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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by bambam31

  1. bambam31

    Friday Morning Weigh In: April 10

    Thanks! It's been an awesome journey.... I can't wait for summer to get here! Brad
  2. bambam31

    Friday Morning Weigh In: April 10

    It was a great week! I hit the "One Hundred Pounds Lost" mark and bought a new pair of size 31 jeans. It's hard to wipe the grin off my face... :drool: Last Week: 168 This Week: 166 Change: Minus 2 Pounds Total Loss: 100 Pounds Happy Easter Everyone! Brad
  3. bambam31

    should i be this hungry?

    Hang tough you guys! Once you start getting fills it will gradually get better. You just have to be patient because it may take 2, 3, 4 or even more fills to achieve satisfactory restriction - everyone is different. It's frustrating because you wait so long to get the surgery behind you that you think "ok, I've got the band - let's get that weight coming off" and it's normally not so easy. But one things' for sure - it's worth the wait - you'll see. Keep fighting! Brad
  4. This is obviously a very personal decision that everyone has to make on their own. However, I would be certain you've exhausted the band option first before charging into another WLS. If I read your post correct, the last doctor you saw stated there was no slip after all? Just a dilated pouch, which had reverted? If that's true then why not continue getting fills until you have satisfactory restriction and then see how things go? Brad
  5. bambam31

    Sugar Alchohol

    Hey, what's wrong with some good ol' fashioned natural music? Just blame it on someone else in the room. Some of those Fiber One bars contain partially hydrogenated oils which is like putting some health label on a Krispy Kreme box.... Brad
  6. bambam31

    Scared....Am I eating to much?

    It's really important to follow your surgeon's diet, which is focused on healing your pouch. If you feel the need to advance ahead of schedule, contact your surgeon or nutritionist and they will normal suggest some "test" foods for you. Also do some LBT searches for "Bandster Hell" as this will enlighten you as to what is occurring within. Brad
  7. This is all very normal. Do some LBT searches for "Bandster Hell" and all of your questions will be answered. Brad
  8. bambam31

    Band changes ??

    This is very normal - but likely has little to do with the weather. Most people are naturally tighter in the morning and more relaxed by evening. But factors such as stress, exercise, Fluid intake/retention, and bite sizes are more likely what determines how well the same foods go down day to day. Brad
  9. bambam31

    Who does 1/4 cup of food work for?

    :smile:.... This is the approach that's gotten me to triple digit loss territory. You do have to keep an eye on the calorie intake when you eat this frequently, but once you have a handle on it - it's old hat. Exercise more - eat more. Good luck! Brad
  10. bambam31

    Obamanomics: Bad for the economy...

    Well thank you Captain Obvious.... Long time listener, first time caller? I know... I know... I'm going to hell. Well at least I'll have a lot of company... Brad
  11. bambam31

    Who does 1/4 cup of food work for?

    I'll offer a bit different perspective. I stopped eating set meals (you know... Breakfast, lunch, Dinner) Instead I eat small amounts all of my waking day. I have an aggressive exercise schedule as well and that allows my total calorie intake to be higher. On average, I consume over 2000 calories a day. Somedays it will be a bit less - and others well more than 2000. By eating frequently, I keep my metabolism cranking. One thing I have found out is that the longer I go between eating - the higher the chances that I'll make a poor food choice, eat too fast, or overeat. So this style of "grazing" works well for me. Brad
  12. Plain, as always, makes some very good points. I'll just throw in one point on the side.... I don't "eat meals" anymore. Gave it up quite some time ago in fact. Our secretary calls me a "grazer" and it's quite a fitting title. I eat/drink on and off all of my waking day. I practically never go more than two hours without eating something. This style of eating helps keep my metabolism cranking and my body never has to wonder where it's next feeding is going to come. I believe, albeit anecdotely, that a steady flow of nutrition deters your body from storing fat - especially if you eat no more than a few hundred calories at a time. I can also tell that my blood glucose remains more steady than if I eat three very spaced-out meals. This works for me and because I eat so frequently, I'm able to get in well over 2000 calories a day. I should also mention that I have a significant exercise routine. Brad
  13. bambam31

    being accused of cheating

    Good for you Jennifer! People like that need someone to bring them back down to earth - if only for a short while. Anyone who says being banded is cheating - is someone who's never been banded and had to deal with its' trials and tribulations. It's a weight loss tool and that's all - long term, a lifestyle change is required - and that's true for any kind of lasting weight loss - unless you're a substance abuser like your skinny little co-worker.... Brad
  14. bambam31

    should i be this hungry?

