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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by 2muchfun

  1. 2muchfun

    Depressed, discouraged. No Weight Loss, Hungry, Help!

    How are you at a 9.2cc in a 10cc band. I had my surgery in December 2013 and went in for my 2nd fill this past week. and she put in 5cc..I couldnt get anything except liquids down.So I went back in and had her take out 1cc to leave me at a 1cc. WOW..you probably cant eat anything.Impressive. Way to go! You mean you now have 4 cc right?
  2. 2muchfun


    Seems like the vast majority of videos are women eh? I opened a search on youtube and once I found one male video and clicked on it, other male videos surfaced. LOL...No offense to the women but men seem to focus on the numbers and less on the feelings part of the journey. Good luck. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hzkN3YcF4tY
  3. 2muchfun

    Depressed, discouraged. No Weight Loss, Hungry, Help!

    Yes, you are expecting too much. Listen up!! Your band will not help you at all till it's adjusted properly!! This is a process that can take up to 6 months to accomplish. If you're hungry, eat. Just try to make sure you're eating healthy foods and not slider foods or processed foods. No need to feel like you're starving. Until you get the fill/adjustment that gives you some restriction, this is just another diet.
  4. 2muchfun

    Could use some help

    Your story is a familiar one. Unfortunately many of us were led to believe the journey starts right after surgery but that's just not true. Your journey will not start till you get the adjustment that gives you the satiety you need to eat less food for longer periods of time. I've seen it where some of the lucky ones begin immediately after surgery and some who have waited a year to find the green zone or even enough restriction/satiety to limit their food intake. It took me 3 fills/adjustments and 4 months before my journey really took off. I was in "Bandster Hell" like you for nearly 4 months and it bites. But, like a painful kidney stone, the pain and anger is all in the past now. Good luck and be patient.
  5. 2muchfun

    Depressed, discouraged. No Weight Loss, Hungry, Help!

    Your story is a familiar one. Unfortunately many of us were led to believe the journey starts right after surgery but that's just not true. Your journey will not start till you get the adjustment that gives you the satiety you need to eat less food for longer periods of time. I've seen it where some of the lucky ones begin immediately after surgery and some who have waited a year to find the green zone or even enough restriction/satiety to limit their food intake. It took me 3 fills/adjustments and 4 months before my journey really took off. I was in "Bandster Hell" like you for nearly 4 months and it bites. But, like a painful kidney stone, the pain and anger is all in the past now. Good luck and be patient.
  6. Some doctors have punched holes in patients bodies and find out the liver is too swollen to operate. They just close you back up and reschedule or not. Time to fess up to your doctor. Don't go to the pain and expense of a false surgical alarm. It's definitely not too late and you're definitely not the first person to cheat on their pre-op diet.
  7. 2muchfun

    Converting to Sleeve

    Stroll on over to the sleeve side. They have a complete forum for band to sleeve.
  8. 2muchfun

    Left shoulder pain?

    Hyperactive valgus nerve maybe? The valgus nerve is the nerve system that runs many of our involuntary responses such as peristalsis, breathing etc. It's also the nerve in our stomach that communicates with the brain to tell us we've eaten enough(satiety). It does run up and over the left side of our bodies. Definitely something to discuss with your doctor asap. tmf
  9. 2muchfun

    Band date 3/18/14

    Being nervous is normal for anyone. So many fears from past dieting attempts can sabotage many plans. Good luck and check in when you're back from surgery. I'm sure you'll have questions?
  10. Yeah, liposuction is a Band-Aid where WLS is a commitment, a major commitment. Watch this video? Maybe it can help you decide. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3VmvWFu79Ik#t=99
  11. Welcome to the forum oh curiousone. I'm honored that one of your first posts targets me. 2nd one in the last 2 days. I'm popular like Justin Bieber I think? "the lapband IS going out of favor, around the world. That's not the OPs doing; that's the data presented and well known by many people who do these procedures and talk to us, though it is still being done, just not as much because of complications" Judging by your partisan comments I can see why you agree with DP. Unfortunately your conclusions(like DPs) are inaccurate. imo I really don't want to air it out here in public. I'd be glad to forward(message you)_other studies that refute DPs assertions and yours. But, I really don't think you can go wrong if you decide to go with the sleeve. The sleeve is one of the primary reasons the band sales have declined. And, it's also true that due to so much aftercare many doctors have opted to go with a surgery such as the sleeve to avoid costly office visits, band failures and patient compliance problems. Who can blame them? I highly recommend it. There's also the fiscal issue. Surgeons here in the states earn more for gastric sleeve surgery vs lapband surgery. The band has been around long enough that many surgical centers are offering the entire package for under $10K. Too bad we had to meet under these circumstances? You've certainly made an impression on me with your "reasoned response" to a thread that was pretty much dead by now. Good luck with what ever choice you select. tmf BTW-Most veteran WLS and especially bandsters would have understood the slide show DP chose not to include. Now please let this thread die a natural death.
  12. It sounds more like a slipped band to me. Vomiting with the band as you describe is a surefire way to blow out the sutures.
  13. 2muchfun


