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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by 2muchfun

  1. 2muchfun

    Starting my pre-op diet tomorrow

    Well congrats. Hope you keep this attitude 5 days into your pre-op diet
  2. There is no answer to your question. There is no normal or predictable path or journey for any of us. Some people plateau right after surgery, never go back for adjustments and end up failing. Others, never plateau, they just go to their goal and begin maintenance. Sorry, I don't think you'll find an answer to your question as there is none. tmf
  3. 2muchfun

    Help, lunch ideas!

    When I feel like a sandwich I'll toast an oroweat flatbread add some lite mayo with deli sliced turkey(smoked mesquite) and a slice of pepper jack cheese. Sometime I'll add a slice of red bell pepper to it. I cook a lot of food when I cook so I lean on leftovers a lot. Stuffed peppers, salmon cakes, stir fry chicken and hamburger patties are my favs. Other lunch ideas are chicken salad, tuna salad. Also, I had a smart ones for lunch today and I also eat a Progresso Soup once a week or so. But I agree with you, it's difficult to think of good lunch choices especially when you're cooking or making lunch for just one.
  4. 2muchfun

    Help, lunch ideas!

    Is this for taking to work or do you eat lunch at home?
  5. 2muchfun

    I'm GREEN..... I'm GREEN at last!

    Shana, we've had similar journeys. I lost 12 lbs right after surgery and then nothing for the next 3.5 months. It wasn't till my 3rd fill, 4 months out of surgery that I finally started to feel some restriction/satiety with the band. My surgeon was cautious too, maybe not as cautious as yours but it can happen with your next fill. If not, you need to press him a little?
  6. 2muchfun

    Dr. Oz

    This episode doesn't run here till 4 pm and I'm also recording it. There was an article on his website from Dr. George Fielding that speaks positively on the band. http://www.doctoroz.com/videos/latest-lap-band
  7. If you go to the top or bottom of this page on a PC, click on the surgeon button and search for surgeons in your area. Check out their websites and go to as many seminars as you can so that you find the doctor you can feel comfortable with. When you visit the office pay attention to how the staff behaves and how they treat you. Aftercare is as important as the surgery itself and you don't want to get stuck with a group that's going to treat you like you're a bother. Check out some of the support group meetings before you have surgery. Some doctors are backing off of the band so if it's the band you want, you're going to have to screen your doctors well. Keep reading this site. Good luck.
  8. 2muchfun

    Just want to VENT!

    First, your weight will fluctuate every day. It does for everyone. It can go up or down 3-4 lbs depending on factors such as sodium intake, carb intake, Water intake, TOM, stress, illness, exercise and so on. This fluctuation is simply your body regulating itself with fluids. It's not like you gain fat or lose fat, you retain or excrete liquids. Do you track your body measurements lost or gained? If you're exercising as much as you say, you're probably losing fat but replacing fat with muscle. Do your clothes fit differently? Watch this video, it explains a lot: http://youtu.be/PBJziqgrQgk
  9. 2muchfun

    I'm new here

    If you go to youtube you can see actual fills and watch the entire process. Search for lapband fills. There are no foods to avoid except the obvious stuff like pop, ice cream, sweets/sugars, nachos and chips, fried foods. Each of us develop a list of foods that are difficult to eat such as leftover chicken, beef and bread but I can eat all of them if I eat small enough and chew a lot.
  10. 2muchfun


    You're in bandster hell. This is a difficult time for newly banded patients. I was in BH for nearly 4 months. Don't beat yourself up. Few of us made it through this phase without slipping up a few times. This is just a diet till you get the fill that gives you restriction.
  11. 2muchfun

    lap band

    You're posting on it and way to go That's incredible! How'd you do it? We want and need to know?
  12. 2muchfun

    I'm new here

    For me, it's like a painless pinch. No biggie. I skip lunch but eat a normal breakfast. My fills are usually late afternoon so I just make sure there's no big meal in my stomach. Most docs will require you be on liquids for 24-48 hours before you shift to solids or mushies. I didn't feel any restriction or extra satiety after my first two fills. Many people don't feel any difference their first 2-3 fills. Don't sweat it. It's really anti-climactic.
  13. 2muchfun

    I'm new here

    For me, it's like a painless pinch. No biggie. I skip lunch but eat a normal Breakfast. My fills are usually late afternoon so I just make sure there's no big meal in my stomach. Most docs will require you be on liquids for 24-48 hours before you shift to solids or mushies. I didn't feel any restriction or extra satiety after my first two fills. Many people don't feel any difference their first 2-3 fills. Don't sweat it. It's really anti-climactic.
  14. 2muchfun

    Banded or sleeved?

