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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by 2muchfun

  1. 2muchfun

    feeling fedup , weightloss static ,

    I'm confused? You said above: "no pouch as no restriction , half ml fill put in upper pouch formed" So, you do or do not have a pouch? I see many posts similar to yours. It's hard to advise without knowing what a typical day's food intake would be? Don't sugarcoat it. Can you briefly state what foods you eat for all 3 meals on a typical day? Many doctors and patients believe the tighter the band, the better. IMO, that's just not going to work for many patients. Look forward to your reply? tmf
  2. 2muchfun

    Weight Loss Stall

    Terri, I agree, it's a good way to clean out your system and start anew. I like to use the 5-day pouch test. http://www.5daypouchtest.com/ I can drop a quick 3-5 lbs and start anew in 5 days. It's not too painful and works. It's designed for Bypass patients and not banders so don't let the pouch term fool you. This 5 day test is a real shocker for your system and like I said before, we need it sometimes.
  3. 2muchfun

    Weight Loss Stall

    How long has it stalled? I agree with Cheryl. Mix it up. Exercise and diet sometimes needs a shake-up. If you lost 2 lbs in one day it's probably not fat, it's fluids you're losing even if you're consuming fluids. I'm not a big fan of liquid diets. It's like not being banded. You're not using the tool at all. The scale may dip for a few days but once you go back to solids, the weight will come back. Are you exercising? Put in some serious exercise and do it consistently if you want to drop some fat. Just remember, you have to burn 3500 more calories than you consume to burn off 1 lb of fat. I've seen many folks here say they were successful in kicking aside their stall/plateau by upping their Protein intake. And, I mean solid Proteins.
  4. 2muchfun

    Hair loss with band vs. sleeve

    Mentalist stunk on Sunday eh? Usually quite good though. Wonder if and where it will end up at seasons end?
  5. I don't know how many CCs in my band. I try to look at my daily caloric input this way. I have 1500 calories to play with. Guys have higher calorie numbers so if you take about 200-400 off my figures you should be fine. I split it up this way. 300-350 Breakfast. 300-400 lunch. 400-500 dinner. I have two Snacks a day at around 80 each. That adds up to about 1400. I exercise 3-5 days a week and when the weather permits 5-6 times a week. My calorie intake consists of about 60% protein, 15% carbs, 15% veggies and 10% fats. My take on the green zone and tightness is, everyone will have a different version of the green zone. Some are comfortable with a super tight band that dictates food inputs that give satiety very quickly and for long periods of time. Sometimes beyond one meal. This may work for some but I found I couldn't live like that. Too many stuck episodes for me and it limited some of the foods I enjoy and want to eat. Overly filled bands seem to be the cause of most of the band complications reported on this forum. Tight bands can cause erosion, dilation, slips and dysphagia. Who's to say a band is too tight? This is an individual preference imo. Fast weight loss and thinness are like an aphrodisiac to some people and push the limits of the band too far, imo. The quick transformation from a lifetime of obesity to immediate "Thinly Hot" can be euphoric. Don't let it hook you. Pay attention to the signals. Also, I believe that many doctors and nutritionists push this 4-5 hours of satiety between meals and it's just not attainable to some of us. How about, 2-3 hours of satiety with a band friendly snack in-between? Finally, pay attention to the satiety signals. Full, stuffed feelings are not required. Look for the hiccup, the cough, runny nose, pressure under your sternum and burps that signal you've eaten enough. Sorry for the rant. tmf
  6. 2muchfun

    2 yrs in, no weight loss!

    Yeah, we need more info? Daily diet routine? What are you eating? Slider foods? Stuck episodes? Do you track calories? Do you have any restriction and how many fills? How many times to your surgeon? Nutritionist? Who and where is your surgeon? Mexico, U.S. Abroad? Have you ever lost any weight? Can you eat anything? Does your band dictate what foods it likes or dislikes? tmf
  7. Ask: Do you have a pamphlet or manual on how this all works and how far out it goes? What will my pre-op and post-op diets look like? How often do you fill? Do you do fills under fluoroscopy? Do you have a 24 hour emergency line to call? Can I email you with questions?(BOTH ARE VERY IMPORTANT!) What % of your practice is lap-band and is there a failure or complication rate you can share? Is there a cost for fills? Do you offer any free fills? (my doctor is lifetime fills free) It's hard to say which is more important? Surgery or aftercare? Bad post surgical care can cause your experience to fail. Make sure this is the guy/gal you want to crawl into bed with forever. It's a marriage not a fling. tmf
  8. The feeling of being thin is as much an aphrodisiac as food can be. Unfortunately, for those of us who are banded, the consequences can be erosion, dilation and possible band failure. BTW-My doctor had a family doc in his office two years ago and he was training the doctor on fills. Made me nervous but I've never seen the family doc since. Whew, dodged a bullet!
  9. Awful lot? Possibly about 9% have a revision of some sort.
  10. Sadly, tight bands seem to be the root of so many slips, dilations, failures and erosions. It's my opinion that all surgeons should offer a once a year or two years check up with barium swallow to make sure the pipes are working correctly. I don't know how long you went between surgeon visits but I see people post all the time who have gone years and years without a checkup. Not your fault, you got in on the ground floor before much of this was known. Hope it works for you.
  11. Because they "can" have it removed is why many chose the band.
  12. 2muchfun


