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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by 2muchfun

  1. My opinion? It's just your body freaking out that you've stopped feeding it junk or carbs or sugar or whatever your vice is. Hunger is nauseating and right now your body thinks you're starving it. tmf
  2. Have you considered having all the Fluid removed to see if the band goes back to it's normal position? Do you have any idea why it slipped?
  3. 2muchfun

    Cookbook Recommendations

    Let me know when you find a bread substitute? I've been on and off Atkins for about 30 years now and there is none. We banders can eat a little bread. I choose to eat Oroweat thin breads with about 100 calories. But, most breads don't get along with our bands so, I may buy 2 loafs of bread a year. Quite a few people discuss Pinterest on our forum. http://www.pinterest.com/trentz/gastric-bypass-friendly-products-sites-recipes/
  4. 2muchfun

    research study Weight Gain

    That was painless.
  5. 2muchfun


    Yes. Anything there? If not, click on the report button at the bottom of this message and ask your question? On a PC I can email Alex but I can't on my Iphone. oops, click on my picture or yours and then you can report.
  6. 2muchfun

    A question for the fellas

    My wife is 5' 3" and weighed about 154 when I had surgery. She now weighs in at 133. She's eating different foods than I eat and most times she eats more. I have no problem with the smaller portions. I have no desire to eat more than what I put on my plate most times. Even if it's super delish, I might have one or two more bites. Anymore than that and I'm stuffed.
  7. I'll pretend you're going to my doctor. Dr Chae would just say, "Hey, life happens" and then advise you on how to turn it all around. Bariatric doctors know their patients and why and how we became obese. Especially if we've had other medical complications.
  8. 2muchfun

    Pain when drinking?

    Do you mean in the stomach area as in near your sternum or do you mean your actual stomach? Describe the pain?
  9. My takeaway for bandster's: "Every body is programmed differently and will have a slightly different metabolic rate. Some bodies will need to be fed more frequently than others" "You may have heard a ‘rule’ after weight loss surgery to eat only three (or less) meals per day. I strongly believe that there is no one rule that fits every person" Thank you for confirming my own personal belief. I think we bandster's get into this mindset that if we become hungry between meals or less than 4 hours, our bands are not tight enough and we're failing. Nothing could be further from the truth. Like you said, we all have different metabolisms. I believe that far too many people push the fills till they're too tight and doctors and nutritionists don't focus more on the satiety signals. jmo tmf
  10. 2muchfun

    Advice needed.

    I also took a look at Kuri's website. There's a lot of good information on his site. Great recipes.
  11. 2muchfun

    Advice needed.

    Watch those videos when you have time. Dr O'Brien has performed thousands of band surgeries and is one of the highest regarded doctors in his field.
  12. 2muchfun

    First headcold with my band

    Yes, illness causes our bodies to retain fluids so your stoma could be swollen. Of course, if you're a few days or weeks out of surgery, you could still have swelling. Sounds like restriction but not the good kind. When we talk about restriction, it's mostly the type of restriction that signals it's time to stop eating and not the dreaded "Stuck" episode straight ahead.
  13. 2muchfun

    Advice needed.

    Do not take any ibuprofen or aspirin. Tylenol only. Unless, your doctor states otherwise. Follow the post surgery food guidelines from Kuri and if there's a question, did they give you a toll free number? There's a nurse from his office who posts here occasionally and I believe they have a toll-free line to call?
  14. 2muchfun

    Advice needed.

    OK, I'm going to post some links you need to sit down read and watch so you don't make any mistakes. Making mistakes this early could jeopardize your surgery. If any of these protocols vary from what Kuri told you, you should use Kuri's methods/protocol. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qa3Lwt6ElIs&list=UL Part 1 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K4jYJipQ7vc part 2 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wbdhf44ZweI&feature=relmfu Part 3 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KF3TCKUn3YI Part 4 Gastric-Band-Patient-Manual.pdf
  15. 2muchfun

    Relying on Sliders - hungry all the time

    What does your surgeon say? Sure sounds like you're too tight? I've found with chicken and pork, I need some kind of sauce to help it slide through. Not to the point it's a slider food, but just enough to lube up the trip through. I can only eat tenderloin steak. Hamburger is no problem. I use salsa, hollandaise, gravy, BBQ sauce(sparingly), catsup, olive oil, salad dressing. Not always, but just those times when my band is a little tight or the food is a little dry. I went back a few month after I hit the green zone about 10 months out from surgery. I too thought I was too tight but it turns out I really never learned to eat slower with smaller bites. I had .5 taken out, but went back 5 months later and had it put back in. I'm at a stage where I could handle just a little fill but it's not going to happen. I'd rather be just shy of too tight and try to pay closer attention to the satiety signals. tmf
  16. 2muchfun


    Look in your message folder. Alex should have contacted you by now?
  17. 2muchfun

    A cautionary tale

    Just curious? Do you take ibuprofen or any other Nsaids?
  18. 2muchfun

    Can You Boil an Egg?

    I also make the "casserole" but I've always considered it a "Crustless Quiche". So many ways to go with this dish. If I'm going for a Southwest flavor, I add black Beans, corn, red peppers, jalapenos, onions. Or, if I feel like healthy choices, I'll add spinach, turkey sausage(or not) red bell peppers, mushrooms etc. Interesting way to cook eggs. I may try that. Here in Denver, boiling temp is closer to 180 so not sure if it works the same? And the tip to crack the egg? Gotta try that. tmf
  19. 2muchfun

    Scale wont budge

    I always recommend these two videos for people who have plateaued/stalled as you have. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PBJziqgrQgk http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ozt-V0PPJaw
  20. One of the life changing results for me was to open my eyes as to how I ate, how much I ate and foods I was eating. No wonder I was a fattie?
  21. 2muchfun

    A cautionary tale

    It's very unfortunate you had to experience a band erosion. Every seminar I went to, both doctors, all the literature, studies, forums, youtube, all document that band erosion is one of the complications that can happen with this type of surgery. Thanks for the heads up. I knew of this possibility before my surgery and pulled the trigger anyway. Less than 1% of band complications include band erosion. Slips and dilation are the major complications of band surgery and it's still under 10%. One would have to wear some very thick rose colored glasses to think that band surgery is without side effects these days. The information is out there now. Maybe not so much 7 years ago.
  22. Most docs, on the day of a fill, will have you on liquids for the next 24 hours and then mushies for another 24 hours. So, a fill on the same day you start solids is odd? X-Ray and fluoro are probably going to be the same. Some medical people just say X-ray. If you're getting filled with X-ray I see no problem. You have plenty of time to acclimate to the fill before you leave. You can always ask him to leave it a little loose? And, I agree with the NP. Waiting could be a good option too.
  23. Does he do fills under fluoroscopy or just traditional? Flying didn't affect my band at all. I suppose if it was an international flight I might find some discomfort but then I'd just be consuming liquids for a few hours so no big deal. I would recommend just following the doctors protocol. It's unlikely you'll find restriction with one fill but you never know. You're very early in your journey so you haven't learned how to eat with the band. You may know the details, but you haven't walked the walk yet. Eating like a Bandster is not something that we overeaters conform to right away. It can take months and even years to develop good eating habits. Getting stuck on vacation could make for a shortened vacation or an expensive trip to the ER. tmf

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