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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by bambam31

  1. Thanks for the kind words. Triceps and dips are great tricep exercises that can be done about anywhere. Loose skin is really a pesky problem... Unfortunately, there's really a limited amount we can do about it. Good luck!

  2. bambam31

    Exercise and Hunger

    For light to moderate morning cardio I prefer fasted or small amount of protein/carbs. Immediately after though I follow up with a Protein shake or other complete protein. For intense cardio and strength training I prefer pre and post workout nutrition. Keeping a steady flow of nutrition throughout the day will reduce the cravings for binges. Brad
  3. bambam31


    No abdominal range of motion or limitations here.... Brad
  4. bambam31

    Why exercise??????????

    Great thread! The hormonal and other chemical/biological factors created/enhanced by exercise are enormous as well! Exercise habits are one of the front line criterion to scrutinize when goals are not being achieved. Brad
  5. bambam31

    Counting .. Measuring .. Weighing ..

    food and activity tracking should be the first tools employed when you fail to meet your goals. This is also about the only way to ensure you're getting all the nutrients your body needs. I was shocked to learn how vitamin/mineral deficient my diet was! By tracking and using a wonderful book called "The World's Healthiest Foods" by George Mateljan, I'm able to fill the holes in my diet and stay well-fueled. Brad
  6. During my primary fat loss I was burning 3500+ every week from moderate to intense cardio, with minor amount of strength training. I'm now working on slightly lowering body fat and improving strength. So my major focus is on strength training, with a much less amount of cardio. I'm now in the 1500 - 2600 per week burnt from exercise. These are calculations from my Polar FT60 HRM. Brad
  7. bambam31

    Calories burned on gym equipment

    If you get one that allows the user to enter their personal stats and track personal calorie expenditure. Brad
  8. bambam31

    do you have to drink skim milk?

    Kefir is a probiotic cultured milk product. It can be made weak or strong. Personally, I don't care for it plain, but add it to my Protein shakes for nutritional purposes and can't hardly tell it's there. Do an internet search for Kefir and you'll find lots of info and recipes. Brad
  9. Congrats! Events like these keep your confidence high and directed toward your goal! Brad
  10. bambam31

    Here Come the Emotions...

    Lots of great advice here! Remember, being banded isn't a sentence - it's more like a second lease on life! Most people, in time, find that they can eventually eat most foods - just less of them. However, you still have to make a conscious effort to make good choices... Good luck on your journey! Brad
  11. bambam31

    exercises i can do at home?

    Too much self defeating failure talk! You simply must get into a better frame of mind. Set small goals and when you achieve them it will help to build confidence - then increase the challenge. If you fail, then try harder the next week. You CAN do this! Do not let that little voice in your head defeat you! Continually increase the challenges and soon enuff the things you did a few weeks ago will become very easy. Good luck! Brad
  12. bambam31

    do you have to drink skim milk?

    This would be great to make Kefir with too! Brad
  13. bambam31

    Is Food Still Your Enemy...

    Two different topics here. 1) Do you have sufficient restriction? It takes some people 3-5+ fills to achieve this. 2) Are you creating a calorie deficit? Is the deficit too big? Are you exercising sufficiently? Good luck... lots of trial and error but you'll know when you have it figured out because a light bulb will turn on in your head! :blushing: Brad
  14. I'm currently tracking intake/export right now to keep my goals on track and my average calorie intake for the last month is 2,873 per day, with an average energy deficit of 370 calories. But by cycling my calories I have targeted surplus periods/days. I had one day that was even over 4,000 calories. scale is stable to very slowly decreasing. Body fat percentage steadily decreasing, so I'm likely adding very small amounts of lean muscle tissue. So long as you're exercising sufficiently you can eat very well. If you aren't exercising sufficiently, then you have bigger problems than how much you're eating..... Brad
  15. I actually have a Jack Lalanne juicer which I use from time to time. It isn't the BEST way to get your fruits and vegetables, but FAR greater than not eating them at all. Fruit and vegetable skins and flesh are loaded with flavonoids, phytonutrients, and Fiber. I'd really in time like to get a Vitamix which will allow me to pulverize the skins and flesh for those tough days when things are going down in whole form. Brad
  16. Welcome and congrats on getting your journey underway! I took 11 days off but could have gone back after about day 5. Brad
  17. These kind of recommendations are likely an attempt to get people used to slowing down rather than long-term eating habits. It takes a conscious effort to cut smaller pieces and eat slower after you've been used to shoveling food in. Brad
  18. Great advice! The band is not punishment, but rather a lifestyle adjustment. Just stay focused on the energy balance and your goals will not be jeopardized. Keep a grip on the treat foods rather than them having a grip on you - because NEVER is a very long time... Brad
  19. bambam31

    Off the sidelines worried about the excess skin

    I was around 5'7" and 266 to start. I have a few areas that are not as tight as I'd like but I'm still working hard and they continue to improve. Overall I'm very happy with my skin recovery. It's one of those things that will be different from person to person. Good exercise, hydration, and sleep are all very important so you can achieve as good of results as possible. Brad
  20. bambam31

    Is it what you eat or how much?

    :smile::iagree: Brad
  21. bambam31

    Constant burping when eating? Ok? Bad?

    It's just air displaced by whatever you're eating and drinking. I burp more than I ever have. The tighter the band is the more I burp. Brad
  22. Share these concerns with your doc at consultation. I was in the same position as we had a baby the same year so deductibles were already met. It took me about three months to get through the process but everyone/doctor is different. Brad
  23. bambam31


    Well, my definition of a slider food is one that doesn't stay in the pouch as long as it should (ie... slide's right through - like a milkshake) Oatmeal is not a slider food for most people because it has some roughage to it. It is an excellent carb and has Protein too! Unfortunately it's one of those foods that give some people real fits. You may have to thin it out to get it to stay down. Brad
  24. Had my first 4,000+ calorie day since being banded. Have my average up to about 2,800/day now... Brad
  25. bambam31

    Calories burned on gym equipment

    Just remember, though, that no two people burn the exact same number of calories doing the exact same activity. And any activity will expend less and less calories as your body adapts to the activity. Brad

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