    Do some searches about "Bandster Hell." Most people experience this - although a few a lucky enough not to. Stay on your prescribed diet because that's what lets your stomach pouch heal. It does get better - much better - but it takes patience and will power. Brad
  15. bambam31


    Congrats Mac! Your hard work and determination have paid huge dividends for you! You ask a question that I have too asked many times. "What exactly is goal?" I set my ticker goal according to BMI solely. But I've felt comfortable with where I am for awhile now - even though I havn't hit "the number." It does make me wonder, though, if I'll really feel much different then than I do no now - probably not. Congrats! Brad
  16. bambam31

    Pizza and Pancakes

    Neither are of course optimal food choices, but I have ate both. Best to save these for a reward meal. Then, eat very slow - with small bites. They are the kind of foods that take me a long time to eat. I have to take a bite and go do something for 5 minutes, then come back for another bite. What's bad is you either end up eating cold food or constantly warming it up. Brad
  17. bambam31


    If you're creating a calorie deficit, then you aren't building muscle mass. Are you journaling your food/exercise? Fitday is a great program for doing this. Tracking these things helps when you're trying to identify a problem. Also be certain you're getting adequate Water intake. Good luck! Brad
  18. bambam31

    Drunk Driving

    Laws in every state are different, but both are 93 day misdemeanors here. Only thing that makes OWI a higher penalty are the fines and license sanctions. I suppose it's probably true that if you're exposed to social drinking you may have a different take on which crime is worse. Perhaps a poll question has been born... Brad
  19. bambam31

    Drunk Driving

    Patty, With all due respect, I don't believe you're necessarily the most diverse subject sample or travel in the most diverse circles. In many sectors of life, a person with a drunk driving charge is viewed much less harshly than say someone with a shoplifting charge - even though, the shoplifter didn't directly endanger the safety of the public. Brad
  20. bambam31

    Friday Morning Weigh-in, April 3

    Good job everyone! Keep up the hard work! Last Week: 172 This Week: 168 Change: Minus 4 Dropped another pant size to boot... Down to 31 inch blue jeans. Have a great week! Brad
  21. bambam31

    I've been stuck for 3 months!

    It would definitely be worth using a progam like fitday or dailyplate - at least for awhile - to see where you're at nutritionally. Too few calories - and/or the wrong source of calories - could easily have stalled you out. As for exercise... I'm strong headed on this... Walking - in the long term - most likely isn't going to cut it - but I understand you have other medical issues standing in your way. IMO...It takes a calorie deficit created from both diet and exercise to be successful. Good luck! Brad
  22. bambam31

    Drunk Driving

    Many people already drive stoned although increased useage would undoubtedly result in increased driving offenses... As for drunk driving - it's a largely accepted and/or rationalized social crime. A lot of people express sympathy for a friend or relative who gets arrested for DWI. So legalize it and tax it? That just means the tax and spend legislators will have more money to dole out for pet pork projects - you can't honestly believe they'd use it to pay debt... Besides, the more they tax it - the more victimizing the hoodlums will have to do to pay for it...
  23. bambam31

    I've been stuck for 3 months!

    You don't mention your exercise routine or what your calorie intake is - your answers may be found there. Brad
  24. Ashley! Pick your chin up, buckle down and get back on track! What you've experienced is not all that unusual. Welcome to bandster hell! All of the restriction you were feeling was from surgery trauma and now it's healed and gone! The hunger is like the roaring lion on the band advertisements. It will get better with each fill, but it may take 2, 3, 4, or even more fills to achieve satisfactory restriction. You're in the period that requires a lot of will power. And long term, a lifestyle commitment is required - one that involves dedicated exercise - it's a fact of life. The whole process goes much easier when you are seeing results and feeling better. Never throw your hands in the air and give up - just pause, reaffirm to yourself why you did this surgery and steer yourself back on track! Brad

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