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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by 2muchfun

  1. 2muchfun

    Got my band on June 16th

    Something that dawned on me today was this. I've been doing a 500 calorie fast 3 days a week and I've rediscovered what it feels like to be truly hungry. There's a big difference between hunger and cravings. Those cravings we have for Dr. Pepper, chips, ice cream, Cookies are not the same hunger cravings we have when we're truly hungry. My point is this. Remember what it feels like to be hungry, very hungry and use that memory as a tool when those 9 pm blues are whispering "microwave popcorn is so easy"!!
  2. 2muchfun

    First "STUCK" RIGHT NOW!

    Time is your best weapon for stuck episodes. Most all stuck episodes last only 30-60 minutes. Drinking anything only adds pressure to your esophagus and pouch and that is painful. Just remember to slow down and chew.
  3. 2muchfun

    band size..

    If your surgeon is putting in an Allergan band he will have both sizes available. He/she wont make a decision as to the size until he/she sees your stomach. The shape and lining thickness of the upper part of your stomach will help determine the size.
  4. 2muchfun

    am i bulimic

    You may be correct but bulimic people can regurgitate on command and it's not food from the esophagus. You're assuming but only a professional or M.D. can know.
  5. 2muchfun

    Could it be time for another fill?

    Stalls, plateaus and larger portions are not the only signs you need a fill? We all go through periods of time where we plateau. How long is your stall? A true stall should be longer than 30 days(my opinion). Sign you need a fill is, satiety lasting less than 3-4 hours. Cravings are not a sign of lack of satiety. Cravings for sugar, carbs, fast food or fatty foods is just old eating demons that may never go away. Eating larger portions can be you dropping your guard with satiety signal awareness? It can happen so easily when we're on vacation, parties, holidays and placing ourselves in a tight spot like a meeting at a Chinese buffet(my personal kryptonite). So, ask yourself this. Am I paying attention to the soft stop signals, am I hungry(truly hungry) after 3 hours, is my band now so tight I often have stuck episodes with sliming and am I following the basic band eating routine of Proteins first? Too often we blame the band for stalls and lack of weight loss when in fact, it's our own behavior that is the problem. I'm not saying this is you, but, getting a fill that is too tight can cause grave issues for your stomach and esophagus. tmf
  6. 2muchfun

    am i bulimic

    No and you should really consult with your surgeon and nutritionist about this? Why bend over the toilet if you know you're going to vomit? You know what the stomach acid is doing to your esophagus and teeth don't you? If you're doing this 98% of the time and expedite it by bending over the toilet, you need to speak to a professional?
  7. 2muchfun

    pre open diet?

    Your doctor may require you go on a pre-op diet to shrink your liver. A swollen liver makes access to the stomach very difficult
  8. Many of us were able to eat as before surgery. Till your band is adjusted it's just another diet. Going back to liquids serves no purpose. Use this time to fill up on healthy food. Protein first then veggies.
  9. 2muchfun


    I'm familiar with two types. Hard-tail and Soft-tail. Hard-tail is your standard bike that most folks ride. Shocks in the front only. Soft-tail has shocks in front and back. There are many different soft-tail configurations. I don't own one, but I'd like to. Not sure how much I'd ride it. At 66/yrs, not sure the old body could handle all the shock and awe some of the rocky trails have? Components should be very important. I like Shimano Deore XT for the derailleurs but I'm sure there are others that are just as competitive. You can probably pick up a decent new bike for $1K and a used one for half that? Of course, you need somewhere to ride? Here in Colorado and in Utah, the trails are endless. And I agree with Terry, Moab is a mtn bikers dream destination.
  10. Goulash is a slider food and will slide right through the band. Believe me, if you were to stretch your pouch in one sitting, the pain would be unbearable. Remember, your stomach is still there and can still inflate to where it was before surgery. The band won't stop you from overeating if that's what you want to do. As long as you eat foods that slide through the band, you can eat cups and cups of food. It's the solid foods like animal Protein and bread that take time to find their way through the band. And the amount of carbs and salt you consumed will cause you to retain fluids, so most of that 4 lbs is mostly Water retention.
  11. Relax! No harm no foul. Just get back on the bandwagon. Most all of us have fallen several times and it's no biggy. Now if you're eating 4 cups of steak or chicken I might be worried? What have you been eating? Most bad foods are sliders so no harm to your pouch.
  12. 2muchfun

    3 month out and i need my first fill

    Nothing to fear. It's like being pinched by a 3 year old.
  13. 2muchfun


    Whew! X fingers and live life to it's fullest Terry.
  14. 2muchfun

    Green Zone-How does yours feel?

