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Sunshine Princess

Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Sunshine Princess

  1. Sunshine Princess

    Best Vegetables To Start Eating

    I HATE CELERY!!! Celery and green bell peppers are the only two vegetables I will not eat. The celery strings are called butt floss in my household. ANd for all that crunch, I expect a little bit of flavor besides water. And green bell peppers are what bitterness tastes like. I would love to have romaine lettuce for sandwich/taco type things but I'm not pushing it.
  2. Sunshine Princess

    Food Before and After Photos

    My husband is from NYC and made chopped cheese for his lunch and made a special one for me: 1/3 cup ground turkey seasoned with salt, zatar seasoning, and hot sauce all cooked until done and chopped into pieces in the pan 2 TBSP non fat greek yogurt 2 teaspoons of sugar free ketchup He knows I love pickles and went the extra mile and grated in a half sour pickle spear for me. It was delicious and filling and just everything I wanted for lunch on the soft meat stage.
  3. Sunshine Princess

    Food Before and After Photos

    Ketchup chips are so good! I grew up in Maine and had them all the time as a child.
  4. Sunshine Princess

    Puréed meats

    depends. Every surgeon seems to have different stages post surgery. Stage 3 for me in a few weeks is adding veggies, dairy, and non pureed soft meats like regular chicken, all seafood like shrimp and clams etc. My stage 4 isnt until 6 months after surgery when I can reintroduce complex carbs,
  5. Sunshine Princess

    Metabolic syndrome

    I too had/have metabolic syndrome. I'm three weeks out from surgery and my blood pressure is back to normal range, my blood sugar is back to normal range, and I'm losing weight to get me out of the obese range. Cholesterol was lower as of my pre-surgery bloodwork but I'm also on Fenofibrate to reduce my triglycerides. I have repeat bloodwork in about four weeks to see if I can cut down on the Fenofibrate. But so far after surgery, I've come off my Metformin, Lisinopril, Propanalol, and now my hydrochlorithiazide (HCTZ), so I think surgery really will help with metabolic syndrome.
  6. Sunshine Princess

    Best Vegetables To Start Eating

    Thanks! I was thinking of steaming the green beans until they were super soft. Same with the carrots. I just really miss my vegetables!
  7. Sunshine Princess

    4 Days Post-Op

    I had one of those and I just thinned it with some water which was kind of a win since I ended up getting in a little more water at a time.
  8. Sunshine Princess

    4 Days Post-Op

    A heating pad definitely helped me as did gentle abdominal massage (you can google it, there's a really good technique that uses the fingertips). I also got up and walked as much as possible to stay active. I set a timer on my phone as reminders to sip protein drinks and water. The first week is bumpy, but it gets better! Good luck with your recovery!
  9. Sunshine Princess

    Frustrated with being unable to eat

    This isnt ridiculous at all. Going through a surgery like this one disrupts our normal routines and things we use for comfort. I am trying to find things I enjoy-like taking longer walks while listening to my favorite music, indulging in some nicer shower products, reading a favorite book, instead of turning towards food. I also recommend a therapist to talk to. Sometimes opening up about what makes us overeat or turn to food to a therapist helps us identify the feelings/emotions behind them and how we can cope better.
  10. Sunshine Princess

    New here

    Congratulations and welcome! The best advice I can give is to be ready to get up and walk after surgery, use a heating pad for any gas pains (helped tremendously for me), and definitely find a brand of protein shakes/powder you like. My personal favorites are the Premier Protein brand ( regular chocolate is my favorite) and the vegan OWYN brand (a little pricey but doesnt have that protein after taste).
  11. Sunshine Princess

    Over The Shaming

    I’m over society shaming people for being overweight and then when they decide to do something about it that isn’t diet an exercise, shaming them for their decision to “take the easy way out” and have surgery. I am tired of the average Joe or Jane suddenly becoming a nutritionist and a medical provider doling out useless advice we have all heard a million times before. “Just eat less!” “ Exercise more!” “Do Keto!” “Cut carbs!” THANKS NEVER THOUGHT OF IT. The amount of men going in on Sports Illustrated’s Swimsuit cover model calling her obese is ridiculous. Dad bods are celebrated but a woman that doesn’t fit the classic American beauty standards are “disgusting.” And it’s always under the guise of “bUt It’S uNhEaLtHy.” No, you just can’t handle a different body type. Don’t sit there and pretend you care about health. And then the “surgery is the east way out.” Uh no. No it’s not. Not with the amount of consultations and evaluations and testing i needed to undergo. This also was my last resort; i tried for years to lose on my own and couldn’t-not with the over 100 lbs i needed to lose. Add in pre diabetes, PCOS, depression/anxiety and it feels insurmountable. If the general public thinks surgery is the easy way out or thinks it only works for people on My 600 LB Life, they should do the liquid liver shrinking diet for a week and see how long they last. They should undergo the evaluations. They could google the requirements before saying it’s the easy way out. But it’s easier to sit there and judge because fatphobia is more than acceptable, especially when it comes to women.
  12. Sunshine Princess

