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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by bambam31

  1. I don't really eat "meals" so to speak anymore. I eat small amounts of food all through the day. I am not a fan of eating X amount of calories at X time of day. I think this is the mentality that starts the snowballing toward obesity in some children. Many of us were raised to eat at 8:00, Noon, 6:00 and weren't allowed to leave the table until our plate was cleaned because there were kids starving to death in far away lands.... So we stretched our stomachs, overate calories, unnaturally spiked our insulin levels and the ball was rolling.... I have 2 young children... ages 2 and 7. They both eat small amounts and then want away from the table because they are no longer hungry. Two hours later they want to eat a small amount of food again. I believe it's because thats what is natural. Why do we go from feeding infants small amounts every few hours - to requiring a 7 yr old eat everything on their plate even if they are full? Probably because we selfishly don't want them coming back in two hours wanting fed again... Just food for thought... (sorry, couldn't help that) Brad
  2. There is no denying this fact. People treat me much differently now compared to pre-band. Unfortunately, it's just a fact of society like it or not. One good thing is that it adds to the list of NSV's as you lose fat and get fit... Brad
  3. bambam31

    Day 3 of Post Op

    Be strong and focused. Your surgery swelling is decreasing and monster hunger is fast approaching! It will be that way until you get sufficient restriction from fills. Be tough! Brad
  4. bambam31

    Does your band tighten after exercise?

    Exercise doesn't really effect my tightness but the time of day does in a huge way. No doubt all those factors - and many more - effect restriction level throughout the hours, days, weeks. Brad
  5. bambam31

    set back :(

    Sorry to hear about your injury - they can be very tough to work through. Don't give up on exercise all together! Work areas that aren't injured and watch your energy balance very close until you can get past the injury. You can do it! Brad
  6. Welcome to Bandster Hell new bandsters! It is just a phase but one that most, myself included, were not prepared for. It will pass - do the best you can - and don't beat yourselves up too bad. I assure you it won't be the only bump in the road for your journey. Keep your chin up and focused - it's the long term goals that matter most. Brad
  7. bambam31

    Triathletes with Bands

    I'm not much into road biking (cars scare the H-E-L-L out of me), but I do a lot of indoor cycling (spinning) and linear trail riding. My longest duration trail ride has been 66.5 miles. I could not eat as much as I wanted but was able to stay well-hydrated. Good restriction is a love/hate thing for the stage I'm at. I need to be pretty tight to help keep me honest. But I also need to be loose enough to get the nutrition I need to meet my goals. I cycle my calories anywhere from 1000-3000+ but the high calories days can be difficult to achieve. Brad
  8. Hey Trish, This measurement is from an accumeasure caliper. This method is probably only a ballpark figure, because it is not the best method. It is, however, a good way to track week to week progress to see a trend. GNC stores sell these. You can do a google search for body fat measurement methods to get more in depth. Just remember that in the initial part of the lapband journey the normal focus is fat loss. This requires a calorie deficit - while building muscle requires a calorie surplus. Nonetheless, you'll improve your body fat % significantly by protecting the lean muscle tissue you have while burning off body fat. Good luck with your journey! Brad

  9. bambam31

    Missing your old foods?

    food demons will always have to be managed - banded or not. The band is a tool which does give you a competitive edge to defeat them, but you must still have the will power say "no" or "stop." This is especially true in the evenings when it's easier to cheat the band. I have to be very careful not to get a "flow" going, but if I do I have to say STOP! By "flow" I mean that the pouch is well lubricated (mucous and/or beverage - TMI, I know) and you can train food without ever filling the pouch. Many people will tell you that if this is happening you need a fill. Not so fast... Most of the day I'm very restricted (I wouldn't want it any tighter at all!) but by evening I CAN eat far more than I should - I just have to say no. It still takes will power and a close eye on the energy balance. I go in cycles similar to this. You can't be 100% on your game all day every day, and day after day. There are periods when I'm very focused and wouldn't consider eating junk food ; Periods where I eat less than perfect foods in a controlled manner ; Periods where I eat waaaay toooooo much junk food and have to make a conscious intervention. The difference with the band/exercise lifestyle is that the cycle is much easier to control/break than before. Brad
  10. bambam31