    Cereals are OK in moderation but they're high in carbs and if you add milk to them they become a slider food. Very high fiber foods include: Most all Beans 1 cup =around 15 g Peas Raspberries Blackberries Broccoli Pears Avacados
  14. " I'm still having issues PBing and not knowing what is going to affect my band, although it's down to once a week instead of the 2-3x." I'm not understanding your problem? You say you experience problems about once a week? Many of us would love to only have problems once a week. I'm far beyond just once a week. Sounds like the band life is not for you. I can't speak for anyone else but this is what it's like to have the band for me. Minor stuck episodes, PBing, some restricted foods, occasional gas and bloating are all part of having the band. Good luck with the removal. Hope it all works out for you.
  15. 2muchfun

    Have your cake and eat it too NOT

    "I love cake" one of my fav 70's show episodes. I've never been stuck on cake and I'm seldom around the stuff. For me, it's still dry meats and real sticky sushi. I LOVE CAKE: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OcxqdUZqt1s
  16. 2muchfun


    I never denigrated any of the WLS techniques. I simply pointed out a fact. And not calling anyone names doesn't get you off the hook for being rude and wrong.
  17. 2muchfun


    Seriously?? They must hand out those "host" badges to any newbie off the street if you really believe that placing a band around someone's stomach isn't less risky than removing their stomach and rerouting their intestines? And acquainting her friend to what I believe are the differences is what I would do. This is an open forum right, or are you the forum Nazi who gets to scold people you disagree with? And I stand by my statement that losing weight with the band is harder than losing with the sleeve or RNY? Chuckle all you want and if you want proof, I can produce. Although, I shouldn't have to since your one of the "Hosts" and supposedly wiser than most??
  18. 2muchfun

    No weightloss

    I lost 12 lbs the first two weeks and then nothing for the next 3.5 months. I started losing when I got my 3rd fill and some valuable advice from my nutritionist. It's really just basic math. Consume fewer calories than you burn and the fat melts away. I'm in Colorado and I get the exercise dilemma. I'm an avid cyclist and hate gyms. We do have some equipment in the house but it's so boring to use. Still use it sparingly but not as much as I could. Do you have any idea how many calories you consume a day? Many here track every bite going in with many different apps available. Keep getting fills till you feel the satiety to eat much less. tmf
  19. 2muchfun

    Tips for Surgery Day?

    Yes it does. Waste of time even taking it.
  20. 2muchfun

    Tips for Surgery Day?

    Make sure your current pain meds are not an nsaid? Most doctors don't allow nsaids as they can cause ulcers in the stomach and eventually erosion if taken for too long and too often.
  21. 2muchfun

    Band is coming out Tomorrow!

    That's because if you have a band you have other options if it doesn't work for you. If you have the sleeve or RNY your options are limited. All the WLS have their benefits and detractors.
  22. 2muchfun


    Your friend needs to be acquainted with the risks of both surgeries and that you made a less riskier choice with a less invasive surgery. Also, malabsorption issues with RNY are always a concern. The two surgeries are opposites of each other. RNY or Bypass is a forced way to absorb fewer calories. She has little choice unless she finds a way to eat around the surgery and it can and is done regularly. The band is more of a voluntary choice of consuming fewer calories by dimming the appetite. It takes a stronger person to succeed with the band. imo tmf
  23. 2muchfun

    Banded 3/5/14

    You're stomach has just been traumatized and there are a number of sutures holding the band in place. It's important to allow these sutures to heal before you start to consume real food. Keeping the stomach idle as much as possible aids in the healing. Putting food in your stomach causes the stomach to move around as it digests and moves food into your intestines. Follow your doctors orders so that you have a great outcome!!
  24. 2muchfun

    Something wrong

    Colds and stomach bugs can cause the lining in your stomach to swell. This can cause the stoma to shrink in size making it very difficult to swallow anything. If you're having problems swallowing fluids Cheryl is right, call your doctor so that you don't get dehydrated. Vomiting can cause a slip but if your only symptom is difficulty in swallowing slider foods, it may not be as drastic as a slip. I wouldn't wait. Call the Dr and you'll probably get an answering service but have him call you?
  25. 2muchfun

    Question about Hemp protein

    Living here in Denver, CO there's not a day goes by that the local media isn't obsessing about hemp or MJ or MJ sales or girl scout cookie sales near MJ outlets. But, hemp protein isn't something they've covered yet?

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