    Weirdest None-Scale-Victory - I'll go first

    JFC. There’s no need to gang up on me. The entire tone of her post TO ME was incredibly smug and really unnecessary with the “i guess it’s a good motivator “ being the nail on the chalkboard. But enjoy your journeys, ladies and gentlemen. I’ll look elsewhere for support.
  13. Sunshine Princess

    Weirdest None-Scale-Victory - I'll go first

    Oh what game??? I was so happy that I managed 10k steps twice this week.
  14. Sunshine Princess

    Weirdest None-Scale-Victory - I'll go first

    I've attempted to reply to this in so many ways but I'd be banned. Have the day you deserve.
  15. Sunshine Princess

    June surgeries? Tell me your preparations

    I did the following before my pre op officially started: 1. Found a brand of protein shakes i liked-my recommendation is Premier Protein. The chocolate peanut butter is amazing 2. Found a water bottle that i liked and had markings as to how much i needed to drink each hour 3. Practiced sipping water instead of gulping 4. Stocked up on sugar free popsicles. Jello, Gatorade zero flavors that i like 5. Practiced chewing food
  16. Sunshine Princess

    Best Fast Food Bets after Bariatric Surgery

    This is great information, especially as i head into summer traveling!
  17. Sunshine Princess

    Weirdest None-Scale-Victory - I'll go first

    I hit 10k steps twice this week. I could not hit that twice a year before surgery.
  18. Sunshine Princess

    Period Irregularity post surgery

    This is a no baby zone!!! We will definitely double up on the contraception.
  19. So i had my sleeve surgery last Monday, the 16th. I had my regularly scheduled period May 6-10th. Today it started again. No pain, no cramping, none of my usual symptoms. Is this my body resetting itself? Is this because the weight loss released estrogen into my system and my plumbing needed to be flushed? My OB/GYN was zero help with this and I’m just looking to see if anyone else experienced this. Please don’t flood me with “call the surgeon” because I’m not necessarily concerned, just looking to see if this has happened to others. I see him tomorrow for my post op as well.
  20. Sunshine Princess

    Period Irregularity post surgery

    Thanks everyone ! My surgeon confirmed it's normal and I should see some regularity around month three! My OB/GYN is a bit of a dingbat. She's never been very helpful in the past so I'm not surprised she was no help.
  21. I now have an intolerance to eggs whereas I didnt before surgery. . I cannot stand eggs in any way, shape, or form now. They don't sit well with me, make me very nauseous, and give me a headache. Before, hard boiled eggs, egg salad, soft poached eggs, eggs over easy were all my jam. Now? Nope.
  22. Sunshine Princess

    May 2022 surgery?

    This should be a must watch for anyone on this site.
  23. Sunshine Princess

    Not sure if I should go through with it

    For me the one regret I had was waiting so long to do it. Yes, gong through the consultations sucked. I had to meet with a nutritionist and psychologist twice. I needed cardiac and pulmonary clearances. I had two separate sleep studies. I had a few rounds of blood work. Then came the terrible two week protein shake and liquid diet. But I stuck it out and had my sleeve surgery on the 16th. My surgery went fine. I had very little pain and soreness after. The reward has been the energy level I have now, lowering my blood sugar to where I am no longer a pre-diabetic and coming off my Metformin and lowering my high blood pressure to come off of my high blood pressure medicine. I'm enjoying the soft/pureed' food stage (this is where I am going to insert a reminder that everyone's post surgical plan is different and I am following what my doctor's office instructed me to do), because I get to discover how to put foods together that I can have and make them taste great. The journey has been worth the reward for me.
  24. Sunshine Princess

    Food Before and After Photos

    Pureed Chicken Parm. 1.5 oz of canned chicken 2 TBSP fat free ricotta 2 teaspoons tomato sauce 1 teaspoon grated parmesan seasonings-i used a little salt and pepper, garlic powder, and basil. Layer ingredients in a ramekin and either bake or air fry (I prefer the air fryer for the crispier parm texture) at 400 degrees for ten minutes. Enjoy.
  25. Sunshine Princess

    Food Before and After Photos

    Crabby Patty Salad! Or really, crabby patty puree' for one. This is 2 ounces of imitation crab (aka the hot dog of the ocean), flaked up really well, with a generous squirt of lemon juice, a few dashes of some Old Bay hot sauce, 2 teaspoons of non fat greek yogurt, and my favorite thing that I just discovered: Amazon's very own dill mustard. It's amazing. Mixed all together and eaten with a fork. Next time, I might put it in a salad ring to feel ~fancy~.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