    Bandster hell is tough. By the time we get banded we've been in this fight for many years - or even decades. We want relief from the fat and we want it now! But you cannot subvert the band process. It can take months... yes months... (because most fills are at least 4 weeks apart) to achieve satisfactory restriction. A lot of people have the attitude, "well I didn't get this band to have to exercise, eat right, and have will power. If I had that ability I wouldn't have needed the band in the first place." This attitude is a one-way ticket to failure in the fast lane. Restriction will, in time, come. And that is when the band becomes the "tool" to help you. But YOU will still have to do the work. It is not easy - but you CAN do it! Be determined - let no demons stand in your road to success! Brad
  11. bambam31

    how far did i set myself back?

    Ah... You are correct that I am not well versed in PCOS. I understand PCOS complicates the whole process and have some friends who suffer from PCOS as well. I wish you the best in your journey! Brad
  12. bambam31

    how far did i set myself back?

    One of the drawbacks to trying to eat very low carb or low fat diets is that they are rarely sustainable long-term. When your body finally breaks you down you can find yourself binging and giving up lots of progress. Brad
  13. As Betsy indicated, this is old information. More recent studies have debunked the myth that caffeine is a diuretic... (see link below) The Wonders of Water Fortunately, my surgeon allows coffee, caffeine, and carbonated beverages, so long as the patient tolerates them. And fortunately for me - I do. Brad
  14. bambam31

    Down 34 lbs in less than a month?

    You most certainly will not continue at this pace for very long. The more you have to lose, the longer the accelerated pace will continue, but it won't last. That's ok though because it shouldn't! A vast majority of what you've lost is fluids. Optimally, you'll settle into a 1-3 pound per week long term loss. Good luck! Brad
  15. bambam31

    Dangers of Splenda?

    Way too simplistic of an approach IMO... Some people tolerate sweeteners fine - others do not. And since it was raised - same thing with carbonated beverages - some surgeons will tell you that you'll explode on contact - while others say go ahead if you tolerate it well. I just drank two beers and was able to type this... :thumbup: (my surgeon does not outlaw carbonated beverages)... Brad
  16. bambam31

    band poisons me

    Sorry to hear about your ordeal. This does raise an awful lot of questions to me though... Why would your body all of the sudden start absorbing the materials and what test did they do to pinpoint that it was the band materials causing your condition? Brad
  17. bambam31

    Survival of the fittest

    Determination is as good as cash in the bank! :thumbup: Brad
  18. Congrats MsFab you have earned that smile for sure! Imagine how much wider it's going to be next 4th of July! Brad
  19. bambam31

    Where do I start?

    Liquid diets and mushies are a temporary thing while healing. Pb'ing and sliming occur because the bandster is either overfilled, made an error while eating, or tried a new food that isn't playing nice. Everyone's experience with foods is different. Personally, there is not one food I can't eat... Good luck and gather as much information as you can so you make the best informed decision for yourself. Brad
  20. bambam31

    Is my nutritionst keeping me fat

    Kudos to your trainer! It is often overlooked that very low calories over a period of time is self defeating behavior! Our body can store carbs (fat!) but the only way it can store essential amino acids is lean muscle tissue. So if your aren't nourishing your body with complete Protein sources then guess where it's going to get them instead... Brad
  21. A lot of people find that a warm liquid relaxes their pouch enough to be able to get the ball rolling so to speak. I almost always start the day with a cup or two of coffee. I agree with btrieger that you should start your day with a meal, even if it is only big enough to qualify as a snack. Make it a protein and complex carb. Brad
  22. bambam31

    one more time

    Good luck on your re-journey. For the benefit of all, what led you to regain the weight? Brad
  23. You want to be full after FOUR BITES OF FOOD? Really? Brad
  24. Actually yes... A healthy kidney can process about a liter or water an hour, but you're expelling electrolytes (salts) in your urine. If you expel too many salts you can develop a serious condition called hyponatremia. This would result from drinking a huge amount of water but not replacing the electrolytes. Pretty rare for a bandster I reckon. Brad
  25. bambam31

    Exercise Goals

    Congrats on your new companion! You should consult your surgeon as to the what/when/how of exercise post op because they vary in approach. I was turned loose after about 4 weeks, but was encouraged to start walking right away. Good luck! Brad

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