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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by 2muchfun

  1. This link should answer your questions? http://www.bariatricpal.com/topic/295897-marijuana/?hl=%20marijuana
  2. 2muchfun

    Back Pain - why now? Suggestions?

    Back pain can happen to anyone at any weight at any time. Could just be a coincidence it's happening now. You are hitting 50 ya know My occasional back pains came along around the same time. They come and go.
  3. 2muchfun

    Why I'm Here

    I can see why. Your minds must be swimming with WTFs?
  4. 2muchfun


    chicken is one of the hardest foods for most of us to eat comfortably. Unless it's dark meat with some kind of sauce. I agree with your doc. Give it some time. Maybe try some fish like Salmon or Tilapia? I do well with hamburger as long as it's cooked fresh. Leftover meats are always a problem for me. I've had over 200 stuck episodes since being banded and it concerns me too. It's not good to put that much pressure on your pouch or lower esophagus. Seems like it could eventually cause dilation.
  5. 2muchfun

    One Year ago

    You da man Lee. I'm jealous. Can't wait till the weather clears so I can hit the bike paths hard and work off the rest of this tube.
  6. 2muchfun

    April 22 Lap Band Op

    Not me but ^5 to ya.
  7. 2muchfun

    Why I'm Here

    So, both Bandarella and PDH both had their bands installed incorrectly? I'm not much on litigation but seems appropriate for what you've both suffered. Those two stories are head shakers!
  8. 2muchfun

    Site issues

    Example: Recent Topics for the lap banders includes topics from sleevers and bypass people.
  9. 2muchfun

    A Long and Winding Road

    I think for many many years the sales pitch for the band was it was going to limit how much food we could eat or it would take away that craving and most of that was just not true. From what I've learned from my own experience and from others here on this forum, the band will only dim or assuage our hunger. And like our friend Jack has said, it's like a songbird in a forest, if you don't listen for it, it might just pass you by(paraphrasing). I know now that no brick will hit me in the head and say stop eating dumbass, I really really need to pay attention. It's my opinion that many people don't reach their goal or find a level of success with the band simply because this signal is so subtle for those of us that only stopped when the fat lady was so full she couldn't sing, it was easily missed. jmo Anyway, my rant is over and welcome back and keep us posted. tmf
  10. 2muchfun

    This can't be true...

    Apparently you weren't a scale watcher till you were banded or you would have noticed how much our weight fluctuates every day. This is universal for anyone. You consume food, you consume liquids, your body reacts to these by creating hormones to utilize and sometimes store what is consumed. If you consume too much sodium or carbs your body will react by storing more Fluid. If you drink a lot of Water as you should, not all of it is pee'd or sweated away. It can roll over to the next day or two. Also if you work out, you're breaking down muscle cells and they will retain fluids while they repair themselves. Many things can affect how much your body retains in fluids. TOM, sodium, illness, weather, stress processed foods and carbs. This is a very long journey. No need to panic just yet. Here's a link that explains what happens right after we have surgery which is where you are now: http://www.dsfacts.com/weight-loss-stall-or-plateau.html#.UqP7uBLn-Uk And, if you can't cope with the daily weight swings which happen to even people who have reached their goal weight, you should only weigh yourself weekly or monthly. I weigh myself 2 times a day.
  11. 2muchfun

    20 Days till spring.....

    Biking weather,
  12. 2muchfun

    Sweet spot

    I have no idea. Still don't know and it's 1.5 years later.
  13. 2muchfun

    Banded 2-26-14

    Seepage will happen. If it becomes a flow, call your doctor but it's normal. Try not to flex your abs as much as possible till the incisions heal.
  14. 2muchfun

    Afraid to get a fill

    Have they done a barium swallow or fill under fluoroscopy to see if your band is where it should be?
  15. I got nothing. But, if your current doctor can't resolve this problem you should consider a 2nd opinion. Reflux can be dangerous over a long period of time. Good luck to you.
  16. 2muchfun

    FIRST FILL Yesterday

    Soups are slider foods and most all of us can eat up to two cups of the stuff. Slider foods just slide by the band and give no help to feeling satiety. Have you seen this group of videos? Maybe they'll answer some of your questions. Dr. O'Brien's philosophy and techniques may differ from your own surgeons but they're still valid for many. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qa3Lwt6ElIs&list=UL Part 1 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K4jYJipQ7vc part 2 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wbdhf44ZweI&feature=relmfu Part 3 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KF3TCKUn3YI Part 4
  17. As long as you can get your fluids in I would recommend staying put. It's when you can't swallow anything including Water or shakes is when you need to get a small unfill. It's normal for the stoma to swell up to two weeks after a fill. If you were feeling some restriction before this fill, 1 CC may have been a little too aggressive? Still, monitor it and call your doctor if it becomes too troublesome? Just a little reduction in swelling could make your band just right. Don't let your anger over their careless bedside manner influence your own journey. Take charge and make it work. You're doing so well. tmf
  18. I don't have this same problem but I'm so hypersensitive to it I constantly monitor anything that comes up. It's one of those symptoms of a slipped band as you obviously already know so the fear is there. How close to the green zone were you before and after this fill? Maybe you'll have to be satisfied with being in the yellow/green zone? I know I'm not solidly in the green zone myself but I prefer to be able to eat without getting stuck too often so I've intentionally left my band a little looser than some. tmf
  19. Define "barely eat"? What are you eating? Are you feeling more satiety? The port being operated on shouldn't affect the tightness of the band. Two totally separate sites. Fills can cause some additional irritation to the stomach lining from the extra squeeze from the 1 CC fill. Healthgrades.com is a company that monitors physicians performance and a bad mark goes a long ways in making them straighten up. But, they may take it out on you if they suspect it's you who gave them the bad review. Maybe an email letter to the physician might allow you to vent about their customer service or lack of?
  20. 2muchfun

    Banded 2-26-14

    I had very little gas pain so be grateful you're not having this experience. I too have read here where some people are incapacitated over the gas pain.
  21. 2muchfun

    I'm a newbie to this!

    If you can get to a PC, try to fill in your profile so we know you better? It helps to know more about you should you have questions in the future. Welcome and look forward to hearing your success stories. tmf
  22. 2muchfun


    It's very rare for it to happen during the first year and is usually caused by extreme vomiting/hurling sessions, poor surgical placement/adhering or filling the pouch with too much food consistently and of course, sometimes the body just flat out rejects the band and it crawls up or down the stomach. Reflux, lack of hunger, food not passing through the band and vomiting, night cough, pain when you eat and constant pain or pressure in your chest are all symptoms.
  23. 2muchfun

    post -op and first fill scheduled!

    Wow! You sound like you have a great aftercare crew? fluoroscopic fills are rare but are the best.
  24. 2muchfun

    Does anyone know?

    And usually it's not so that you feel restriction just yet. Mostly just snug on the stomach. Rarely more than 3 CCs. I don't think mine had any in it.
  25. Checked out your gallery. You're quite the hottie now!! Apparently you missed the memo from the "band deniers" that the band doesn't work I got down to about 25 lbs of my goal and I've been on this maintenance watch for about 1.5 years now. It's difficult. It's so easy to spike up 10-12 lbs over the holidays and then have to go back to paying attention again. Looking forward to summer so I can get outside and work off this extra 10 lbs plus maybe another 10-15. From what I've read from others who got down to goal, they didn't change anything. Kept the same tightness on their band and just kept on eating like a Bandster. I'd bet that they allow themselves some leeway though. Maybe consume an extra glass of wine or an occasional Ben and Jerry's? Seems like it would be a mental thing once you get to goal? tmf

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