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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Maribelle

  1. Maribelle

    This is CRAP!

    I gotta say, I completely disagree with this. I would be worked up, too, because it shows a lack of respect and professionalism on her boss' part. I don't think it has anything to do with age. Hollie, it sounds like you are miserable at work, and counseling will help you figure out where you want to be, and how to get there. Three weeks seems like a long time to wait for an appointment? Why only this particular counselor? Could you call around and see if someone could take you earlier? It seems like trying to schedule with that counselor might be a difficult thing in the long run. Good luck and don't give up on it.
  2. Maribelle

    Weird Taste in Mouth

    It is a sign of ketosis. Some people have a fruity sweet taste, and others describe it as metallic. When your body is exclusively burning fat for fuel (instead of carbs), byproducts called ketones are released. These have a funny taste to some people. It is normal.
  3. I see that almost every dr. recommends a low fat, sugar free diet after banding. Why is this? If the band helps us reduce our portions, why wouldn't we eat a "normal" diet with more of an emphasis on protein? I'm especially curious why it is so strongly emphasized during the first few weeks of surgery. I have seen so may people get irritated b/c of stalled weigh loss due to too few calories, and I wonder why we are not told to eat regular pudding, milk, etc. to keep the calories up to a level that will allow weight loss (1000), plus give us a little more energy to heal. I realize that the first few weeks are for healing, but if they could be for healing and weight loss, why isn't the plan geared toward that? I'm curious what fellow bandsters think. If you have been banded for a while, do you end up sticking to a very lean, sugar-free diet or do you end up doing a modified "normal" diet? I am kind of not looking for any "because my doctor says so" answers, but more of the reasoning behind the suggestions and what ends up happening in real life, particularly for those who end up losing 60% of extra weight or more.
  4. Maribelle

    Can applesauce get stuck?

    Thanks Alison. I think I figured out that it is gas. I guess when we gulp we force a big air bubble down and it stays there until we burp it up or it filters down somehow. I tried a Gas-X strip and a little soda water and it is uncomfortable but I'm sure it will be OK soon.
  5. Thanks for the GREAT replies! They are full of good advice and feedback that I need to hear now. The office I go to really plays up the LF/SF menu, but I think part of the original problem of my weight gain was trying to subsitute these usually inferior versions for the originals, and I would end up eating a lot more b/c they just don't seem to offer me the same level of satiety. I have been wanting instead to a more Mediterranean diet with a lot of flavor, veggies, etc. I am like restlessmonkey, I want to learn how to eat, enjoy it, and FORGET ABOUT EATING until it is actually time to eat again. I don't want food to be my focus, nor do I want eating it to be a chore because it is unpleasant. I'm very glad to see that generaly healthiness and common sense seem to be the main theme with the most successful bandsters. I think I can do that!
  6. Maribelle

    Port pain

    Hi! I was banded on the 26th and had the exact same thing as you. My doctor assured me it was a stitch used to hold the port pulling on a muscle. It's like when you put your hair in a ponytail, sometimes a stray hair is sitting at an awkward angle and it pulls and hurts, but eventuallu things settle down and find a place. He said it would get better on its own, and it has. So don't get too worried about port revisions and such (I was freaking myself out worrying). It sounds normal. Just take it easy and don't strain the area any more, and it will heal up soon.
  7. Thanks for all of the replies! They made me feel better about doing what I needed to do to stay relaxed and comfortable. I ended up feeling a lot better on my fourth day post op and have only used a few Aleve since then. I was actually not worried about addiction but more about constipation as pain meds are known for causing that. Like I said, I usually have a high pain tolerance, but when I pulled this muscle, my doctor said a stitch was pulling on a muscle and OUCH! not fun. But it did get better quicker than I expected. Yay! Thank you all for reminding me to do what I had to do.
  8. I am usually tough about pain, but I have a sharp pain in my left side (near my port) that will not go away. I have been taking the liquid vicodin on and off for the past three days since my surgery. Is this normal? I thought most people stopped using the pain meds after a couple of days?
  9. Maribelle

    "chugging" soup and drinks

    I was wondering the same thing. I haven't had any problems at all with getting anything down, although I have carefully been following guidelines, but I feel like I need more water and would like to drink maybe 4-5 oz. at a time instead of just 1-2 oz. every 20 minutes. I guess I'll play it by ear.
  10. Maribelle

    6/30/08... 235 lbs

    You look great!
  11. Maribelle

    My dog Lexie at Coos Bay

    How did you ever persuade your dog to stay still why you did this? My dog would not cooperate. Too cute.
  12. Maribelle

    newbie here from Indiana

    I'm glad you like most of the Medifast stuff. I would just end up not eating instead of eating it b/c it grossed me out. I'm glad that part is over! I haven't been to any support groups yet. I might, but things seem so busy with a one year old and a full load of graduate classes. But if I need the extra help, I think I will find a way to make time. I hope your kids can help you get your pic on. That sounds like a great plan for your friends. Then they won't be bothering you if you are feeling tired.
  13. Maribelle

