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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by bambam31

  1. bambam31

    gaining weight waiting on first adjustment

    A lot of people, myself included, were hopeful that their food demons would disappear with the band - but that is not the case. The band may help to physically impeded them but they must always be mentally managed. Brad
  2. bambam31


    A lot of great posts here and I think the answer lies in the totality of them. You're so frustrated with your body and then you "discover" the band. Then you wait so long (most of us anyway) to get past the whole approval process and surgery that once the operation is done you want the weight to go with it. Then you deal with the hunger and trying to learn a new lifestyle while the old one keeps trying to find a crack in the wall to get back in. It's a very frustrating process until you learn how to control your body and the way it operates. The boards give us a place to blow off steam with people who have things in common (some more than others... :devil_smile:) which helps us get through the bottlenecks in the road. Brad
  3. bambam31

    Progress Picture

    Congrats on your progress! Keep up the good work! Brad
  4. Getting close to 2 years and have had 6 fills - no problems thus far. Brad
  5. bambam31


    The more restriction I have the more I burp. I just tell everyone, "sorry, it's a medical condition!" :devil_smile: Brad
  6. So... that would explain why my wife was searching for the lunar calendar while asking where the shovel was.... :devil_smile: When only one person in the marriage makes a commitment to improve their health I think it adds a lot of strain. That was a point of discussion by the psychologist I saw as part of the pre-op approval process. My wife and I actually undertook a healthier lifestyle together (she wasn't banded though because she wasn't big enough to qualify) which probably alleviated a fair amount of anxiety. We are both happier and more confident people now and I think that has made our marriage more secure. I wish everyone the best in their own relationships! Brad
  7. bambam31

    When did you see the difference?

    You seem to be doing the right things! We basically start out as uneven ice cube - that melts unevenly. Unfortunately, we can't pick and choose where we lose fat. Keep up the hard work and you'll be needing to shop for new clothes very soon - and very often. Brad
  8. WOW! That's pretty much the whole thread summed up in one sentence. :sigh: Brad
  9. bambam31

    Caloric Intake, daily

    Ah... one of my more passionate LBT topics... :tongue: I am in agreement with anglov... :sad: Who cares if you lose "weight?" We want to lose FAT! That's different than just weight! Fluids and lean muscle tissue weigh more than fat - and are the first to go at a higher percentage (relative to fat) if you are starving your body. :frown: Your body's #1 goal is survival. So if you try to starve it, it will shed what is most costly to keep - metabolically active lean muscle tissue. When you eat a set number of calories day after day, your body knows exactly what to expect - and adjust to. If that calorie intake level is 800 - it knows it's being starved. So it goes into survival mode and starts shedding that which takes the most calories to maintain - your lean muscle tissue, and along with it, it's associated fluids. You think your doing great because that scale keeps dropping - but you've actually set in a motion a disaster. As you lose lean muscle tissue, so goes your metabolism. Once you've met the equalibrium - welcome Mr. Plateau. Your in a stall... no more weight loss. Only now your a skinnier fat person with a burned out metabolism. There's an alternative... To lose fat you need a calorie deficit. But don't get that from diet alone! Get some from eating fewer calories and some more from burning more calories. Cycle your calorie intake along with SUFFICIENT exercise (that's 3 - 5 days a week with good intensity). Eat higher calories on heavier work out days and lowest calories on no work out days. Your body does not slip into the survival mode rut and you'll feel so much more energized from the exercise. Oh... and the scale will keep moving downward from FAT LOSS... How many people have you encountered on LBT who eat very few calories or do very little to no exercise and then plateau midway through their journey??? I was one of 'em... But I learned... This theory works! Plateau's, IMO, are not normal... They mean something is not right. You have to listen to your body and what it's telling you and make the necessary adjustments. I saw my surgeon today for the first time in a year. I got my sixth fill. Yet tonights dinner included Ribeye Steak - and it went down just fine! (no my doc doesn't have a fill day diet routine). Life with a band is not a race to see who can eat the least. I eat anywhere from 1000 - 3500 calories a day, depending on the days activities. My body fat percentage continues to drop. Good luck - play hard! Brad
  10. bambam31

    Alcohol Consumption

    No question alcohol works against you for fat loss. At 7 calories per gram it is the most dense fuel choice short of fat (9 grams) and nearly double that of carbs and Protein (4 grams). Occasionally consuming alcohol though for some (me included) is a reward "food." When I'm focusing on a goal I stay away from it. When I'm on vacation or easing back a bit, I may "tie one on." After all, how relaxing is a campfire next to a cooler full of ice cold beer? :frown: Education and moderation are the key... Have the alcohol if you desire, but clearly understand the consequences of it - both inside the body and out. Brad
  11. It seems to me that I've read here in the past of someone (or plural) who had some Fluid put in at the time of surgery and then got to - or at least near - goal without any additional fills. This is very uncommon though. Most people have little to no fluid in the band at the time of surgery. After all the healing from surgery is done you'll know - because the hunger will come screaming back and try to bowl you over.... Good luck! Brad
  12. bambam31

    Today was my first step...

