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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by bambam31

  1. Everyone's precise sensations are going to vary somewhat, especially depending on the degree of the situation. Basically if you eat a banded persons normal serving you should feel satisfied - not stuffed, but not hungry. If after eating something you have pain/pressure that is constant you may be stuck. Nothing is moving in either direction. I can tell for sure by trying to force a burp - if no air moves - you're stuck. Getting stuck is either the result of being overfilled or having made an eating mistake that you will not soon forget. :thumbup: Brad
  2. bambam31

    Best Decision Ever!

    You look great Ruth! Thanks for sharing your story! Brad
  3. bambam31

    Exercise Goals

    Great motivating thread! Keep moving people! :thumbup: Brad
  4. bambam31

    Protein shakes / heavy metals

    I use Protein mixes frequently (primarily the top 2 BSN products on the survey). BUT... protein powders are just expensive liquid food. They should by no means represent the majority of your daily caloric intake. They are best used in a pinch or for their convenience. Three shakes a day, IMO, is not a practical part of a healthy eating lifestyle. scodwyer... Love the recipes! Will definitely try them out! I can hear some people gasping at the mere sight of ingredients with simple sugars (marshmellows, chocolate syrup, etc). Fear not... Some simple sugars pre/during/post workout (particularly strength training) are useful in replacing lost glycogen stores from muscles during the workout. They also assist in pushing amino acids into cells. Moderate simple sugars (:thumbup:) pre/during/post workout = :drool: Simple sugars () at other times = :car: Brad
  5. bambam31

    Port Pain Again?

    Mine gets sore to pressure if I've bruised the area too, but this normally heals within a few days so long as there is not any new injuries. Brad
  6. bambam31

    Port Pain Again?

    Is the level of discomfort the same throughout the day as well as day to day? Brad
  7. Don't cheat yourself adequate food intake. A calorie deficit of 500-750 derived from a combination of diet and exercise is all that is needed for good fat loss. Spreading your calories throughout the day will reduce the likelihood that you'll binge eat later in the day. Also keep trigger foods out of your environment. Good luck and remember that it takes an extraordinary effort to achieve an extraordinary result. Brad
  8. bambam31

    OK, I'll stop lurking now...

    Congrats on your progress Katy! Your journey will be an inspiration to others! Brad
  9. bambam31

    Emotions Everywhere!!

    You'll quickly see that this definitely isn't the easy way out and when people elude to that you'll be able to educate them... :thumbup: Brad
  10. Short of eating with a full pouch, this should not be a problem. If Water is not passing through the band on an empty pouch then you are too restricted. Brad
  11. bambam31

    Is this Normal

    Great point! There are a lot of foods that won't go down well when you start your day, but by lunch or dinner do just fine. Trial and error... Small bites and then wait a few minutes to see what happens before eating more. Good luck! Brad
  12. bambam31

    Question to seasoned exercisers....

    Significant exercise stifles my appetite as well for the period immediately after the workout. I'd be concerned long term though with that low of calorie intake. Brad
  13. bambam31

    Splitting up exercise throughout the day

    Personally I like a 40-60 minute duration but splitting it up is much better than not doing it at all! Brad
  14. bambam31

    Finally 6 Weeks Post-Op!

    No situps? That is one I've not yet heard. My surgeon turned me loose to exercise around 4 weeks or so. In fact, he told me there was no form of exercise I could do that would interfere with the band/port. Brad
  15. bambam31

    Are you really NOT hungry?!?

    Once you achieve sufficient fills the hunger, for most people, is very controlled. I used to have extreme hunger issues but don't any longer. Just remember though, that immediately post op you won't be too hungry because of the swelling from surgery. 1 to 2 weeks later that hunger comes screaming back for most people because the swelling subsides and there is little to no Fluid yet in the band. Once you get sufficient restriction from fills that hunger once again subsides. Good luck! Brad
  16. bambam31

    Right or Wrong

    Well the period between losing all the swelling from surgery and obtaining sufficient restriction from fills (commonly referred to as Bandster Hell) is tough. But you should know that very few people (although there are exceptions) achieve sufficient restriction from their first fill. Took me until fill 4 or 5 - each being 4 weeks apart. I can certainly understand your being uneasy and wanting to get the process going - but a process it is. It will require a lot of patience along with trial and error. Good luck! Brad
  17. bambam31

    All for nothing

    You sure have had a rough go of it and I wish you all the best! A turn around in your band progress might be the jumpstart you need to dig out of this hole. I'm assuming you don't have much of any restriction. I would make an appt to find out how much Fluid is in your band. Get back to a decent level of restriction and take things one day at a time. Good luck! Brad
  18. bambam31

    good workout for arm flab

    Use a battery of tricep and bicep exercises and plenty of hydration. Youtube is a great resource for finding new exercises. Brad
  19. Also don't underestimate the value of the mirror. You can see yourself shrinking week after week - it is very gratifying. Brad
  20. bambam31

    Everything has changed.

    Very nice! And isn't the summer heat more bearable too? Brad
  21. bambam31

    Skin Control

    Like most things, everyone's skin appearance after significant weight loss will be different. Three main areas of focus though are hydration (inside and out), rest, and exercise. Good luck! Brad
  22. bambam31

    Is my nutritionist keeping me fat?

    Ross, congrats on your success! You should be very proud of the progress you are making! I would focus more on your body composition and less on what the scale says. What do your workouts consist of? (ie: strength, cardio, intervals, etc.?) What are you using to determine calories burned during your workout? For good fat loss I like a variable 500-1000 calorie deficit, derived from a combination of exercise and reduced food intake. I would be focusing most of my exercise on significant cardio, but still completing a couple of strength training sessions a week. I also prefer to stay away from low calorie diets - they are metabolism killers. Don't be afraid to eat a good amount of balanced calories so long as you're exercising sufficiently. They will not only keep your muscles well-fueled but also promote a white-hot metabolism. I eat a variable calorie intake of 1200 - 3000+ Good luck! Brad
  23. Well I'll take a stab at this one... Think of the so-called "starvation mode" simply as your body adjusting it's internal combustion engine to it's available fuel. An anorexic may break this cycle by maintaining such an extreme low calorie intake. Rather than your body breaking you down - you break it down. Problem is, obese people don't fit that mold. Eventually, we break down and when we binge after our body has adjusted to very low calorie intake, we pack on the fat at a much faster rate than ever before. Brad
  24. bambam31

    Is my nutritionst keeping me fat

    Ross, you're making great progress so don't get too frustrated. What do your workouts consist of (strength/cardio etc)? And how are you measuring calories burned? Just remember that body composition is more important than scale numbers. For fat loss I like a variable calorie deficit of 500 - 1000 calories derived from a combination of exercise and decreased food consumption. Main exercise focus on significant cardio - but still getting several strength training sessions a week. What this means is you are going to be eating more food than you would likely find reasonable - that's because you are making a lifestyle change and not on a diet. Low calorie diets kill your metabolism. What, when, how you eat is very important too, but a general balanced intake (ie not low fat, carb, etc.) is the best approach. Good luck! Brad
  25. Awesome results LaDawn! Congrats! Brad

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