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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by 2muchfun

  1. 2muchfun

    who cares if it is the easy way out?

    Many people have a very exaggerated view of themselves, cerebrally and physically. They're unaware of how different we all are. Genetics of our ancestors, environment past and current are huge factors in how each body reacts. But you'll never convince them of this. I remember someone saying to me once, "I just walk every day and I lost 15 lbs, why don't you try that"? Me, on the inside, "Holly F, I never thought of exercising, what a frickin concept". Rant over.
  2. 2muchfun

    Really need the PROTEIN

    This is the time your body is demanding more carbs for energy. Don't give in. Your body isn't used to using it's own storage of fat for movement. It's common and it will go away as soon as your body turns on itself for energy. This is why it's necessary to consume your Protein. If you don't the body will turn on muscle for energy too. Talk to your doctor and see if you can come off the liquid phase a little sooner. Refried Beans, egg drop Soup and other pureed foods with meat and beans in them can provide you with the protein you want.
  3. popsicles, crystal light, V8.
  4. Very few get paid to do it and doctors would rather earn $3K for an hours surgical work than $0-$250 hr sticking patients with needles. My doctor gives lifetime fills for free. He's one in a hundred though. Still, the time spent with me is minimal and the guidance I get is much less than what I read here. That's my experience.
  5. 2muchfun


    I lost 12 lbs the first month. Then maintained that weight loss through 3 fills and 4 months before I started to feel enough restriction to realize some satiety and leave "Bandster Hell". It took about 7 months and 6 fills to get to the green zone. From what I've read, I'm normal. Some do find it in the first few months and others it takes a year or more. Paying attention to satiety signals is very important. It's not like a bell rings or any obvious signal. It's like a little bird in a forest and you must look for it. That's how it works for me and some others I've read about.
  6. To be sure, the band can be more complex and less forgiving than some other WLS techniques. Compliance is a huge issue with the band and the lack of compliance can lead to some harsh consequences including erosion, slips, dilation. As Cheryl said, aftercare is an issue for many docs. Clinic compensation is an issue. Physicians can earn a higher fee for bypass or sleeve surgeries. The band does have a higher complications rate in some studies, but just a few % points. And yes, the band is becoming less popular but many docs are still offering the band, so obsolete is an overstatement. For me, I would have went with the sleeve if I could have gotten over the 85% stomach removal but that would have been my main roadblock if I would have considered it.
  7. You might also ask if the physicians you're working with accept Medicare? Not all doctors accept Medicare and if they do, some won't accept assignment(the coded fee structure).
  8. 2muchfun

    Had my fill..Im at 5cc..and its TIGHT!

    PB=Productive Burp. It's when food gets stuck in your pouch or esophagus and you gently belch it up and spit it out. Vomiting is when you're sick from the flu or hangover and your stomach including the lower stomach below the band and the upper stomach convulse violently to expel all contents. This convulsion can tear the sutures from the stomach holding the band in place.
  9. I saw this too. It's a good news bad news story for me. I've had a big animal Protein diet for about 40 years. Now that I'm 65, it seems like it's recommended. So, what's going to kill me? My high protein diet for the last 40 years or will I now survive longer because not much has changed except the quantity? Fortunately, this is just one study.
  10. I don't, but I've read here often where people with allergies suffer from extra tightness in the stoma when they have their episodes.
  11. 2muchfun

    Had my fill..Im at 5cc..and its TIGHT!

    Manda offers good advice. And you're a lucky "chic" to have such a progressive doctor. Many doctors milk the system and the patients for every dime they can squeeze out of you with itty bitty fills for a year. Leftover chicken is nearly a nono for me unless I use some kind of aid like hollandaise sauce or salsa to help it slide through a little easier. Fresh chicken is OK sometimes, but it's the hardest meat for me to swallow. And be careful with throwing up? Hope you're just PBing and not a full blown hurling session? That can cause a slip more than anything. tmf
  12. 2muchfun


    Muscles that massage food through the stoma strengthen when you have the band. Before the band there was no restriction at all. Food just fell through the lower esophageal sphincter. With the band in place, it's harder for food to push through the band/stoma. This can enable those muscles to become a little stronger. It can appear your band is looser but in many cases it's not. Keep getting fills. It took me 6 fills to reach the green zone. I've had about 9 adjustments now. Band maintenance is important. BTW-Bread can cause insulin spikes that make you hungry an hour or two after consumption. How much Protein do you eat?
  13. 2muchfun


    I heard similar complaints. If they could only realize how many people die from obesity. Far, far more die from obesity and obesity related illnesses.
  14. 2muchfun

    First day post surgery

    Shouldn't hurt to sip a little. You were pumped with a lot of fluids during surgery so it's understandable. Thirst will return soon.
  15. 2muchfun

    Feeling Discouraged!

    As you progress you should only rely on shakes as a last resort. Shakes are a slider food and won't give you the satiety you need. Oatmeal is also a slider food. Yogurt, most fruits are slider foods. If satiety for longer times is your goal, you might want to eat more eggs, turkey sausage, 2 slices of bacon, egg beater omelettes for Breakfast. lunch is always difficult but it looks like you're on track there. dinner, try to eat Protein first and then the veggies. And by veggies, I mean broccoli, cauliflower, green Beans, brussell sprouts. Potatoes, squash and other starchy foods won't give you much satiety and the insulin spike they give you can cause you to be hungry much sooner. Not saying to not eat these, just in moderation after you've eaten protein. My advice would be for you to sit down with a WLS friendly nutritionist. I did about 4 months into this journey and the advice given was priceless. tmf
  16. 2muchfun

    Feeling Discouraged!

    6 fills for me before I reached the green zone. 55 lbs is very good so you're right on track there. How many calories do you consume a day? 60 g of Protein isn't very much. I agree with the nurse. What have you been eating?
  17. 2muchfun

    any loss of energy?

    Why would you lose energy? If you're 90 lbs lighter you would most likely have more energy if you're not dragging around the excess weight.
  18. It is. 4-8 weeks out for most docs.
  19. 2muchfun

    First fill today

    This video might help? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PBJziqgrQgk
  20. 2muchfun

    Sliders! Im out of control!

    40 lbs is great as long as it's fat lost and not muscle as Cheryl pointed out. My only advice is to stop buying chocolate and you won't be tempted. Very few of us fill our pantry's with bad foods as most of us do have serious food addictions and it's best to avoid temptation.
  21. 2muchfun

    First fill today

    Your doctor may feel that filling the band too quickly with more saline could cause too much stress to your fragile stomach. You have to trust they know what they're doing.
  22. My answer was na for about half the questions but wasn't given that option.
  23. 2muchfun


    If your doctor has cleared you for all solids, it's whatever your band dictates, and make no mistake about it, your band will tell you what it will accept. Just make sure you chew every bite to mush before swallowing. Most of us eat healthy foods and stay away from slider foods. But anything is fine as long as it's not overly processed foods like sugar, refined flour, instant anything.
  24. 2muchfun

    Tdap vaccine and stuck!

    Could be an immediate allergic reaction to the vaccine? Doesn't take much inflammation to cause your stoma to constrict and if you're not ready for it(not chewing enough yet) stuck is the obvious response. But, calling the doc is always a good idea!

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