remember, I've been fixated on food and on the lazy side. I was a chubby kid until middle school, when I hit 5'8". I was still overweight, but not too out of the ordinary at a size 12/14. I stayed the same all the way through high school. In college, I lost a little weight as I worked out with friends and enjoyed healthy option in the cafeteria. I was a size 12 when I got married at age 21. My husband and I were happy, and we celebrated with food. We both gained 30 lbs. in the first few years we were together. Steadily, the weight crept on. When we began fertility treatments in 2005 in an attempt to conceive our first child, I gained even more weight. It took a while, but on our 3rd IVF, I got PG and my daughter was born in Septmember of 2007. I had actually lost weight when I was pregnant to keep my baby healthy, but I went CRAZY with food after she was born. Late night feeding became the norm for both of us. Fast forward to June of this year. Current situation: I had become increasingly dejected about my failures with weight loss. I just do not feel like I can do it on my own, as all of my previous failures have made me doubt my weight loss skills. I approached my husband, and suggested using student loans to pay for the surgery. To my surprise, he agreed. I did some research online and was pleased to learn that one of the most esteemed bariatric surgeons in the United States, Trace Curry, is located only 45 minutes away from me in Cincinnati. I went to the info sessioni n June and scheduled my first evaluation that night. I attended the psych eval. in late June, and the pre-op nutrition counseling and physical on Aug. 12. I am starting my Medifast tomorrow! I am alternately excited and nervous. I'm wondering how I will handle a 12 month old baby and 12 graduate hours in English classes without the comfort of food. I guess I will find out... I do one week of the Medifast (5-6 food choices per day) and then it is surgery day on Aug. 26. :confused:
  23. Ah well, I guess if we all had great control around food we wouldn't be getting banded in the first place, right? I ended up gaining 8 lbs. total, but I don't regret it. I ate what I wanted and basically got sick of food. It made starting the Medifast yesterday a lot easier. We'll get the hang of this soon. :thumbup: Edit: I guess I am kind of writing about something else because I wasn't supposed to start my actual diet until yesterday, so I haven't cheated on my official diet, but I was way out of control before the diet started and gained more weight than I should have.
  24. Maribelle

    1st Day of Medifast

    It wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. When I was trying to choke down the pudding (my least favorite selection so far), I was thinking that I wasn't enjoying it, but that made me realize that I NEVER enjoy food anymore. I'm always gobbling it, whatever I want, and never taking the time to really savor it. So why does it matter if I'm not enjoying a low-cal meal as opposed to not enjoying a high-cal one? All food has become the same to me anyway, and even though I'm a little hungry, I feel much better mentally, knowing that I am preparing to change for good. So far, I like the Medifast peanut butter bars and the scrambled eggs. The chocolate shakes are OK (a little chalky). The pudding was pretty gross. But day one is almost over and I haven't died of hunger yet :tongue2:.
  25. Maribelle

    1st Day of Medifast

    It wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. When I was trying to choke down the pudding (my least favorite selection so far), I was thinking that I wasn't enjoying it, but that made me realize that NEVER enjoy food anymore. I'm always gobbling it, whatever I want, and never taking the time to really sacor it. So why does it matter if I'm not enjoying a low-cal meal as opposed to not enjoying a high-cal one? All food has become the same to me anyway, and even though I'm a little hungry, I feel much better mentally, knowing that I am preparing to change for good. So far, I like the Medifast peanut butter bars and the scrambled eggs. The chocolate shakes are OK (a little chalky). The pudding was pretty gross. But day one is almost over and I haven't died of hunger yet :tongue2:.

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