    Egg drop soup is very satisfying and has lots of protein.
  13. Click on the "REPORT" button at the bottom of your post and ask them to de-activate your Acct.
  14. 2muchfun

    First fill?

    Most all doctors prefer 4-6 weeks for the first fill. Filling the band so soon might cause the sutures to be compromised as the pouch struggles to push food through the stoma? A fill can also increase the likelihood of a stuck episode which also isn't good for new sutures. You're in Bandster Hell till you get enough fills to feel some longer term satiety. Till then it's just another diet. Sorry. tmf
  15. You posted only on the lapband forum again. Go here and post your topic. That way many more may see it? http://www.bariatricpal.com/forum/989-general-weight-loss-surgery-discussions/
  16. 2muchfun

    Day 4 post banding.

    LOL..Good to see someone so soon out of surgery who isn't ready to slit her wrists Keep the attitude!!
  17. 2muchfun

    3rd Fill Today

    Two factors for the scale to move down! 1. You'll need to eat fewer calories than you burn. Do you track calories? Find one of the calculators like this one http://www.caloriesperhour.com/index_burn.php and know what your BMR is. Exercise more to lose more weight. 2. Is your band adjusted so you're in the green zone. 3 months till your next fill could be too far out? Maybe your doctor will allow a visit sooner if you're not feeling satiety with less food. The band won't stop you from eating too much food but it will dim your hunger and make you satisfied with less food. How much less will be determined by how much restriction/tightness you have and if you follow your doctors protocol for eating with your band. Good luck.
  18. Nausea is quite common for up to 2 weeks post surgery. But, most of us were not allowed to eat eggs, oatmeal for about 10-14 days post op? Maybe it's a little too soon for real food? Most of us were on shakes, liquids, tomato soups? Are you taking your nausea meds?
  19. 2muchfun

    Feeling hungry whenever I drink anything

    IMO, only a nutritionist would understand why washing out your pouch would cause hunger? Of course it would be nice to see if someone else on the forum has ever experienced this? I'd recommend you start a new topic with the same topic wording, but post it under the general weight loss forum. That way, you'll expose your post to all WLS members? Maybe it has nothing to do with the band and your pouch? It sure puzzles me. tmf
  20. 2muchfun

    Checking my weight

    I weigh twice a day. Morning and night. Fluctuations don't bother me. I like to make sure the food I'm eating isn't taking me down the wrong road. Many people can't deal with the daily fluctuations. Losing weight is not a linear path. Our weight can go up one day or week and then come down the next. Our weight isn't only fat. It's mostly fluids, so Fluid retention factors into our weight. I agree that it's important to take your measurements before surgery. I never did but wish I would have. It's especially important if you don't weigh often as I do. We see so many frustrated members who have stalled for a month or two on the scale but their clothes are fitting looser. Muscle replaces fat if you're exercising. Muscle takes up less space than fat. tmf
  21. 2muchfun

    Today marks 7 years

    You might want to edit this from your original post since you don't have the sleeve? "So I've disciplined myself to follow the directions I got on day 1 of getting my sleeve... Mainly eating slowly, small bites, etc."
  22. 2muchfun

    Today marks 7 years

    "So I've disciplined myself to follow the directions I got on day 1 of getting my sleeve" Josie, so you did or did not get the sleeve? When are you posting pics?
  23. 2muchfun

    pre-op diet

    Some require no weight loss. The reasoning behind the pre-op diet is to shrink your liver. Usually it equates to losing some weight but not always. I think a doctor would assume you're abiding by the pre-op diet if you do lose a few lbs. If not, they may not do the surgery since your liver could be too big. Ask your doctor?
  24. 2muchfun

    Feeling hungry whenever I drink anything

    This is the first time I've seen this complaint? Why do you have a hard time getting all your liquids in? Do you not drink because it makes you hungry? What about your restriction? Do you ever get stuck? One more! Have you spoken to a nutritionist? A good bariatric nutritionist may have seen something like this and could advise you?

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