    Nearly the same and I'm fine with it. I'm sure I could be tighter but I don't want the stress of facing too many stuck/sliming episodes. I can usually eat Breakfast just fine and I don't want to rely on shakes for my meals. I know I can lose faster if I bite the bullet and go for tighter, but I'm content to take my sweet time getting there just like it is. tmf
  15. 2muchfun

    Struggling drinking with meals

    Don't pour the glass. BTW-If you can wait 1-2 minutes after each bite to drink, your food should already pass through the stoma. It's drinking to wash food down so you can grab another bite that's the problem. I seldom drink while eating but occasionally I do. But I try to wait one minute after I swallow before I do and try to never wash food down with fluids unless I'm eating leftovers that can be very dry. Watch this video and pay attention around the 2:00 minute mark. But obey your own doctors protocol if you can? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZZCE8pGJHG4
  16. 2muchfun


    Sure sounds like it. Some of us prefer our bands a little on the loose side, I do. Some like it tight. But, be careful if you go for tight? Now's the time to look for all those soft satiety signals and it sounds like you're feeling them now. Your most recent adjustment could settle in just as it is or, get a little tighter or looser. 2 weeks will tell. Also, your esophagus and stomach become more efficient machines in massaging food through the stoma which can give off the appearance of your band loosening up when in fact the muscles that control peristalsis are gaining strength.
  17. 2muchfun


    Optimistic answer is that you're just swollen. Full blown vomiting causes the stomach to violently regurgitate food in the lower stomach up through the stoma/band. The hole is too small to accommodate a lot of Fluid or undigested food to pass. This can irritate the stomach lining at the stoma to the point of total to nearly total closure. Pessimistic answer is the vomiting caused your band to slip. Your lower stomach may have crawled up through the band causing the band to slip lower onto your stomach. Either way, you need to see your surgeon and possibly an ER visit if the pain increases or you can no longer swallow fluids. If you get to the point of not being able to swallow Water, try chewing on ice chips. The cold helps reduce swelling and you get the benefit of being able to consume some water. Sorry. tmf
  18. 2muchfun

    I had a Lap-Band over Bypass. Big mistake!

    Pink is right. A slipped band can cause the blood flow to your stomach to stop, causing parts of the stomach to die. A necrotic stomach or pouch would have to be removed and you would have no pouch or stomach left to digest food. I would imagine your dysfunctional stomach might still be operative but why chance it? Go to the ER or call your doctor now. tmf
  19. 2muchfun

    New bandee

    Walking helps. Heating pad on your shoulder help to relieve gas pains I'm told. Someone said that karate chops to your shoulders helps too? Sorry, I had very little pain post op so I'm just mimicking what others have said.
  20. 2muchfun

    Confused 2

    Yes there have been complications with some patients. All WLS have complications. Dilating ones esophagus is rare and usually happens if one continues to eat beyond being satisfied or even full. But you can't turn your esophagus into a stomach. The esophagus is not an organ like the stomach. She may have continued to stuff her face with food beyond what her pouch and band could tolerate? Most of us can eat most foods. There are some meats and foods that can be difficult to get past the band. Tonight I had salmon and I overcooked it till it was very dry. My band did not like this and it took 30 minutes to eat about 3 ozs. I finally gave up as I was no longer hungry. Dry meats are hard to eat for most of us. Stevia, saccharin or most any no cal sweetener is OK. Sugar is OK too but sugar is empty calories. No nutrition and can cause insulin spikes that bring on more hunger. Obey your doctors orders and you'll be fine on the other side. tmf
  21. 2muchfun

    what i'm eating

    OMG, I do the same but never really thought about it this way? It's sort of fun to actually take food back to the kitchen and store it in the fridge as a leftover. Never had to do that before surgery. I'm always showing my wife my half full plate begging her to eat the rest. Fortunately she always says no(unless it's tenderloin steak). I never thought that I was showing off how little I eat now. Love it!
  22. 2muchfun

    what i'm eating

    The band will tell you when you've eaten enough once it's adjusted properly. And you'll need to look for the soft stop signals like burping, hiccups, sighs, runny nose etc. Of course, feeling like you've eaten enough is the big signal, or, when a meal begins to look unappetizing is a good time to stop. You're in the beginning stages now so you can probably eat much more but that doesn't mean you should. Until your band is adjusted this is just a diet and my recommendation is to try to eat healthy but try not to feel deprived. Your picture seems a little anemic. Looks like 1/3 cup of brisket? That's fine if you're feeling satisfied. If not, maybe a little more. And there's no reason not to eat bread and potato salad unless you're trying to avoid carbs? This shouldn't be about dieting or feeling hunger and deprivation. There are some members here who weigh and measure every bite they eat. I'm not one of them and they may have a different take on this. tmf
  23. 2muchfun

    First fill help!?

    Good advice. Athletic trainers use this technique for reducing inflammation on muscle groups. They even have machines they call icy/hot machines that alternate every 15-20 minutes cold and hot Water running though hoses and wrapped around a leg or shoulder.
  24. 2muchfun


    Congrats and you're so right. Most of us just need a little help with holding back those eating demons that lurk around every kitchen, pantry as we drive by the burger/shake place and seem to taunt us with promises of soothing our pain while they slowly take away our health. Wow, that got dark quick? LOL No really, we just need that little boost to not be hungry all the time. tmf

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