    Welcome Juliana! Study hard and work hard and you will be successful! Good luck, Brad
  13. Sorry.... I can't let this one slide by without comment... First the disclaimer... the following is my opinion only... You know what they say about opinions... Okay... that part is done... Now... I don't want anyone to think that you can just get banded, eat chips, drink alcohol, and full sugar soda and lose weight so long as you just walk around the Home Depot all day... :eek: Oh if it were only that easy... She was just banded in March? She may be losing weight right now... Well guess what, come along August or September she's going to be due for a big a$$ wake up call... She'll be complaining that she's plateau'd and stalled out and this damn band thing isn't working at all... that'll be followed by "maybe I should go get a fill." If she isn't exercising, but has a good calorie deficit from intake alone (diet), then the weight she's losing is, percentage-wise, far larger Fluid and lean muscle tissue when compared to someone who is sufficiently exercising. What's the difference? The exerciser is maintaining a healthy metabolism by keeping as much lean muscle tissue as possible, which will keep the FAT loss going. The other is slowly but surely crashing their metabolism, losing lean body mass, and when the equalibrium is met - the plateau arrives. And walking around the home depot, or anywhere else for that matter, is a part of a good active lifestyle, but that aint exercise. Ok... I'm done... Brad
  14. Wow, starting a thread like this is like jumping out of the frying pan and into the fire! It's either incredibly gutsy - or stupid... I'm in the group who's surgeon pretty much uses the trial and error method, because everyone has different tolerances to begin with, not to mention adding endless variables (stress, sleep, exercise, hydration, restriction, etc, etc etc,)... I drink beer and soda from time to time - and coffee many times EVERY day. For me it's not cheating because my surgeon allows it if his patients have tolerance for it. BUT... it would be a mistake to come here looking for justification to break your doc's rules. If you disagree with them, take them up with your doc and hash it out.... When it comes to progress there are much bigger "rules" that will effect your success than drinking soda or beer. Success doesn't mean weight loss because that's not accurate - it's more like fat loss that we desire. After all, what good is starving yourself and losing pound after pound of lean muscle tissue? I am curious, however, that several people have inquired when you were banded and how much success you've had - but I havn't seen the answer..... Brad
  15. bambam31

    Is pizza gone forever?

    Stuffed crust from pizza Hut - Awesome! :thumbup: Brad
  16. bambam31

    How do you feel about tree huggers?

    I would like to thank one and all for the slice of entertainment...:thumbup: Brad
  17. WOW! You really have bad luck! Save your money - no need to buy lotto tickets! :tt2: In all seriousness, I hope this turns around for you promptly - you've suffered enough for a four-dozen bandsters! Brad
  18. bambam31

    Forbidden Foods

    My journey, like most everyone's on here, has had it's fair share of pitfalls. You fight through them - you learn from then - and you move forward. By cycling calories I mean that I don't eat a set number of calories day after day. I don't do the same exercise day after day either. By varying your intake and export you keep your body from adjusting to a set routine. This keeps your metabolism burning, and fat decreasing. Your body will not give up it's fat stores without a fight! Oh, don't get me wrong, the first six months or so people lose significant amounts of weight without much effort - but then the REAL battle begins. You have to put your game face on and go to war! This site is littered with threads just like this: http://www.lapbandtalk.com/f178/worth-116227/ Brad
  19. bambam31


    Oh I had this problem too! We had purchased a house with a swimming pool and moved in just weeks before surgery. My doc let me start swimming five days after surgery. I never experienced any difficulties. That said, always follow the advice of your own doc. Brad
  20. bambam31

    Low Carb or Low Fat...which is better?

    One word.... NEITHER! Brad
  21. bambam31

    Forbidden Foods

    Well my first advice would be to follow your surgeon's recommendations, but you'll find they vary like the wind. Personally, there is not one single food or beverage that I CAN'T eat. I cycle my calories so if there is something in which I choose to indulge I do it on a higher calorie day. My word of caution is in regards to food demons.... Don't fool yourself into thinking that the band will quell them long term... it won't... Sooner or later they will find a weakness and you will crack... The band is only a tool - and food demons will ALWAYS have to be managed. Brad
  22. bambam31

    Humm is it considered cheating???

    I will be interested to see if your opinion changes next year at this time... :tongue2: Brad
  23. bambam31

    Port site pain

    Thanks for the update! Glad it was nothing major! Brad
  24. bambam31

    No restriction

    Yep, the band should give you the competitive edge for fat loss when used appropriately. I think you have a sound approach and direction! Brad
  25. bambam31

    Humm is it considered cheating???

    And if they won't let you join that's all the more reason to work even harder and still kick their ass! Either way it's extra motivation! Brad

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