    newbie here from Indiana

    It is exciting that your surgery will be here so soon! Yes, I was pretty drugged up and I slept most of the first day. Make sure you bring a few pillows and a blanket to help you get in a comfortable position on the way home, as you may pretty sore at your incision sites for a few days. I lost eight lbs. before surgery, but I only did the Medifast for 5 out of the 7 days I was supposed to. My surgery went fine, just a little nausea afterward but the prescription meds got rid of it. I also pulled a stitch the 2nd day moving around in bed, trying to find a comfortable position, but that is already feeling better, too. I've been mostly drinking water, but I've had some pureed bean soup, some oatmeal, ice cream, and refried beans and they have all gone down fine. It is just a challenge for me to remember to eat tiny little portions. I was REALLY hungry the first day, but now I'm not hungry very much at all. Let me know how it goes for you!
  14. Maribelle

    newbie here from Indiana

    I am from Southern Indiana and I also went to Dr. Curry. My surgery was a few days ago. I hope your surgery goes as smoothly as mine did, and that the ride home isn't too painful. Are you staying overnight?
  15. My surgery occurred on Aug.26th, 2008. I was the 1st patient of the day, and I arrived at 6:00AM at the clinic. I filled out some paperwork, then went into the prep area. I changed into a gown and settled into a hopsital bed. The worst part of the whole surgery was the IV that they started at this point. It hurt! But they gave me a relaxing agent and I was tired and mellow and very hungry. My husband came back to say goodbye, and before I knew it, it was 7:30AM and I was whisked back to the OR. I moved onto a rather narrow table and they had me position my arms out, in a cross shape. Then they put my legs into the pressure cuffs and they felt good. The nurse said, "I'm going to give you something that will knock you out now" and that's all I remember. I woke up in recovery about a 1hr later. I was hungry, which was surprising. After about 10 minutes, the hunger turned to nausea and the nurse gave me a shot in my IV to take care of that. Then I got to go home. That was it in a nutshell.
  16. Vegasgirl-I have been having that pain too and it can't be from bending or twisting for me b/c I just had surgery yesterday. To me, it feels like the pain I get when I am running and I get a stitch in my side. Is that how it is for you? Mine comes and goes. I'm just assuming it has to do with gas or something. Hoop it goes away for you quickly.
  17. My doctor is very well respected in the field and he only requires one day of liquids, then the next 2 weeks are pureed food, so as long as you were only tasting well-blended food, I'm sure you are fine. They just don't want you to have anything with chunks b/c they would require your stomach to churn too much, and it might disrupt the formation of scar tissue around the band. This scar tissue is important to keep the band in plac.e
  18. Maribelle

    Post op restrcition????

    Zukagirl, I think you will have to ask your doctor whether or not it is possible to stretch out the pouch at this stage. If you find out, please post the answer because I am curious what it will be.
  19. Had my surgery at 7:30AM and it went well. I also had a hiatal hernia. I'm feeling OK now, getting better as the day goes on. It just felt tight in my upper torso from the gas. I was nauseous as I came around, but thankfully the meds eliminated that. I was surprised that I was hungry when I woke up! I am excited to have some pureed food tomorrow. My doctor only requires one day of clear liquids, but I will try to take it easy. Oddly enough, I have some pains in my neck. Not gas pains, more like I was laying weird maybe? But overall, I feel fine, just a little uncomfortable. Now I can't wait for the weight loss part to start kicking in. Yippeeeeeeeeeeeee!
  20. Maribelle

    Todays the day!!!

    How exciting! I just had my surgery yesterday and all is well, so hopefully it will be easy for you, too. And don't worry about not getting sleep, you will sleep a lot afterward. Please let us know how it goes.
  21. Maribelle

    Countdown to banding

    I am getting excited. I went to the store to purchase some pureed food for this week. It is starting to seem more real. And I met the lady who is having surgery right after me here in the Introduction forum! What a coincidence. It feels a little reassuring to have been introduced to someone who will be going through the exact same thing I am on Tuesday. My mother helped me clean up my house tonight so all I have to do is hurry up and wait.
  22. Maribelle

    Baby Bariatrics?

    LMAO. That is funny.
  23. It is great to hear how well everyone is doing. I am getting excited. My surgery is on Tuesday. One thing my doctor allows that sounds yummy during the liquid/puree stage is Wendy's chili. The dietician said to blend it very well. I bought a Magic Bullet blender to do this. Maybe that might be a yummy, LF treat if anyone is getting bored with oatmeal. Speaking of oatmeal, baby oatmeal is already finely ground so you don't have to worry about lumps. So refried beans are OK as long as they are thinned out? I love beans. Has anyone had hummus? I think it might be a good snack.
  24. Maribelle

    Countdown to banding

    I am getting excited. I went to the store to purchase some pureed food for this week. It is starting to seem more real. And I met the lady who is having surgery right after me here in the Introduction forum! What a coincidence. It feels a little reassuring to have been introduced to someone who will be going through the exact same thing I am on Tuesday. My mother helped me clean up my house tonight so all I have to do is hurry up and wait.
  25. Sugar and carbs give us a serotonin rush, and that makes us feel good. When we cut them out, our serotonin levels crash, especially if we use them a lot for a boost. I always get headaches and feel super depressed when I cut them out. I hope you feel better soon!

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