    My BMI was around 37 so I went with the band. I just wasn't ready for someone to remove 85% of my stomach. But, I do envy the weight loss success sleevers achieve. And to be honest, there are more issues with the band than the sleeve so far. I think it's a personal decision and you have to be more disciplined with the band because the other WLS will restrict how much you eat where the band, for most of us, only dims our appetites and we have to exercise more will power. tmf
  15. 2muchfun

    Zuccini Chips- 2 ways

    And don't forget to dip them in some of that yogurt dip?
  16. 2muchfun

    Almost to 3 weeks post op!

    Did he use the word full or till you're no longer hungry(satiety)? We try to not eat till we're full. That's how the band works. We eat till we're no longer hungry. If you eat till you get that old "Full" feeling, you've eaten too much. I remember eating till I was full prior to the band and it was a lot of food. The band won't stop you from eating too much food. The band creates a small pouch near the esophagus but the stomach is still below the band and can still hold 32 ozs or more of food. If you eat till you get that full feeling, you may be filling your lower stomach with too much food. It's reverting to our programmed eating habits. We try to look for soft satiety signals such as hiccups, burps, runny nose. These are signals we've eaten enough. Of course, losing the hunger feeling is also a satiety signal that it's time to put the fork down and stop eating. You're probably too early in your journey to be feeling these signals but in time they will come. Just be aware that you should seek to eat till you're no longer hungry. If that's 4 ozs or 8 ozs, you're doing great. If it's more than that, the band isn't adjusted properly just yet. tmf
  17. I had BCBS Anthem. BCBS is all over the place with requirements. Mine used to make us do the 6 months of supervised nutritionist/dietician visits but 5 months in, they waived this requirement. But every state and every employer will have a different set of rules. Make sure you're logged in to your own personal profile with BCBS to check your personal guidelines.
  18. 2muchfun

    1 month and 3 days out

    Your band won't work it's magic till you get the fill/adjustment that gives you the satiety/restriction you'll need to eat less food with no hunger for 3-4 hours. Till then it's just another diet. Sorry, but you're one of many of were not told how this all works. It could take several fills before your journey starts. tmf
  19. Does your insurance require the "Failed diet attempts" or is this something you read somewhere? For me, I initially needed to document through my PCP that I had made attempts at losing weight in the past with no success. Then, after I did this the insurance company waived the entire requirement for all patients. Check with your ins co?
  20. 2muchfun

    Getting ready to start

    How many years ago?
  21. 2muchfun

    Almost to 3 weeks post op!

    You should have received a manual or protocol during your orientation or nutrition class? Each doctor is different. Mine said 8 ozs or less per meal. Protein first.
  22. Do you know that the band is exacerbating your gastritis? Did you have any symptoms prior to being banded or have you had these symptoms before? You could have your band removed and still suffer from gastritis? It could be simply a coincidence it inflamed now or it could be the band has irritated the lining of your stomach and may need to be removed?
  23. 2muchfun

    Jaw Pain

    Never! I've never seen anyone post jaw pain here before? Is it the lower jaw or upper jaw? Is it near the TMJ? Could be you're chewing so much your muscles are fatigued or you have some TMJ issues?
  24. 2muchfun

    What the heck!

    Veronica, I haven't seen you post before but I checked out your gallery and you've done so well and you're beautiful. Way to go girl!!
  25. 2muchfun

    Pain in my tunmy

    Your band is near the middle, just under your sternum and maybe a little left of center. Anything lower could be kidneys or maybe gallbladder?

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
